The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 2078 It was the devil wolf king who took the initiative to provoke

Chapter 2078 It was the devil wolf king who took the initiative to provoke

"Lord Lucifer, what shall we do?"

Although there is still some distance to the demon wolves approaching here because of the voice of the demon wolf king, even if the distance is far away, they can still feel the pressure from the demon wolves.

The number of demon wolves running here is definitely not a small number.

Looking at the shaking ground, it is preliminarily calculated that the number of demon wolves coming here is at least a hundred.

Hundreds of magic wolves is not a small number. I only have five including Lucifer on my side, and the seraphim is a little panicked.

"If you kill the Demon Wolf King, the Demon Wolf Clan will not let you go."

"You will all die under the claws of the demon wolf today, and die under the wrath of the demon wolf."

"Lucifer, fallen angels, it is impossible for you to leave here alive today, it is impossible..."

Sensing the arrival of the clansmen, the demon wolf guards began to shout.

The demon wolf king is dead, and they, as the guards of the demon wolf, are the most angry and ashamed.

As personal guards, but unable to protect the Demon Wolf King, this is their dereliction of duty.

"What are you afraid of, it's just a pack of demon wolves."

"If I didn't want to make things too big, how could I pay attention to a small group of hundreds of demon wolves."

"Quickly resolve the battle, kill them all, and get out of here!"

Although Lucifer's face was ugly, his mind was not dull.

While speaking, he had already rushed towards a demon wolf guard.

The Doomsday Judgment was raised and lowered, and the head of the demon wolf guard was chopped off by him.

Seeing Lucifer who had rushed towards the other demon wolf guards, the four seraphs reacted and quickly rushed towards the remaining demon wolf guards.

In the battle just now, two demon wolf guards had already died in the hands of the fallen angels.

Lucifer killed two more with his own hands, and now there are only six magic wolf guards left.

And their combat effectiveness, after a big battle, is not as good as before.

Under the attack of Lucifer and the four seraphim fallen angels, the six magic wolf guards were all killed before they saw the rushing clansmen.

"Boom boom boom..."


All the demon wolf guards were killed, and the ground shook even more violently.

There was a sound like an earthquake, and there were wolf howls.

The demon wolves who came here are less than a kilometer away from here.

The distance of a kilometer is nothing more than a matter of running several times.

"The matter cannot continue to expand, otherwise we will not be able to explain it."

"Quick, dig out all their hearts, quick!"

Lucifer had no intention of declaring war with the demon wolves, so it was impossible for him to kill all the demon wolves who came.

While urging the fallen angels to collect the heart of the wolf guard, Lucifer dug out the heart of the wolf king.

After Lucifer and the four fallen angels dug out all the hearts of the Demon Wolf King and the Demon Wolf Guards, their bodies quickly flew into the air.

When they reached the sky, their bodies were hidden in a dark cloud.

They saw that one by one demon wolves rushed towards them. As the demon wolves charged forward, countless trees were broken by them.

This attitude of ignoring everything can also show how eager they are.

But when they got here, it was already too late.

The devil wolf king and the devil wolf guards are all dead, and their hearts have been dug out.

"Oh wow..."

"Oh woo... oh woo... oh woo..."

Looking at the corpse in front of them, the demon wolves looked up to the sky angrily and screamed.

"Lord Lucifer, even if we hid, they must be able to find clues from the fight, knowing that we killed the demon wolf king and the demon wolf guards."

"Yes, Lord Lucifer, shall we rush down now and kill all these demon wolves?"

"Yes, these demon wolves will definitely retaliate, we should kill them first."

"Lord Lucifer, please give an order. These demon wolves are not strong enough, and they don't have the command of the demon wolf king. With your strength and the four of us, we can kill them..."

Seeing hundreds of demon wolves howling up to the sky, the four fallen angels looked anxiously at Lucifer.

They started to think about the consequences at this time, why didn't they think so much just now.

"I can't go down, that's all for today."

"Remember, what happened today was provoked by the Demon Wolf King, and they were the ones who started it first. No matter what others ask later, you must say so."

"Anyone who dares to speak nonsense, I will kill him!"

Lucifer provoked the Demon Wolf Clan just because he agreed to Ji Yang.

But until now, Lucifer still has an excuse to explain what happened today.

But once all the demon wolves below are killed, the matter will become a big mess, and it will be troublesome to explain it.

So Lucifer, absolutely cannot do this.

"Follow Lord Lucifer."

There was killing intent in Lucifer's eyes, and the hearts of the four seraphim fallen angels trembled.

Their fear of Lucifer is greater than that of the demon wolves combined.

"let's go!"

Regardless of whether it was because of admiration or fear, since the four seraphs agreed, Lucifer did not plan to stay here any longer.

He wants to give the heart of the Demon Wolf King to Ji Yang, and then take the initiative to find Satan.

There are some things that he should talk to Satan about.

And only when Satan comes forward in person, can the hatred between Lucifer and the Demon Wolf Clan subside temporarily.

Otherwise, if the demon wolves come to the door first, it will be an irreversible fierce battle.

At that time, no matter whether it is the fallen angel or the demon wolf family, the loss will not be small.

Lucifer didn't want to see such a loss.

On the ground, the demon wolves were still screaming, and at the same time they were looking for clues based on the traces of the battlefield, looking for the murderer who killed the demon wolf king.

And as the murderer Lucifer and the four seraphim fallen angels flew away as well.

In the mortal world at this time, Ji Yang was pacing back and forth in the room.

He was waiting for Lucifer's WeChat, but after waiting for a long time, he did not see Lucifer's WeChat.

"Ding dong!"

"Ji Yang, Lucifer sent us a WeChat message."

When a WeChat notification sounded, the little dragon girl with a mobile phone in her hand yelled at Ji Yang.

"Give me the phone quickly."

"Lucifer succeeded, he got the heart of the Demon Wolf King, that's great."

Anxiously taking the phone from Xiaolongnv, Ji Yang quickly clicked on WeChat.

When he saw Lucifer's WeChat, he shouted excitedly.

After all, my waiting was not in vain. The WeChat message from Lucifer is good news.

"Lucifer, give me the heart of the Demon Wolf King."

Knowing that Lucifer got the heart of the Demon Wolf King, Ji Yang was really rude, and directly sent a WeChat to ask for it.

"I said you boy, have you forgotten what I told you, the heart of the Demon Wolf King is not given to you for nothing."

"This time, I not only got the heart of the demon wolf king, but also the hearts of ten demon wolf guards. I can give you all of these, but you should also express it."

"In order to get these hearts, I risked the possibility of a fierce battle between the fallen angels and the demon wolves."

It's just that Ji Yang asked for it simply, but Lucifer didn't mean to give it to him directly...

(End of this chapter)

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