The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 209 I must have been recruited

Chapter 209 I must have been recruited (one more)
Throwing Sang En out of the car, Ji Yang jumped out of the car following him.

The moment Ji Yang jumped out of the car, a gust of wind flew past his ears.

This is a big centipede with the thickness of a finger and a length of more than ten centimeters. The whole body of the big centipede is blood red, and it looks very scary.

Using such a centipede as a dart, Ji Yang secretly scolded the other party for being abnormal.

The big centipede was dodged by Ji Yang and fell into the car. Seeing that there was no target to attack, he crawled out of the car by himself.

But as soon as the big centipede climbed out of the car, Ji Yang stepped on it, crushing the big centipede to pieces.

This big centipede is not an ordinary thing at first glance. If it is allowed to run away like this, someone will definitely suffer.

At the same time, Ji Yang also saw that Sang En, who was kicked out of the car by himself before, was being grabbed by a thin, dark-skinned old man.

"Sann, how dare you betray me?"

This old man is Master Pan. Master Pan narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Sang En, and said in a hoarse and cold voice.

"Master Pan, I was also forced, please let me go."

Sang En has experienced the horror of Ji Yang, and Sang En also understands the horror of Master Pan.

Seeing Master Pan's obviously angry face, Sang En didn't hurry to beg for mercy.

It's just that Sang En's begging for mercy is doomed to be useless, Master Pan didn't even say a word, and pulled Sang En's head close to him.

Then, Master Pan opened his mouth and bit directly on Sang En's neck.

"Ah... Master Pan, please forgive me, please forgive me..."

Sann begged for mercy, while trying to break free, and even kicked Master Pan with his feet.

But Master Pan seems to be thin and small, but he is surprisingly strong. No matter how much Sann struggles, it will be in vain.

In the end, Sann's strength in struggling became weaker and weaker, and he no longer called for help, and his eyes were completely lost and lifeless.


"Hmph, there is only one consequence of betraying my Master Pan, and that is death."

Throwing the staring boss Sann, who was already dead and could not die any more, on the ground, Master Pan said in a cold voice.

When Master Pan sucked Sang En's blood, Ji Yang didn't move, he just watched quietly.

This Sang En deserved to die, Ji Yang didn't commit suicide himself, he was already good, now seeing the other party killing each other, Sang En deserved to die.

Through the scene where Master Sang sucked Sang En just now, Ji Yang can already be sure that the two people who died before, not the three people who died before, were all sucked by Master Pan.

On the way here, Ji Yang already knew that he was betrayed, and he didn't have the slightest sympathy for the policeman who died tonight.

Just looking at Master Pan's expression of enjoyment after sucking the blood made Ji Yang somewhat uncomfortable.

Even if you are a head-down master, this thing of sucking human blood is too cruel and terrifying.

"You are Ji Yang, the one who killed my apprentice?"

Master Pan's mouth was covered with blood. When he spoke, his mouth opened and closed, and even the blood-stained teeth could be clearly seen.

"If that useless head-subduing master is your apprentice, then I will kill it."

Ji Yang shrugged and said softly.

His apprentice died at the hands of Ji Yang, at this time Ji Yang was still insulting his apprentice, Master Pan was very angry.

"Boy, today I will let you be buried with my apprentice."

While speaking, there was a wooden stick in Master Pan's hand. This wooden stick was as thick as a child's arm and more than one meter long.

Seeing this wooden staff, Ji Yang was a little curious, where did Master Pan hide the wooden staff before.

Could it be that his wooden stick is the same as his own black sword, and the summoning in his heart appeared?

With the wooden stick in his hand, Master Pan rushed towards Ji Yang, waving the wooden stick in his hand, and chanting a spell that Ji Yang could not understand.

However, although Ji Yang couldn't understand Master Pan's incantation, when the other party waved the wooden staff, a piece of lavender medicine rushed towards him, and he could see it.

These medicines were sprayed out from Master Pan's wooden staff. The lavender medicine appeared, and there was a pungent smell in the air.

The smell made Ji Yang feel nauseated in his stomach, and his mind was not bright.

There are many kinds of head drop techniques for the head drop master, such as medicine drop, ghost drop, blood curse and so on.

And this drug drop is also one of the most commonly used head drop techniques by head drop masters.

Master Pan is indeed the master of Master Zha, and his cultivation level is much higher than that of Master Zha. Ji Yang immediately felt uncomfortable when he used the medicine.

Simply because Ji Yang reacted quickly enough, and with the help of immortal energy in his body, the discomfort caused by the medicine drops instantly improved under the circulation of immortal energy.

"Paralyzed, this guy is not easy to deal with, I have to be careful everywhere."

With a simple drop of medicine, Ji Yang knew the power of Master Pan.

Seeing that the medicine was still spraying out from the stick, Ji Yang hurriedly retreated to distance himself from Master Pan.

Seeing that Ji Yang was not affected by his medicine, Master Pan looked a little surprised.

But when he thought that the other party had even killed his apprentice, Master Zha, he felt relieved.

If even this little Yaojiang can deal with Ji Yang, then it is impossible for Master Cha to die in Ji Yang's hands.

Although this master climber looks about 60 years old, his actual age is close to 90 years old.

But even so, his speed was still very fast, and when he saw that the medicine in his hand had lost its effect, he rushed towards Ji Yang with all his strength.

Waving the wooden stick in his hand, the air exploded with his swing, and the wooden stick smashed towards Ji Yang's head.

In the face of Yao Jiang, Ji Yang may have to dodge everywhere, but if he plays close combat with his brother, then don't blame him for bullying the old man.

Ji Yang withdrew his body for a while, swung his arm upwards, and the black sword appeared in his hand immediately.


The wooden staff collided with the black sword, and there was a crisp sound.

Master Pan's wooden stick was not broken when it collided head-on with the Heimang sword. It seems that this wooden stick is not an ordinary guy.

Master Pan must have tampered with it, otherwise it would never be so strong.


Master Pan waved the wooden stick in his hand continuously, attacking Ji Yang frantically.

With a calm face, Ji Yang took the opponent's attacks one by one.

But after that, Ji Yang realized that something was wrong, he felt that Master Pan in front of him was actually changing.

Master Pan should be an old man, but his body began to become more graceful, gradually turning into a woman.

And this woman Ji Yang is still very familiar with, it turned out to be Li Zixuan.

"Ji Yang, let me hit you once, okay, just once."

Li Zixuan appeared in Ji Yang's eyes, and a familiar voice rang in Ji Yang's ears.

Hearing Li Zixuan's voice, Ji Yang couldn't help but nodded, and hesitant to take over Master Pan's attack with the black sword.

Ji Yang knew that he must have been tricked, but he knew it in his heart, but his body was out of control.

 One update, thanks to Shenluo Tianzheng, io and others for their rewards. Thanks to everyone’s support, Xieben has the motivation to stay up late to code, ask for a monthly ticket, recommend, and reward

(End of this chapter)

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