The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 210 Zhong Kui Helps

Chapter 210 Zhong Kui Helps (Part [-])
Ji Yang hesitated in his movements, but a smug smile appeared on Master Pan's face.

This Master Pan seemed to be just slamming and beating wildly with a wooden stick, but in fact he used the head-down technique secretly.

This time, Master Pan used spiritual drop, which required strong mental willpower and a large number of spells.

Knowing that Ji Yang in front of him was difficult to deal with, Master Pan also used Yao Jiang while cooperating with mental willpower and spells.

Still using his own stick to cast the medicine drop, but this time the medicine drop is not as obvious as before.

The medicine drop itself was not obvious, and Ji Yang had to deal with Master Pan's wooden stick attack, so he ignored his medicine drop, so unfortunately he got hit.

This spiritual descent will cause the other party to have hallucinations, lose their will, and do many unimaginable and strange things.

Li Zixuan who appeared in front of Ji Yang was an illusion, and the voice he heard was also an illusion, but Ji Yang knew it was an illusion, but he couldn't deal with it.

As soon as Ji Yang slowed down, Master Pan's attack became more violent.


Master Pan's wooden stick hit Ji Yang's chest, Ji Yang suffered from pain, and took a few steps back.


Master Pan's wooden stick hit Ji Yang, and Ji Yang's chest and ribs were broken. Fortunately, with the protection of immortal energy, Ji Yang's internal organs did not suffer major damage.

But even so, Ji Yang still felt a sweetness in his throat, and spit out a mouthful of blood.

However, following Master Pan's wooden stick, Ji Yang's head was instantly sober under the pain.

The former Li Zixuan was gone, only Master Pan who was holding a wooden staff looked at Ji Yang with a proud face.

"Hey, boy, was the spirit descending just now enjoyable? Did you see someone who was reluctant to strike?"

Although Master Pan performed the spirit drop, Master Pan did not know what hallucinations Ji Yang had.

"I saw your mother."

Ji Yang wiped off the blood stains from the corner of his mouth with his hands, and said with a smirk.

Li Zixuan is his woman, Li Zixuan is Master Pan's mother, isn't he the father of Master Pan?

After suffering a loss, Ji Yang also asked for some interest from his mouth.

"Boy, you are courting death."

Master Pan knew that Ji Yang was playing tricks on his lips, and he was very angry in his heart.

He drank loudly, and then Master Pan chanted a spell. Although Ji Yang didn't understand what the spell was, it sounded familiar.

After seeing more than ten pale ghosts with different shapes and spirits appearing around Master Pan, Ji Yang also knew.

It turned out that Master Pan was using the technique of exorcising ghosts, which was also used by the other party when he dealt with Master Zha last time.

It's just that Master Zha only summoned five ghosts at that time, but Master Pan had more than a dozen ghosts.

A master is a master, high and low.

Moreover, the ghosts summoned by Master Pan are not only more numerous, but also have stronger yin energy than those summoned by Master Cha.

"Kill him, whoever kills him today, I will reward him with five hearts."

There are rewards for exorcising ghosts, this Master Pan is good enough.

When more than a dozen ghosts heard Master Pan's words, they all screamed and rushed towards Ji Yang.

He was beaten by Master Pan just now, and Ji Yang was already injured. At this moment, facing more than a dozen ghosts rushing towards him, his expression froze.

These dozens of ghosts are not weak, and it is not easy to deal with them.

Ji Yang frowned and made a decision, that is to run.

Ji Yang turned around and ran away, Master Pan was taken aback.

"Hahaha, if you want to run, it's so easy, chase after!"

After chasing the word exit, more than a dozen ghosts chased Ji Yang who was running away.

Looking at Ji Yang who was being chased by more than a dozen ghosts, Master Pan put his hands behind his back and walked towards the place where Ji Yang was escaping, as if strolling in the garden.

From Master Pan's point of view, since Ji Yang had already chosen to run, then the other party just couldn't bear it, and he didn't need to rush after him, as Ji Yang would die today.

Ji Yang ignored the ghost chasing after him, he just ran forward and took out his mobile phone from his pocket at the same time.

Ji Yang chose to run, not really running away, he was planning to find helpers to deal with these ghosts.

The immortal energy in his body is limited, Master Pan is still waiting to deal with it himself, he can't waste the immortal energy on these ghosts.

"Zhong Kui, where are you?"

In the Tiantingdifu that Ji Yang knew, Zhong Kui was the best at dealing with ghosts.

Zhong Kui is best at exorcising demons and catching ghosts, so it is definitely right to find Zhong Kui to deal with these dozen or so ghosts.

Contacting Zhong Kui through WeChat, Ji Yang only hoped that the other party could reply him soon.

Zhong Kui did not disappoint Ji Yang this time, as soon as Ji Yang sent out WeChat, Zhong Kui replied.


As soon as he saw the word Linhai, Ji Yang's face was filled with joy, what does God help me, that's it.

More than a dozen ghosts were chasing after him, and Ji Yang didn't have time to chat with Zhong Kui, so he directly told Zhong Kui his location and asked him to help.

Seeing that Ji Yang was in a critical situation, Zhong Kui replied three words and said, "I'll be there right away."

In less than a minute, Ji Yang suddenly felt the surrounding air tremble, and a gust of evil wind blew.

Wearing an official uniform, with a leopard head, a tiger face, a dragon forehead and fish eyes, and an iron face with a chaotic beard and a sword in one hand, Zhong Kui appeared with a ferocious appearance.

"It's just a few brats, Xiaobai, you are too weak."

Zhong Kui appeared, looked at the dozens of ghosts chasing Ji Yang with disdain, and said in a cold voice.

Ji Yang blushed, but he didn't refute, who let himself be being chased by more than a dozen ghosts, there is nothing to explain.

"Zhong Kui, I will leave these dozen or so ghosts to you."

"It's an hour, just look at it."

Zhong Kui grinned, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and he rushed towards the dozen or so ghosts.

Master Pan, who was a certain distance away from Ji Yang and the ghost, was shocked when he saw Zhong Kui appear.

Master Pan didn't know Zhong Kui, but he felt something was wrong with the sudden appearance of the other party.

"Could it be that this Ji Yang also knows how to exorcise ghosts, and this scary-looking guy is also a ghost?"

Although Master Pan didn't understand it in his heart, the next scene made Master Pan's eyes bloodshot and he rushed towards Ji Yang's position.

As soon as Zhong Kui charged into the midst of more than a dozen ghosts, he waved the ghost sword in his hand, and one ghost was split in half.

The palm grabbed the other ghost. Before the ghost could react quickly, Zhong Kui opened his mouth and sucked the ghost directly into his mouth.


The ghost was eaten by Zhong Kui, and Zhong Kui burped.

"The smell is very strong, it seems that it has been dead for some years."

Hearing Zhong Kui's words, Ji Yang's jaw almost dropped to the ground.

Before, I just heard that Zhong Kui could eat ghosts, but seeing it today is indeed true.

But you can eat it as you like, and you can taste it, and you can know the death time of the ghost through the taste.

More than a dozen ghosts were killed by Zhong Kui or the ghost sword, or swallowed, and the whole process took less than a minute.

When the last ghost was killed by Zhong Kui's ghost sword, Master Pan also arrived.

It's a pity that he arrived too late, and none of the dozen or so ghosts were gone.


"My ghost, my ghost, you give me back my ghost."

Seeing that the ghosts he had accumulated for decades were gone, Master Pan yelled like crazy.

 Second update, thank you for your support, please recommend, monthly pass, reward
(End of this chapter)

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