The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 2099 Who will descend to earth to reward 1 million merits

Chapter 2099 Who will descend to earth to reward [-] million merit

An unprecedented atmosphere of embarrassment spread over the Nantian Gate of the Heavenly Court.

The gods who usually competed and feared to come down to earth were all scared at this time.

Even in the Heavenly Court, Li Jing, the very high-ranking Tota Heavenly King, was named by the Jade Emperor, but he didn't dare to descend to earth in person.

Regardless of Li Jing's high position in the Heavenly Court, when it comes to combat effectiveness, he is actually a little behind.

However, the Linglong Pagoda in his hand is indeed powerful, but after seeing Ji Yang take out the Shennong Cauldron, the Demon Refining Pot and the Xuanyuan Sword, but failed to get cheap from the Snake Dragon King, Li Jing still did not dare to go down to the earth to capture the Snake Dragon King .

Li Jing is one of the four heavenly kings in Lingxiao Palace, and he is also known for his good face.

It would be embarrassing if he went down to earth to capture the snake dragon king, okay?

So Li Jing will never go down to earth until he is 100% sure.

"If I could go down to earth with a hundred thousand heavenly soldiers and generals like I did when I caught monkeys back then, I would definitely go, but under the restrictions of the laws of the Three Realms, this is simply impossible."

Li Jing was actually very ashamed in his heart, but he was really afraid that he would not be able to capture the snake dragon king after he descended to the mortal world.

In that case, not only would he lose face, but he would also delay major events.

As for the [-] heavenly soldiers and generals in his heart, luckily he didn't say anything, otherwise the saliva of the surrounding immortals would drown him.

If he was able to lead a hundred thousand heavenly soldiers and generals down to earth, would he still use Li Jing to make a move?

All the immortals around will descend to earth, okay?

Li Jing obviously didn't want to go down to earth to run this errand, he was clearly worried that he would not be able to capture it, the Jade Emperor could see it.

The Jade Emperor was displeased, but he didn't lose his temper.

But this time Li Jing's performance really disappointed him.

Anyway, he is also one of the four marshals of Lingxiao Temple, how can he be timid to fight.

Li Jing didn't want to go down to earth, the Jade Emperor frowned and looked at the other immortals.

But all the gods seen by the Jade Emperor lowered their heads and took a step back.

They are using their actions to tell the Jade Emperor that they don't want to go down to earth.

Seeing the attitude of the immortals, the Jade Emperor sighed and shook his head.

"The incompatibility of the Three Realms not only restricts everyone's personal freedom, but also prevents everyone from going to the mortal world at will. In this environment, even your personalities have changed."

"The days of ease have passed for too long, don't you even know your own responsibilities? Faced with a ten thousand-year-old monster, if it was placed a thousand years ago, even if you know it is difficult to capture, you will not all fight to this extent ah!"

Li Jing was not the only one who was timid.

But all the gods appeared in the performance of cowardice.

This made the Jade Emperor feel the danger. The comfortable life made everyone get used to the comfortable life and forgot to fight.

If the Three Realms are interconnected and the immortals still look like this, then if someone attacks the Heavenly Court, the consequences will be unimaginable.

The Jade Emperor's words were full of regret and blame.

After hearing the Jade Emperor's words, the faces of all the immortals changed, and they all shouted together.

"Those who were taught by the Jade Emperor, we should reflect on ourselves."

"What's the use of introspection? Now who is willing to descend to the earth to subdue the demon, and whoever descends to the earth to successfully subdue the demon will be rewarded with [-] million merits."


This is something to reflect on, not now.

The most important thing right now is to go down to earth to help Ji Yang deal with the snake dragon king.

With [-] million merits as a reward, the Jade Emperor also used the reward to stimulate everyone's fighting spirit.

But to the disappointment of the Jade Emperor, no one took the initiative to stand up for the [-] million merits.

"You guys have let me down so much. After the Donghuang Bell matter is resolved, I must find a way to cheer you up again. Otherwise, you won't be competent gods after the laws of the Three Realms are broken and the Three Realms communicate again."

Still no one took the initiative to stand up, the Jade Emperor was really angry this time.

Standing up from the chair angrily, the fairy energy rushed out uncontrollably.

To be able to become the Jade Emperor must be capable.

Don't look at the Jade Emperor who is usually harmonious and seems to be easy to bully, but he really got angry, even if there is an existence like Taishang Laojun, he has to be given three points.

Feeling the anger of the Jade Emperor, the heads of the immortals lowered even lower.

All the immortals bowed their heads, the Jade Emperor clenched his fists tightly, and turned to look at the Xuanguang mirror.

In the Xuanguang mirror, the situation of Ji Yang and others looked more and more unfavorable. The Jade Emperor knew that he had to send people down to help, otherwise Ji Yang and others would be in danger.

With a ruthless heart, the Jade Emperor shouted loudly.

"If you don't want to go down to earth voluntarily, then I'll let me choose. Whoever I point out must go down to earth. Those who disobey will be punished as violating the rules of heaven."

The Jade Emperor was really determined this time, and even moved out the rules of heaven.

It will be punished as a violation of the rules of heaven, although there is no specific point.

However, the lightest punishment for violating the heavenly rules will also make people take off a layer of skin, reduce their immortal status, and reduce their merits, which are all light.

So when hearing the Jade Emperor's words, the hearts of all the immortals rose to their throats.

They are all afraid that the Jade Emperor will point to themselves, and if they point to their own words, will they go down to earth or not?

It will be miserable if you can't beat the snake dragon king in the mortal world, and it will be miserable if you don't go down to the mortal world if you violate the rules of heaven.

This is like walking on a single-plank bridge, with wolves in front and tigers in the back, it's harder to choose.

"Nezha Third Prince, where is Erlang Zhenjun?"

When everyone was feeling uneasy, the Jade Emperor called out two names.

Nezha third prince?True Monarch Erlang?

Hearing these two names, the immortals undoubtedly breathed a sigh of relief, because the Jade Emperor did not order them.

"Great, it's not me, it's not me."

"I was so scared that my heart almost jumped out."

"Nezha Third Prince, Erlang Zhenjun, the Jade Emperor called you two, you two are making a fuss..."

Before the Jade Emperor called people, the immortals even controlled their breathing very lightly, for fear that the voice would be too loud and attract the Jade Emperor's attention.

It's all right now, the Jade Emperor didn't click on them, and they all started booing.

But whether it was the Jade Emperor or the immortals calling, Nezha and Erlang Zhenjun did not show up.

"Zhenjun Erlang, where is the third prince of Nezha?"

Of course, the Jade Emperor would not choose randomly.

Erlangshen and Nezha are both very powerful in the Heavenly Court.

Moreover, the Jade Emperor was very cautious in choosing two people at a time.

But after he called the two of them, they didn't show up at all, which made the Jade Emperor's face darken, and he yelled again.

"Report to the Jade Emperor that Zhenjun Erlang and the third prince Nezha did not come."

"Didn't come? Wasn't there any notice?"

"Reporting to the Jade Emperor, Zhenjun Erlang and Third Prince Nezha are both in retreat."

"The two of them have retreated? It seems that I can only choose someone else!"

The Jade Emperor asked in a deep voice, and a heavenly soldier who was in charge of notifying the immortals replied loudly.

When he learned that Erlang God and the third prince Nezha were in retreat, the Jade Emperor was also very helpless.

And when everyone heard that the Jade Emperor was going to re-select someone to go to the world, they were stunned for an instant.

I was only excited for a few seconds, how could I be on the verge of despair again.

"Taishang Laojun, why not..."

His eyes swept over the surrounding immortals, and the immortals had already disappointed the Jade Emperor, so seeing the expressions on the faces of the immortals, the Jade Emperor had nothing to say.

Among the people around, the strongest is undoubtedly the Taishang Laojun.

Originally, the Jade Emperor was called Nezha and Erlang God, but he didn't plan to arrange for the Taishang Laojun to descend to earth.

But now it seems that the only way to let Taishang Laojun descend to earth.

"I go!"

But the Jade Emperor was just about to let the Taishang Laojun go down to earth, when a voice suddenly came from afar, and someone volunteered to invite him. Who is this person...

(End of this chapter)

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