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Chapter 2100 Intercepting Disciples Are Very Angry

Chapter 2100 Intercepting Disciples Are Very Angry

The Jade Emperor asked several times who was willing to go down to earth to help Ji Yang, but no one volunteered.

Those who were called by the Jade Emperor himself were either unwilling to descend to the mortal world, or they were not in seclusion.

At this time, the Jade Emperor called the name again, and the immortals were feeling uneasy. After hearing the Jade Emperor call out the Taishang Laojun, everyone just let go of their suspenseful hearts again.

When Taishang Laojun was about to say yes, a sudden voice made all the immortals beside the Nantian Gate quiet down.

Even the Jade Emperor, who was on the verge of speaking, closed his mouth at this time and looked in the direction of the voice.

The sound came from afar, not at the Nantianmen.

But when the voice sounded, it seemed to be in the ears of the immortals.

But at this time, when the immortals looked into the distance, they didn't see anyone at all.

"Clairvoyance, let's see which great immortal it is."

Only his voice was heard, but no person was seen, which meant that the speaker was far away from Nantianmen.

Such a long distance, but the voice is so clear, which can already prove one thing, that is, the other party's cultivation base is very high, and he is definitely a great power in the heaven.

The status of the Jade Emperor in the Heavenly Court is not the highest either.

It's just that he is responsible for managing many affairs of the heaven and the fairy family.

So even if he asked the Heavenly Soldiers to notify the immortals, some powerful people would not be able to invite them.

The one who spoke now, the Jade Emperor guessed, must be the powerful person he didn't invite.

"According to the order."

The Jade Emperor called Qianliyan, Qianliyan jumped up and stood on a high place, his eyes glowed with golden light, and he looked into the distance.

Clairvoyance just waited and watched, but never spoke.

It doesn't matter if he doesn't speak, the others are very anxious.

Everyone wanted to know who the mighty immortal would take the initiative to ask Ying to descend to the mortal world.

This can be regarded as indirectly saving everyone and solving the troubles of the immortals.

"Clairvoyance, can you see which great immortal it is?"

"Clairvoyance, you are talking, who is it?"

"Clairvoyance, why do you look so ugly, did you see something terrifying?"

The waiting impatient immortals urged Qianliyan, but Qianliyan still didn't say a word.

But his expression has changed obviously at this time, and it seems that something is wrong.

"Clairvoyance, what did you see?"

If it doesn't work for the immortals to ask, the Jade Emperor will ask it himself.

After all, the Jade Emperor himself wanted to know who the other party was.

"Reporting to the Jade Emperor, I didn't see anything."

"What? Didn't see anything? What do you mean?"

Clairvoyance's answer made the Jade Emperor a little confused, and the immortals were also completely confused.

Didn't see it?
The clairvoyant's eyes can only see thousands of miles away, from the heaven to the mortal world, clairvoyance can see.

Now he actually said he couldn't see the other party, isn't that ridiculous?
"Reporting to the Jade Emperor, what I actually want to say is that I can't see who the other party is at all."

"This great immortal is more than ten thousand miles away. He moves very fast. His body is surrounded by a circle of black immortal energy, which makes it impossible for me to see his appearance clearly."

There is something wrong with what Qianliyan said earlier.

It's blindness, not blindness.

However, after hearing Clairvoyance's answer, many of the immortals breathed a sigh of relief.

I thought that the other party was just a voice transmission from a thousand miles away, but after playing around, it turned out to be a voice transmission from a thousand miles away.

"Which powerful person is this, who actually transmits sound outside?"

"How would I know, but above the heavens, there are still many immortals and immortals who are stronger than us, and there are still many hidden immortals, and there are quite a few who can transmit sound for thousands of miles."

"The whole body is wrapped in black immortal energy. Do you know that the great immortal's immortal energy is black? Still have such a cultivation level?"

When the immortals asked each other, no one noticed that the expressions of the Jade Emperor and the Taishang Laojun were not quite right.

The Jade Emperor walked directly to Taishang Laojun, looking at Laojun with a little disbelief in his eyes.

"Old gentleman, could it really be him?"

"The person with black immortal energy, who can transmit sound for thousands of miles, and whose clairvoyant eyes can't see through the immortal energy, I can only think of him."

"But since the battle that day, he has disappeared from the sight of the immortals and has never appeared. Today, he came here and volunteered to come down to the mortal world. Is there any fraud in this?"

"I can't guarantee this, let's see if he is the one who came."

When other gods guessed who was coming, Jade Emperor and Taishang Laojun obviously thought of who.

Normally, the immortal energy of the Celestial Family is golden or white, and black immortal energy is very rare.

Generally, only the ghosts and immortals in the underworld will appear black because of Yin Qi.

There are also some demon immortals who also possess black immortal energy.

But the masters of this black fairy energy, the Jade Emperor and the Taishang Laojun, can be sure that the other party is definitely not a ghost or fairy, because they can't think of any fairy or ghost with such cultivation.

When mentioning the person they were thinking of, both the Taishang Laojun and the Jade Emperor looked solemn, even with a bit of fear.

There is no need to say much about the strength of a person who even the Jade Emperor and the Taishang Laojun would feel jealous of.

But listening to them, it seems that they don't trust this person enough.

"How many years have I been away from here, I can't even remember."

"How could you think that such a big event would happen just after you came back from the cloud tour, but your intercepting disciples are really disappointing. Those who are gods are so cowardly, it's really embarrassing to your master, let him have nothing to do with it!" The face appeared in front of the immortals of the Three Realms!"

The movement speed of the master of the black immortal energy was so fast that even clairvoyance could not see clearly.

Therefore, the distance of ten thousand miles is like shrinking to a foot under his feet. When the immortals were discussing, he had already reached the top of the Nantian Gate.

The black immortal energy is still there, and the immortals cannot see his appearance clearly.

Standing on a high place and looking down, this made the immortals below feel despised by each other.

"Who are you, how dare you insult my master? Even if you are a powerful person with a high level of cultivation, I, the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit, will fight you."

"Senior Sister, why don't you talk to him, I, Zhao Gongming, come and meet him first!"

"Brother, we will help you for three nights together, insulting the master, we must not spare him."

"Insulting the master, you must not spare him, I will beat you at 28 XingXiu, and I can't take care of myself..."

Most of the immortals in the heavenly court came from the Battle of the Conferred Gods.

Whoever dies becomes a god.

Among those who died, most of them were Jiejiao disciples. It can be said that more than half of the entire Heavenly Court were former Jiejiao disciples.

This person who hasn't seen his face clearly criticizes the disciples of Jiejiao directly, and even involves their master, how can they bear it.

The Xian family who were the disciples of Jiejiao shouted angrily one by one, and several figures shot at the same time, attacking the person with black immortal energy.

The first to strike, including Mistress Sanxiao, Zhao Gongming, and the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit, were more than a dozen people.

They are all among the intercepted disciples, and their strength is very high.

Looking at the Jiejiao disciples rushing out, the Jade Emperor and the Taishang Laojun did not stop them, which surprised many non-Jiejiao gods.

Although the Jade Emperor and Taishang Laojun did not stop them, they kept staring at the ball of black immortal energy.

At the same time, he whispered in a voice that only he could hear: "It turned out to be really him, he's back..."

(End of this chapter)

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