The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 216 Today Is My Person Wrong

Chapter 216 Today Is My Person Wrong (Third)
Ji Yang kicked it out, and the burly city manager was sent flying.


The city manager slammed into the wall of the room heavily, and his body slid down the wall to the ground, motionless.

Of course, Ji Yang's kick would not really kill him, he just fell into a coma.

But even so, Chen Mao and the other three urban managers were taken aback.

It's okay for Ji Yang to be arrogant outside the city management office, but he is still so arrogant inside the city management office, this is the first time they have encountered such a person.

"Dare to come to the city management office to act wildly, my brothers will abolish him."

With a loud cry, Chen Mao rushed towards Ji Yang.

Seeing Chen Mao rushing towards him, Ji Yang grabbed the book in front of his chest and threw the book right on Chen Mao's stomach.

Chen Mao was in pain from being hit by the book, but this pain was just the beginning. When the book hit his stomach, Ji Yang also punched him.

"You can't see the injury when you type the book, right? Then I'll make it so that you can't see the injury."

"Boom bang bang..."

Before the book slipped from Chen Mao's stomach, Ji Yang punched him several times in the stomach instantly.

After several punches, Chen Mao was beaten and knelt down on the ground, covering his stomach with his hands in pain.

Ji Yang's punches were impolite and powerful. Chen Mao's painful forehead was dripping with cold sweat, his purplish mouth was open but he couldn't make a sound, he could only gasp incessantly.

The other three city management officers only realized it when Chen Mao was kneeling on the ground, but just as they realized it, before they had time to move, Ji Yang came to them in a flash.

One by one, the three of them knelt on the ground in pain just like Chen Mao.


There were bursts of painful groans from the three people kneeling on the ground.

Looking at the people kneeling on the ground moaning in pain, Ji Yang showed a sneer of disdain.

"Bear, let's see who is the bear now."

When Ji Yang spoke, he had already reached the door.

When Ji Yang opened the door of the room, he saw more than a dozen city management officers laughing and talking at the door.

When they saw Ji Yang appear, the smiles on their faces froze.

Looking into the room through the opened door, they also saw Chen Mao and the others kneeling on the ground with pained faces, and everyone was shocked.

The person kneeling in the room should be Ji Yang, how could it be Chen Mao and others, but Ji Yang walked out with a face of nothing?
"Stop him, don't let him go."

Although Chen Mao was still in pain at this time, he was much better than before, and he could already speak.

Upon hearing Chen Mao's words, more than a dozen city management officers at the door also reacted from shock.

Ji Yang was blocked at the door by a dozen people clattering, and several of them still held batons in their hands.

Seeing the urban management's posture, Ji Yang's expression turned cold.

"What do you want to do?"

"Give me my apple, I'm going home."

Ji Yang was simply asking the question knowingly, the other party obviously wanted to fix him, yet he actually asked the other party what he wanted to do.

Moreover, he also asked these urban management officers for apples, which caused the dozen or so urban management officers around him to burst into laughter.

"Hahaha, boy, I said you have something wrong with your brain, you beat our people, do you think you left?"

"I still want to ask us for apples. We have eaten all the apples. Why don't we spit them out and give them back to you?"

A city manager looked at Ji Yang with a mean smile.

Hearing what the city manager said, Ji Yang frowned and snorted coldly.

"Hmph, yes, then spit it out for me."

While speaking, Ji Yang grabbed the collar of the urban management officer who was speaking, and punched the urban management officer in the stomach.

"Wow... ugh..."

Ji Yang punched down, the whole face of the urban management wrinkled into a ball, and he really vomited with a whoosh.

"Did you eat Xiang at noon, it smells so bad."

Ji Yang frowned, and asked the vomiting urban management with a look of disgust.

The pungent and disgusting smell appeared, and the expressions of the other city management officers changed.

Although the smell in the air is disgusting, these city management officers can't just watch Ji Yang run wild in the city management office.

The rest of the dozen or so city guards rushed towards Ji Yang. Ji Yang stared at him, and he pushed the throwing city guard away, and the two rushing city guards were knocked to the ground.

Then Ji Yang snatched a baton from the hands of a city manager. With the baton in his hand, Ji Yang was like a tiger descending the mountain.

He raised his baton and dropped it, there was a crackling sound, accompanied by screams of pain, and Ji Yang knocked over a dozen urban management officers to the ground in no time.

There was a lot of fighting noise. Hearing the sound of fighting here, Chen Hu and Li Zhengkai in the director's office rushed out, and at the same time, many urban management officers who heard the sound rushed over.

When they saw that Ji Yang had knocked over a dozen urban management officers to the ground, their expressions were very exciting.

Chen Hu has been the director of the urban management office for so many years, and this is the first time he has encountered such a thing.

In the past, anyone who was brought to the urban management office, no matter how arrogant they were outside the urban management office, would be beaten and cry for their parents when they arrived here.

But today the city management was beaten by Ji Yang and screamed again and again.

Li Zhengkai was worried that Ji Yang would be taught badly by Chen Mao and others, but now it seems that he was worried about the wrong person.

"This kid is really fierce. Fortunately, I didn't fight him in the market, otherwise I would be miserable."

Li Zhengkai was secretly lucky.

"What are you doing stupidly looking at, come on!"

Chen Hu shouted angrily at the city management officers standing around him.

But as soon as he said that, he saw a group of people rushing into the city management office.

"Don't move."

As soon as these people rushed in, the one in the lead shouted.

"Captain Lu? What do you mean?"

The people who rushed in were several policemen, the leader was Lu Fan, and there was even an old lady among the policemen.

Isn't this old lady the same old lady who sold apples before?

Ji Yang helped the old lady who sold apples before. Seeing that Ji Yang was taken away by the city management, the old lady ran to the police station and called the police. At that time, there were two kind-hearted people accompanying her.

It happened that Lu Fan was in the bureau, and when he saw that Ji Yang was actually in the photo taken by the kind-hearted person's cell phone, his expression changed, and he hurriedly led his people to arrive.

Lu Fan rushed over not because he was worried that something would happen to Ji Yang, but because he was afraid that something would happen to the people in the city management office. He knew how powerful Ji Yang was.

When he arrived at the city management office, the scene in front of him was just as he had expected.

If I come a little later, I still don't know what kind of trouble Ji Yang will cause.

After Lu Fan yelled, he nodded to Ji Yang as a greeting, and then pulled Chen Hu to the director's office.

What the two said in the office, others do not know.

It's just that when Chen Hu came out again, he had a strange expression on his face, and he looked at Ji Yang with some apprehension.

Chen Hu walked up to Ji Yang, and said softly with a smile on his face.

"Ji Shao, it's my fault today, I will punish them well, and I hope you have a lot of adults, let's forget about today's matter."

(End of this chapter)

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