The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 217 You Are Unworthy To Be Human

Chapter 217
When Chen Hu said this, everyone was stunned.

What does this mean? This means being submissive.

Ji Yang didn't expect Chen Hu to speak like this, but thinking that Lu Fan and Chen Hu went to the director's office just now, Chen Hu's sudden attitude must have something to do with Lu Fan.

Ji Yang looked at Lu Fan, and Lu Fan was also looking at Ji Yang at this time, and he also nodded when he saw Ji Yang looking at him.

While Lu Fan nodded, he walked over with a smile on his face: "Young Master Ji, Ma'am is fine, those who should be taught a lesson have also been taught a lesson, Director Chen will punish them, let's forget about today's matter."

Hearing what Lu Fan said, Ji Yang frowned slightly.

After all, the city management is also a law enforcement officer. The other party has problems in law enforcement. I have taught myself a lesson just now. I can't tear down the city management office.

If he really dared to demolish the urban management office, then he would be the one who was unlucky in the later stage.

Now that Chen Hufu had softened, Lu Fan also spoke up, and he promised that the other party would not be ashamed, and he also gave the other party some face.

"Okay, let's forget about today's matter, but Director Chen, these people under your command should be managed. There is nothing wrong with law enforcement, but violent law enforcement is not right."

Just now Ji Yang frowned, Chen Hu and Lu Fan's hearts sank, thinking that Ji Yang would not agree.

Hearing what Ji Yang said, both of them heaved a sigh of relief, and Chen Hu nodded again and again.

"Young Master Ji, you're right, these brats just need to clean up, I'll teach them a lesson."

At this time, anyone with a brain can't speak, but some people are just stupid.

Chen Mao didn't know whether he was fooled by Ji Yang, or he was out of breath.

As soon as he heard what happened today, he just let it go. Doesn't this mean that he was beaten for nothing today?

"Second Uncle, you can't let him go, he beat me and the brothers, cough cough..."

Chen Mao spoke excitedly, and then coughed twice.

His viscera had been injured by Ji Yang before, and he coughed up blood.

Seeing that he coughed up blood, Chen Mao became even more excited.

"Second uncle, he..."

"Hey, shut up, if it weren't for your violent law enforcement discipline, it would be all your fault."

"Anyway, you are also a temporary worker, take off your clothes and get out, go back to the countryside and continue raising your pigs."

Chen Hu slapped him, Chen Mao's words were interrupted, Chen Hu shouted loudly at Chen Mao.

While scolding Chen Mao, Chen Hu secretly scolded him for raising pigs before and turning himself into a pig's head.

Otherwise, how could he say such idiotic words in this situation.

Hearing Chen Hu's words, Ji Yang sneered in his heart.

"Fuck, it's a temporary worker again. Those who make mistakes are temporary workers."

How Chen Hu will punish the urban management of the urban management office next has nothing to do with Ji Yang.

After Ji Yang followed Lu Fan and others out of the urban management office, he also knew that the old lady who sold apples called the police, and Lu Fan and others would come here.

"Ms. Ye, thank you for helping me call the police."

The old lady selling apples was named Ye, Ji Yang looked at Aunt Ye with a smile on his face, and said softly.

When Aunt Ye heard Ji Yang thank you, she shook her head quickly: "Young man, you helped me to provoke these city management, and you bought my apples for 1000 yuan. I am not a heartless person. Seeing you being taken away by the city management I can ignore it."

"It's great that you're fine now. It's time for me to go to the hospital. The doctor said that if I can't pay the money today, I will stop taking the medicine."

Aunt Ye's voice was somewhat helpless and bitter.

After finishing speaking, Aunt Ye was about to leave, but just as she was about to leave, Ji Yang stopped her.

Ji Yang is good at curing diseases and saving lives. This Mrs. Ye is a nice person, and he is ready to help her.

When Aunt Ye learned that Ji Yang was a doctor at Linhai Hospital and wanted to help treat her wife, she told Ji Yang about herself and his wife.

Aunt Ye and her wife, Uncle Cui, were just farmers who were dutiful when they were young. When they got older, they couldn't do heavy work. They could only grow some small vegetables and a few fruit trees to make a living.

As I get older, some diseases come to my door. The two old people usually take some medicines, and their previous savings are almost spent.

Hospitalization is very expensive now. This time Uncle Cui was hospitalized suddenly with cerebral congestion, and the family's small savings were quickly exhausted.

It was precisely because she had no money that Aunt Ye went to the market to sell apples, and Ji Yang knew what happened afterwards.

"Ms. Ye, don't you have any children? Uncle Cui is sick, and the children should use the money to treat Uncle Cui."

Parents are sick, and children should fulfill their obligations as children at this time.

"Don't mention that bastard."

When she heard the word "children", Aunt Ye seemed a little excited. Seeing her angry face, Ji Yang also guessed that this Aunt Ye's children must not be filial.

When the two were talking, they had already arrived at Linhai Hospital, and Aunt Ye led Ji Yang to the ward where Uncle Cui lived.

"Old man, give me the money quickly, I lost all my money."

"Bastard, you bastard, I'm like this now, I can't even pay for the medical expenses, and you still ask me for money to gamble."

"Okay, don't talk nonsense with me, there is no money to treat any disease, go home and die."

"By the way, before you die, give me the real estate certificate of your family. Although the house is a bit broken, you can exchange it for some money."

"Get out, get out of here, you bastard, bastard..."

This conversation sounded, although Ji Yang didn't see who the person was talking to, he could hear it just from the content of the conversation. This is a gambler's son asking Lao Tzu for money.

The old man had no money for medical treatment, so he asked the old man to go home and wait to die, and he also thought about selling the house for money after the old man died.

When Aunt Ye beside Ji Yang heard the conversation, her face changed and she hurried to the ward where the conversation was.

Seeing that Mrs. Ye was in such a hurry, Ji Yang was puzzled.

"Could it be that Uncle Cui and his bastard son were talking to each other just now?"

Thinking of this, Ji Yang couldn't help speeding up his pace a bit.

"You bastard, how could I have given birth to you bastard back then? Your father is like this. You still gamble and sell your house. I'll beat you to death..."

Aunt Ye rushed into the ward with an angry expression on her face. Seeing that Cui Heizi was flipping through Uncle Cui's bedside bag as if looking for something, she yelled and rushed towards Cui Heizi.

When Cui Heizi saw that Aunt Ye was about to hit him, he became angry.

"You dead old woman, get out of here..."

As soon as Aunt Ye came in front of Cui Heizi, Cui Heizi stretched out his hand and pushed Aunt Ye.

Aunt Ye's body was already thin, and she was so old, when Cui Heizi pushed, Aunt Ye fell to the ground.

When Ji Yang came to the ward, he happened to see Aunt Ye fall to the ground.

Ji Yang rushed over with a stride, and supported Aunt Ye before she fell to the ground.

Looking at Cui Heizi coldly, he saw Cui Heizi's indifferent expression, as if he wasn't the one who pushed Mrs. Ye just now.

Seeing Cui Heizi's appearance, Ji Yang couldn't help but said in a cold voice.

"You are not worthy of being a human being."

 It was uploaded in the fourth update. I happened to read a similar news today, so I wrote this chapter. Thank you for your support. Ask for monthly tickets, recommendations, and rewards
(End of this chapter)

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