The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 221 Beast Sea Pearl

Chapter 221 Beast Sea Pearl (fourth update)
Prime Minister Turtle from all over the world has a good relationship. Hearing that Prime Minister East Turtle wanted an electric car, Prime Minister West Turtle also decided to help him mention it to Ji Yang.

Now Prime Minister Donghai sees an electric car and wants one, and the other two prime ministers will definitely want an electric car when they see it.

Prime Minister Xihaigui felt that he was a bit embarrassed to ask Ji Yang for an electric car, and if he asked Ji Yang for three more for no reason, it would be unreasonable.

In the end, he decided to take Prime Minister Donghai to find the other two prime ministers, and they discussed to give Ji Yang some compensation, so that it was right to find the other party to do things.

Reciprocity, this is the best choice.

Prime Minister Dong Haigui also felt that what Prime Minister Xi Haigui said made sense.

After reporting that the Dragon King of the West Sea had invited the Dragon King of the East Sea to the Palace of the Dragon King of the West Sea, Prime Minister Xihai Turtle drove an electric car and drove Prime Minister Donghai Turtle to find the other two Prime Ministers.

Watching an electric car is completely different from riding an electric car.

The Prime Minister Xi Haigui's electric car drove quite fiercely. Anyway, there were no traffic lights in Tianting, and there were no traffic regulations.

If it were mortal, driving an electric car like him would definitely violate the traffic rules.

Sitting on the back seat of the electric car, Prime Minister Donghai Turtle felt the strong wind blowing against his face, which was so refreshing.

Prime Minister Donghai Turtle's idea of ​​building an electric car became more and more determined.

After the four prime ministers got together, the result was exactly as Prime Minister Xihai expected. The other two prime ministers both wanted to build an electric car.

"No matter what you say about this electric car, I want to build one."

"For sure, with the electric car, it will be convenient for me to run errands in the future, and I won't be scolded by the Dragon King."

"You are right, Prime Minister Xihaigui quickly contact Xiaobai and ask him to get one for each of us."

Hearing what the other three Turtle Prime Ministers said, Xi Haigui Prime Minister also told them his previous thoughts.

"It's definitely no problem to find Xiaobai to make an electric car."

"But have you ever thought about whether it is appropriate for us to ask Xiaobai for an electric car for no reason?"

As soon as Prime Minister Xihaigui said this, the other three prime ministers looked at each other and nodded.

It seemed that they also felt that Prime Minister Xi Haigui's words made sense.

"Prime Minister Xihaigui is right. We really can't take the electric car for nothing. We need to give Xiaobai something in return."

"Do you have any good things in your hands that you think can be given to Xiaobai? Take them out."

Prime Minister Donghai Turtle said, while he was thinking about what to give Ji Yang, the other three Prime Ministers were also thinking about it.

There are countless treasures in the ocean, and as a tortoise prime minister, they naturally have a lot of treasures in their hands.

What kind of deep-sea pearls and deep-sea corals are garbage in their eyes, and they dismiss them.

"What do you think of my thing?"

Prime Minister Donghai Turtle took out a seven-color bead from his pocket. The bead was about the same size as an ordinary pearl, with a round and smooth surface. After he took out the bead, the bead's surface shone with colorful light.

"Beast Sea Pearl."

The bead that Prime Minister Donghai took out was known to the other three prime ministers, and they all had it on their bodies.

As the tortoise ministers beside the Dragon King, they naturally help the Dragon King manage the creatures in the sea on weekdays, and this beast sea pearl is a magic weapon to fascinate the sea creatures.

After using the Beast Sea Bead, it can control the creatures in the sea, and Ji Yang can completely control this thing.

"Are you sure you want to give this to Xiaobai?"

This beast sea pearl is not a particularly good thing for the tortoise prime ministers, and they don't use it at all to manage sea creatures.

Because all marine creatures will be obedient after seeing Prime Minister Turtle, is it still necessary for them to use their magic weapon?
"Well, although this thing is of no use to us, but the little white man is still a ninth-rank immortal in the mortal world."

"We don't know what troubles we will encounter in the future, but this beast Haizhu may be able to help him."

Prime Minister Donghai Turtle nodded, and said solemnly.

The other three turtle prime ministers heard what Prime Minister Dong Hai said, and felt that he was right.

Some things are not used by oneself, but it may be of great use to give to others.

Especially someone like Xiaobai, who has a lowly status in the mortal world, and has no background or magic weapon.

After the four prime ministers had chosen something to give to Ji Yang, prime minister Xihai could contact Ji Yang.

"Xiaobai, the turtle prime ministers of the other three seas all want electric cars, can you give them each one?"

"When you gave me the electric car earlier, I forgot to thank you. We discussed it just now and decided to give you a beast sea pearl."

Prime Minister Xihaigui found Ji Yang and said directly.

Beast Haizhu?What is this, Ji Yang has never heard of it before.

When Xiao Bailong gave him water-avoiding pearls before, he could still think of water-avoiding pearls, but he didn't have anything to think of about this Beast Sea Pearl.

But since the four turtle prime ministers agreed to give it to him, even if it was not as good as the water-proof pearl that Xiao Bailong gave him before, it would not be bad.

But out of politeness, Ji Yang still responded to the other party's WeChat.

"It's just three electric cars. It's a small thing. I don't want to thank you. You are too polite."

An electric car only costs 4000 yuan, and three electric cars only cost more than 1 yuan. This is not worth mentioning to Ji Yang now.

"Since you also said that you are welcome, then you can accept this beast Haizhu."

After Prime Minister Xihaigui finished speaking, Ji Yang's phone vibrated, and the slave beast Haizhu appeared in Ji Yang's hands.

Looking at the shining beast sea pearl in his hand, although he didn't know the effect yet, just by the appearance of the beast sea pearl, he knew it was a good thing.

"Thank you, is there any special use for this beast sea pearl?"

Ji Yang put away the beast sea pearl in his hand, and asked Prime Minister Xihaigui.

"This beast sea pearl is a magic weapon that can seduce creatures in the sea..."

Prime Minister Xihaigui told Ji Yang the purpose and method of using the beast sea pearl.

After Ji Yang learned about the purpose of the slave beast Haizhu, he felt his whole blood boil.

Damn, this beast sea pearl is too awesome.

To be honest, Ji Yang felt that the beast sea pearl was better than the water-avoiding pearl.

Although the Beast Sea Bead will have a limited range and a cooling time after use, it can still be used repeatedly.

However, the water-avoiding pearl can only be used three times. It was used once to save Mu Hong last time, and now there are only two left.

Once passed twice, the water-repelling pearls are useless.

Just by using it repeatedly, the animal sea pearl is better than the water-avoiding pearl.

"I just opened a sea breeding farm, and this beast sea pearl will definitely be of great use in the future. Thank you and the other three prime ministers."

"I'm going to help them buy an electric car, and then pass it on to you."

"It's good if I can help you. I'll wait for your electric car."

After Ji Yang finished chatting with Prime Minister Xi Haigui, he went to buy an electric car.

 Haha, don't say that the protagonist has no magic weapon in the future. Now I have it, and there will be more in the future. Thank you for your support of Xieben, monthly pass, recommendation, and rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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