The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 222 Ready to Explore in person

Chapter 222 Ready to Explore in person (one more)
"These sea cucumber seedlings grow very slowly. With such a growth rate, how long will it take for them to go on the market?"

It has been more than half a month since Ji Yang came to the sea farm last time, and Ji Yang came to the sea farm today.

He was going to have a look at the cultivation of sea cucumber seedlings, but when he saw the sea cucumbers in the cultivation pond, he found that the sea cucumbers basically did not change.

Hearing Ji Yang's words, Wang Ji and Quan Chang were a little embarrassed.

"Ji Shao, sea cucumber breeding is a very long process. It takes at least a year for sea cucumber seedlings to be put on the market."

"It's only been more than half a month now, how could there be any changes."

As soon as Quan Chang said this, Ji Yang was obviously taken aback.

From the beginning of the construction of the sea farm to the present, the entire sea farm has invested several million.

It would take a year for these millions of dollars of investment to pay off, which is too long.

Moreover, a lot of money has to be invested in the more than one year since the sea cucumber was launched, and the price of the sea cucumber will not be known in the later stage.

Ji Yang feels that no matter what kind of investment it is, it is indeed risky.

The investment risk coefficient of this sea farm is not low. It's like giving him 1 taels of gold. He is not short of money now.

Otherwise, if he knew that it would take more than a year for him to see the benefits after investing all his property in the sea farm, Ji Yang might have the desire to kill someone.

"Is there no way to quickly market sea cucumbers without affecting the quality of sea cucumbers?"

But even if he has money now, Ji Yang will still feel heartbroken if he puts a large amount of money on the sea farm.

Hearing Ji Yang's question, Wang Ji and Quan Chang shook their heads.

If there is a way to quickly market sea cucumbers without affecting the quality of the sea cucumbers, who would wait more than a year for the sea cucumbers to go on the market?

Seeing the two shake their heads, Ji Yang could only helplessly accept the reality.

When Ji Yang came to the sea farm today, apart from looking at the situation of the sea farm, there was one more thing to do, and that was the matter of Zheng He's shipwreck.

It is true that Zheng He's ship sank in Linhai back then.

One of the purposes of the establishment of the sea farm is to actually engage in sea farming, and the other is to explore Zheng He's shipwreck.

Thinking of this, Ji Yang was about to ask Wang Ji and Quan Chang about their progress in exploring Zheng He's shipwreck.

But because there are still some people around, it is not convenient to talk here.

After Ji Yang winked at Wang Ji and Quan Chang, they followed Ji Yang to the office knowingly.

"Ji Shao, do you have anything to arrange for us?"

As soon as he returned to the office, Wang Ji asked softly.

They have been with Ji Yang for a while, and they have some understanding of Ji Yang's character.

Since Ji Yang asked the two of them to come to the office to talk with him, they must have something to talk about.

"You should have not forgotten the purpose of our sea breeding farm. Now that sea cucumbers have been farmed, let's not say that we can't see the benefits for the time being."

"I just want to ask you, have you explored Zheng He's shipwreck during this time?"

Ji Yang looked at Wang Ji and Quan Chang indifferently and asked.

The people under him know themselves too well, this is also a double-edged sword, it may hurt themselves, and it will save themselves a lot of energy.

Wang Ji and Quan Chang now understand Ji Yang, but Ji Yang is not afraid that they will betray him.

Because he has enough bargaining chips in his hands to allow them to follow him, Ji Yang believes that as long as the other party can see enough benefits, they will not be so stupid as to betray him.

When Ji Yang asked Zheng He about the shipwreck, Wang Ji and Quan Chang frowned, and Quan Chang opened his mouth a little depressed.

"Ji Shao, it seems that Zheng He's shipwreck is not in our waters."

"Huh? Why do you say that?"

When Quan Chang said this, Ji Yang frowned slightly and asked softly.

It turned out that after the construction of the sea farm, Quan Chang found some friends from the black market to come here.

Some of these people also have rich experience in seabed detection, and they have detected the surrounding sea area through advanced sonar detectors.

But the result disappointed them. No ancient shipwrecks were found under this sea area.

It is precisely because there is no discovery that Quan Chang will say that Zheng He's shipwreck is no longer here.

"Is it really not here?"

Ji Yang had approached Zheng He before, and he also confirmed the sinking incident through him.

But even Zheng He himself didn't know the location of the sunken ship back then. Even if he knew, after so many years, the sunken ship would not know where it is.

It’s just that after Ji Yang heard Quan Chang’s words, although he felt a little unhappy, he didn’t know why, but he always felt that Zheng He’s shipwreck was within his own sea area.

It's just that even sonar detectors can't detect the specific situation of the seabed. There is only one way to determine the sunken ship on the seabed.

That is Ji Yang went to the bottom of the sea to see what happened.

"Instruments can also be deceiving. Since the sonar detector cannot detect the specific situation of the seabed, let me go to the seabed to see for myself."

How deep is this seabed, even the sonar detectors have not been able to measure it.

At this time, Ji Yang actually said that he would go down and see for himself, isn't this a joke?

"Ji Shao, are you kidding me? We don't know anything about the underwater situation. Even if you put on diving equipment, it's very dangerous to go down to the bottom of the sea."

"Although there may be many treasures on Zheng He's shipwreck, if something happens to you, what's the use of finding these treasures?"

Quan Chang opened his mouth right after Ji Yang finished speaking. He felt that Ji Yang's words were unrealistic and too dangerous.

A confident smile appeared on Ji Yang's face. It is true that other people will go to sea to explore, but Ji Yang is not afraid at all.

He has a water-resistant pearl in his hand, and going down to the bottom of the sea is no different from being on land.

Prime Minister Xihaigui gave himself the Beast Bead again, and he believed that with the water-avoiding pearl and the Beast Bead, he would never be in any danger diving into the bottom of the sea.

Quan Chang and Wang Ji don't believe in themselves, it's because they don't understand their abilities.

The two have been with him for so long, and Ji Yang has also seen their ability and loyalty. Today, he intends to reveal some of his secrets to them by exploring the seabed.

Ji Yang is not afraid of them telling the secret, even if they tell, no one will believe it.

And these secrets told Wang Ji and Quan Chang that with their personalities, they would only be more loyal to themselves.

"Others can't, but I can."

"You have been with me for a while, you two old and cunning guys must have seen that I have a lot of secrets, right?"

When Quan Chang and Wang Ji heard this, their expressions changed slightly, but they still nodded.

"Ji Shao, since Quan Chang and I have followed you, we will be absolutely loyal."

"You have a secret, and we have seen it. You trust us, so you will tell us the secret. If you don't tell us, as a loyal subordinate, we also know that we shouldn't ask."

Wang Ji looked at Ji Yang seriously.

 As soon as we start, a new week begins. I hope everyone will continue to support Xieben, and thank everyone who voted, recommended, and rewarded

(End of this chapter)

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