The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 228 We Can't Solve This Restriction

Chapter 228 We Can't Break This Restriction (Third Watch)

"Shrimp soldiers and crab generals, shrimp soldiers and crab generals..."

"Father, father, mother, stepmother, queen, brother, brother..."

The little white snake barked for a long time, but there was no response.

Ji Yang couldn't stand it anymore, and said loudly.

"Stop screaming, it's useless if your throat is broken, only you and I are panting in the entire Linhai Dragon Palace."

"Your father, queen mother, emperor brother, and shrimp soldiers and crab generals have all gone to heaven."

After Ji Yang finished speaking, the little white snake was taken aback for a moment, then shook his head in disbelief.

"You're talking nonsense, how could it be possible for the father, the queen, the queen and the emperor to go to the Heavenly Court, and it is even more impossible for the shrimp soldiers and crab generals to go to the Heavenly Court, it is impossible..."

The little white snake seemed very excited. Seeing her so excited, Ji Yang also told her about the law of the Three Realms.

Hearing what Ji Yang said, Little White Snake still didn't believe it, she ran out of her bedroom and searched for it in Linhai Dragon Palace.

When the little white snake saw that in the Linhai Dragon Palace, all the treasures were gone, her father and brother were also gone, and all the soldiers and crabs disappeared, she finally had to accept the reality.

"Wow...Father, Queen Mother...Emperor Brother...Wow..."

"Why didn't you take me with you to Heaven, why did you abandon me, wow..."

The little white snake cried sadly, and Ji Yang felt very uncomfortable when he heard the little white snake's cry.

This little white snake is said to be at least 1000 years old, but she looks like an ignorant child at all.

The little body twisted there, crying helplessly, Ji Yang sighed and came to the side of the little white snake.

"Don't cry, how could your father and queen abandon you, this must be an accident."

"Since you are the Dragon Princess, why did you become a little white snake?"

Ji Yang was very curious about the current appearance of the little white snake from the dragon princess. While comforting the little white snake, he also asked the other party why.

The little white snake's eyes were full of tears, and it looked at Ji Yang pitifully, and told Ji Yang the reason in a regretful voice.

Little White Snake is the youngest daughter of Linhai Dragon King, and everyone calls her Little Dragon Girl.

When Xiao Longnu was two hundred years old, she sneaked out of the Linhai Dragon Palace and came to the mortal world.

Because of her playfulness, Xiao Longnv collapsed a river embankment near the sea, and it just so happened that it rained heavily in those few days.

Once the embankment collapsed, the river rushed to the surrounding villages. If the Linhai Dragon King hadn't appeared in time to control the rushing river, those villages and villagers would be in trouble.

The little dragon girl originally ran out of the Dragon Palace secretly, and then got into trouble. The Dragon King of Linhai was so angry that he used restraint to turn the little dragon girl into a little white snake, and at the same time put her in confinement.

Dragons have a long lifespan and like to sleep very much. The little dragon girl started to sleep after being locked up.

Unexpectedly, this sleep lasted for a thousand years, and after waking up, the Three Realms have undergone earth-shaking changes.

"Father must still be angry with me, otherwise why wouldn't he wake me up and take me to heaven."

Xiao Longnv looked at Ji Yang with tears in her eyes, and said softly.

Seeing Xiaolongnu like this, Ji Yang decided to help Xiaolongnu ask Linhai Dragon King why he didn't take Xiaolongnu with him when he left.

"Don't be sad, I'll help you ask your father."

Ji Yang took out his mobile phone, he was going to ask Xiao Bailong for help to ask why Linhai Dragon King didn't take Xiaolongnv to heaven.

But he didn't want to, as soon as he took out his phone, a message to add a friend came.

Seeing this message of adding friends, Ji Yang clicked on it, and his eyes lit up.

The person he added turned out to be Linhai Dragon King. Originally, Ji Yang wanted Xiao Bailong to find Linhai Dragon King, but he didn't expect the other party to come to him on his own initiative.

Ji Yang agreed, and he can communicate with Linhai Dragon King.

The Linhai Dragon King seemed very anxious. As soon as the friend was successfully added, he sent a message.

"Xiaobai, are you in Linhai Dragon Palace?"

Seeing Linhai Dragon King asking such a question, Ji Yang directly replied yes.

"Xiaobai, did you find a big shell in the Dragon Palace?"

"Found it, I opened it."

"You opened it, did you see a little white snake?"

"I see, I know she is Xiaolongnv."

"You know, is Xiaolongnu okay?"

"I said Linhai Dragon King, do you really care if she is okay or not? She is very sad now. She thinks she made a mistake, so she was abandoned by you."

When Ji Yang saw that Linhai Dragon King was asking about Xiaolongnu's situation, he told him the truth about Xiaolongnu's situation.

Seeing what Ji Yang said, Linhai Dragon King immediately sent Ji Yang a WeChat reply, explaining the reason for the incident.

It turned out that the law of the Three Realms changed very suddenly back then, and the Jade Emperor ordered all the mortal dragons to go to the Heavenly Court. The time was really tight.

The Linhai Dragon King ordered his subordinates to take away all the things that the Linhai Dragon Palace could take away, and the princes and princesses also sorted out their belongings.

At that time, because of the haste to leave, Linhai Dragon King didn't even bother to release Xiao Longnu from confinement, but just asked his soldiers and crab generals to remember to take away the things in Xiao Longnu's room.

But for some unknown reason, the shrimp soldiers and crab generals took all the things in Xiaolongnv's room, but forgot to close the big shell that Xiaolongnv was confined in.

This kind of big shell is very common in the Linhai Dragon Palace, and the use of the big shell is the same as that of a locker in the mortal world.

When he left the Linhai Dragon Palace, there were many similar large shells. The Linhai Dragon King thought that the little dragon girl was in one of them, but he didn't find out that the little dragon girl was forgotten in the mortal world until the heavenly court.

Linhai Dragon King was furious and killed the shrimp soldiers and crab generals who were in charge of Xiaolongnv's room at that time.

But even if they were killed, it was useless, Xiao Longnv still couldn't come to heaven.

For thousands of years, Linhai Dragon King has been blaming himself for this incident, so after Xiao Bailong found Linhai Dragon King and told him that Ji Yang found Linhai Dragon Palace.

Linhai Dragon King thought of the little dragon girl in Linhai Dragon Palace, so he took the initiative to add Ji Yang as a friend.

Hearing what Linhai Dragon King said, Ji Yang also understood.

Ji Yang told the little dragon girl what the Linhai Dragon King told him, and the little dragon girl felt much better after knowing that she was not abandoned, but left in the mortal world by accident.

But when she thought that all the other dragon clans were in the heavenly court, and she was in the mortal world, and she couldn't see her father and queen mother, she felt somewhat depressed.

More importantly, she is now a snake, not like a dragon at all, and she really wants to change back to what she used to be.

"You help me ask my father, how to get rid of the restriction on me, even if I can't go to the heaven, at least let me change back to the way I was before."

Xiao Longnv was a little unhappy and asked with a little expectation.

Ji Yang nodded and asked Linhai Dragon King.

Linhai Dragon King replied much slower this time than before. Seeing that the other party did not reply to his message for so long, Ji Yang felt a bad feeling in his heart.

Sure enough, when Linhai Dragon King's words came back, Ji Yang could only smile bitterly, and said to Xiaolongnv.

"Your father said that we cannot undo this restriction."

 Thank you for being a good man is not just Zeng Xiaoxian, I can't help but shudder, 666655582 and others for rewarding, thank you for everyone's support, please recommend, monthly ticket, reward

(End of this chapter)

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