The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 229 Contract Beast

Chapter 229 Contract Beast (fourth update)

Xiao Longnu's restriction was imposed by the Dragon King of Linhai, how easy it is to undo this restriction.

Ji Yang's rank is only a ninth-rank immortal, and the immortal energy in his body can't meet the requirements for unlocking the restriction.

The little dragon girl has been sleeping for a thousand years, and she has not cultivated. Although she has the advantage of being a dragon and has not practiced for a thousand years, her cultivation base has also increased a lot. It is much stronger than Ji Yang, but it is not enough to unlock the Linhai Dragon King. degree of prohibition.

"Then when will the restriction be lifted?"

Xiao Longnu asked with an unhappy face.

Xiao Longnu didn't need to ask this question, Ji Yang would also ask Linhai Dragon King.

Linhai Dragon King also expected that Ji Yang would ask this question, and as soon as Ji Yang asked the question, Linhai Dragon King replied.

"If you want to undo the restriction on Xiao Longnu, you need at least a third-rank immortal cultivation."

"To achieve the third-rank immortal position, the process is very long. It may be decades, or it may be hundreds of years or thousands of years, or even never reach it."

Ji Yang told the words sent by Linhai Dragon King to Xiao Longnu like telling a story.

After all, Xiao Longnv is a princess of the Dragon Clan, and she knows how difficult it is to reach the third rank of immortality.

Before the fifth-rank immortal rank, one who had reached a certain level of merit and could withstand the assessment of the sky thunder would be able to advance to the rank of immortal.

But starting from the fourth-rank immortal position, it is no longer enough to rely on merit alone, and opportunities are needed.

It is precisely because of this that Linhai Dragon King said that he would never be able to reach the third rank of immortality in his lifetime.

Ji Yang didn't know much about the promotion of immortal status, and he was somewhat confused when he saw Linhai Dragon King's words.

But thinking about coming to Linhai Dragon King, he would not joke about this kind of thing, after all, this matter is related to Xiao Longnu.

"Is there no other way to be stumped, a way to unlock the restriction at a level below the third-rank immortal rank?"

Ji Yang questioned Linhai Dragon King.

Linhai Dragon King hesitated a little, and then replied to Ji Yang.

"Yes, there is a way to undo the restriction on Xiaolongnv when you reach the rank of fifth-rank fairy, but..."

At the critical moment, the Linhai Dragon King gave a bunch of ellipsis. Seeing this bunch of ellipsis, Ji Yang really had the urge to smoke Linhai Dragon King.

I am helping your daughter, Xiaolongnv, to ask how to unlock the restriction. If you don’t tell me the method, just give me a bunch of ellipsis, isn’t it just a joke.

"Dragon King Linhai, if you have something to say, speak quickly. I don't know how to read minds. I don't know what your ellipsis means."

"If you really feel sorry for Xiao Longnu, you can say it quickly. Now Xiao Longnu is very sad and crying all the time."

After the Linhai Dragon King went to the Heavenly Court, he found that he forgot to bring the little dragon girl to the Heavenly Court. He has been guilty for thousands of years.

Hearing Xiao Longnu crying at this time, Linhai Dragon King couldn't hold his breath, he hurriedly replied.

"I said, tell Xiao Longnu not to cry."

"Another way is to let Xiaolongnv sign a contract with you and let her become your contract beast. When you reach the rank of fifth-rank fairy, you and Xiaolongnv work together to break the restriction."

When Ji Yang saw Linhai Dragon King say that, he also understood why Linhai Dragon King didn't say the following words just now.

The Dragon Clan is powerful and proud, signing a contract with others and becoming someone else's contracted beast is very difficult for the Dragon Clan to accept.

Although there are also dragons in heaven and hell who become contract beasts, those who can sign contracts with dragons are all great immortals with profound mana.

But Ji Yang is only a ninth-rank immortal, and the little dragon girl is more powerful than Ji Yang, so it is strange that Linhai Dragon King is willing to let the little dragon girl sign a contract with Ji Yang.

Ji Yang looked at Xiao Longnu with strange eyes, if he could really have a dragon as a contracted beast, Ji Yang would naturally be willing.

But this is not something that I can do if I want to, it needs the consent of Xiaolongnv.

"Why do you look at me like that? Didn't you ask my father if there is any other way to lift the restriction? What did he say?"

Seeing Ji Yang looking at her, Xiao Longnv asked anxiously.

Xiao Longnu was so anxious, Ji Yang gritted his teeth, nodded and said emphatically.

"Yes, let you become my contract beast, so that I can break the restriction with you and me when I am a fifth-rank immortal."

The little dragon girl was stunned, she made herself Ji Yang's contract beast, but the little dragon girl was unwilling from the bottom of her heart.

Becoming Ji Yang's contract beast is equivalent to wearing a pair of shackles on his body, and he is equivalent to losing his freedom.

But if he doesn't become the other party's contract beast, then he may always look like a little white snake.

Xiaolongnv doesn't want to become a contract beast, and she doesn't want to be like this little white snake forever. Xiaolongnv is struggling and fighting in her heart.

"Little Dragon Girl, I know you are in a difficult situation, but this is the fastest way to get rid of the restriction on you."

"Don't worry, even if you really sign a contract with me and become my contract beast, I won't ask you to do what you don't want to do, and I won't even restrict your freedom."

What Ji Yang said was the truth, Xiao Longnv looks very lonely and helpless now.

Now it is not too much to say that Xiaolongnu is an orphan, because of the barrier of the law of the three realms, Xiaolongnu and her father, queen mother and queen know where each other is, but they cannot see each other. This is no different from an orphan.

No, her situation is more pitiful than an orphan who doesn't know her parents.

It is precisely because of this that Ji Yang really wants to help Xiao Longnu.

Xiao Longnu looked up at Ji Yang, as if she was judging whether Ji Yang's words were true or not, Ji Yang looked at Xiao Longnu without blinking.

The two looked at each other for more than ten minutes, and Xiao Longnv's eyes changed, and she rushed towards Ji Yang like Ji Yang.

Ji Yang frowned, instinctively waved his hand and grabbed Xiao Longnu.


Although Ji Yang's hand caught Xiao Longnv, she still bit Ji Yang's wrist, and Ji Yang trembled with a tingling pain.

Then Ji Yang felt that a strange force appeared in his soul, and he felt that there was an extra spiritual consciousness in his soul.

"Is this a soul contract?"

Ji Yang looked at the little dragon girl who was still biting his wrist, with a trace of blood dripping from the corner of her mouth, and asked in a slightly surprised voice.

Hearing Ji Yang's words, Xiao Longnv also let go of her mouth that was biting Ji Yang's wrist.

"Hmph, it's cheap for you, but you have to remember what you said, don't force me to do what I don't want to do, if you need it, I will help if I can."

If the contracted beast dared to talk to its master like this, it is estimated that there is no one else except Xiaolongnv.

Ji Yang smiled lightly and nodded.

"Of course, I mean what I say."

This time I am really awesome, there is actually a dragon as a contracted beast.

Although Xiao Longnu is just a little white snake now, and her strength is not much stronger than her own, but the blood flowing in the opponent's body is the real dragon's blood.

As long as she reaches the rank of fifth rank fairy and works with Xiao Longnu to break the restriction, she can become a real dragon.

Thinking of that time, Ji Yang was very excited.

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(End of this chapter)

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