The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 230 Rank 8 Immortal Job

Chapter 230 Eighth Grade Immortal Job (Part [-])
"What, you said that the little dragon girl has signed a soul contract with you, and she has become your contract beast?"

When Ji Yang told the Linhai Dragon King that the little dragon girl had signed a soul contract with him, the Linhai Dragon King was very surprised.

He himself would never have thought that Xiaolongnv would become Ji Yang's contracted beast so easily.

After all, the Dragon Clan is proud. It is a very difficult decision for the Dragon Clan to sign a soul contract with someone whose cultivation level is not as good as their own.

But Xiaolongnu did just that, as to why Xiaolongnu would be willing to become Ji Yang's contract beast.

Ji Yang didn't know, and Xiao Longnv didn't say anything either.

"Yes, but don't worry, although the little dragon girl is my contract beast, I will only treat her as a friend and will not force her to do anything she doesn't want to do."

In order to reassure Linhai Dragon King, Ji Yang said this.

Seeing Ji Yang's words, Linhai Dragon King felt much better.

For the current situation, Linhai Dragon King is mainly responsible, if he hadn't banned Xiaolongnv back then and locked her in confinement

The current Xiaolongnu will not be a little white snake, nor will she still be in the mortal world.

Thinking of this, Linhai Dragon King felt very guilty, and he also planned to try his best to compensate Xiao Longnu.

The most important thing for Xiao Longnu right now is to lift the restraint on her body, and Ji Yang's promotion to immortality is the top priority.

"Xiao Bai, I will trouble you to take care of Xiao Longnu from now on."

"You only have the ninth-rank immortal rank now, and there is still a long way to go before the fifth-rank immortal rank. I will give you 30 merits to help you improve your immortal rank."

"These 30 merits are the limit of what I can use at the moment, and it will be up to you in the future."

Although Linhai Dragon King also has many merits, he still has a group of shrimp soldiers, crab generals and other subordinates, and he needs to distribute merits to them regularly.

There are also some things that need to be exchanged for merit.

The merit of 30 is the upper limit that he can use the merit at will.

During this period of time, Ji Yang's WeChat store has brought him a lot of merit, and he already has a hundred thousand merit in his hands.

Before the fifth-rank immortal rank, as long as the merit reaches a certain level, it will automatically attract the assessment of Tianlei, and once the assessment is passed, his immortal rank will be promoted.

Ninth-rank immortality requires 20 merits, and eighth-rank immortality requires [-] merits.

The 30 merits given to Ji Yang by the Dragon King of Linhai, plus the [-] merits in Ji Yang's hands, this has far exceeded the merit requirements of the rank eight immortal.

The last time he went through the Tianlei test, Ji Yang found that this day's thunder test is not terrible, as long as he has enough merit, he can completely resist it.

Moreover, after passing the Tianlei assessment, not only can one's immortal post be improved, but also various functions of the body will be greatly improved.

"Then I will thank Linhai Dragon King first."

Ji Yang was also not polite to the other party, since he had to take care of Xiao Longnv, the other party should give him some merit.

Besides, the faster one's immortal status is promoted, the shorter the time to undo the restraint on Xiaolongnv.

This is a good thing for both parties to benefit, so why not do it.

"Then you are ready, I will give you 30 merits."

"As soon as the merits and virtues arrive, you will be ready to accept the assessment by Tianlei."

After Linhai Dragon King finished speaking, Ji Yang received a WeChat reminder that 30 merits had been added to his account.

30 merits are accounted for, Ji Yang's eyes are fixed, and the immortal energy in his body is circulating, he is ready to face the assessment of Tianlei.

It was already dawn at this time, and on the sea facing the sea, a fishing boat was parked on the sea.

"Wang Ji, how long has Ji Shao been in the sea?"

Quan Chang frowned and looked at Wang Ji, and asked with a worried voice.

"Eight hours, a full eight hours have passed."

Before Ji Yang went to sea, he said that if he didn't come back in eight hours, then there was no need to wait for him.

At this time, eight hours had passed, and Ji Yang hadn't come back yet.

Both Wang Ji and Quan Chang felt their hearts tense, and an ominous feeling came to their hearts.

"No, you can't wait like this, prepare diving equipment for me, I want to go to sea."

Quan Chang looked at Wang Ji firmly, and said loudly.

Hearing that Quan Chang was going to go into the sea, Wang Ji didn't say anything, so he prepared to send someone to send diving equipment.

But at this moment, a hurricane suddenly blew up on the originally calm sea.

The sky that had just lit up suddenly dark clouds covered the sun, and the entire Linhai was shrouded in dark clouds.

Seeing the change in the weather, both Wang Ji and Quan Chang said in secret that it was a sign of an approaching storm.

Under such conditions, even if they wanted to bring their diving equipment into the sea, they couldn't do it.


The rolling thunder sounded, and the faces of Wang Ji and Quan Chang changed drastically.

"Leave the boat, or we're all doomed."

Seeing the rolling thunder and lightning flashing in the dark clouds, Wang Ji shouted.

Unwillingly, Quan Chang beat the hull of the boat with his hands, and then started the fishing boat.

"Ji Shao, you must not be in trouble."

Seeing a bolt of lightning as thick as an arm descending from the sky and striking the sea, Quan Chang and Wang Ji, who had already started their fishing boats and headed towards the shore, spoke at the same time.

At this moment in the Linhai Dragon Palace, the little dragon girl was entrenched more than ten meters away from Ji Yang, her eyes fixed on Ji Yang who was sitting cross-legged.

Xiao Longnv knew that Ji Yang was waiting for the thunder to come, so she couldn't help at this time.

She could only pray in her heart that Ji Yang could withstand Tianlei's assessment.


A bolt of lightning from the Tianlei assessment went directly from the sea to the Linhai Dragon Palace, and this lightning struck Ji Yang without any hindrance.

Ji Yang's whole body trembled with immortality, his hair stood on end, and his face changed slightly.

The heavenly thunder of the eighth-rank immortal rank is much more powerful than the heavenly thunder of the ninth-rank immortal rank.

As soon as Tianlei entered Ji Yang's body, Ji Yang trembled and felt a slight pain.

During the Ninth Grade Immortal Tianlei assessment, Ji Yang felt completely comfortable, but this time he felt pain.

It seems that every time the rank of immortal is promoted, the power of Tianlei's assessment will increase.

The Tianlei assessment of the eighth-rank immortal job is painful, but how powerful will it be when the seventh-rank immortal job, sixth-rank immortal job or even higher-level sky thunder is assessed?
Ji Yang can't think too much about these things now, he can only face the Tianlei assessment in front of him with peace of mind.

Following the first bolt of lightning striking Ji Yang's body, one after another lightning bolts passed through the sea, reaching the Dragon Palace and striking Ji Yang's body.

Ji Yang silently accepted the assessment from Tianlei, which made him feel fortunate.

Although my body felt pain from the thunder at the beginning, but I don't know if I have adapted to the power of the eighth-rank immortal job Tianlei assessment.

In the following lightning, not only did Ji Yang no longer feel the pain, but he also felt a sense of relief similar to that of the Ninth Grade Immortal's Heavenly Thunder.

"Hahaha, cool, enjoyable!"

Ji Yang, who was sitting cross-legged, opened his eyes. He stood up from the ground, and when he raised his head to the sky and shouted, several bolts of lightning struck him again.

After no more lightning appeared, the smile on Ji Yang's face gradually widened.

He felt that there was more immortal energy in his body, and his body functions were stronger.

Excitedly, he took out his mobile phone and saw that his level had changed to the rank of eighth-rank immortal.

 Thanks for the shivering, Ouyang gave a reward, the first update started, the evil book continues to be coded, I hope everyone will support, recommend, monthly pass, and reward

(End of this chapter)

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