The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 231 The Storage Universe Ring

Chapter 231 The Storage Universe Ring (Part [-])

The little dragon girl is already Ji Yang's contracted beast, and with Ji Yang's elevation to immortality, the little dragon girl's body has also changed.

The body, which was originally only a dozen centimeters long, now became more than one meter long. The body, which was originally only a finger thick, also became as thick as a baby's arm.

When Ji Yang's immortal status is promoted, the restrictions on Xiao Longnu will be loosened, and the changes in her body now are the result of the loosening of the restrictions.

As Ji Yang continues to improve her position as a fairy, Xiao Longnu's body will also change more and more.

When Ji Yang becomes a fifth-rank immortal, if he works together to break the restriction, he will turn into a dragon.

Little Dragon Girl will change, this is really beyond Ji Yang's expectation.

He thought that the other party would change only when he helped the other party break the restraint on his body.

When Ji Yang was staring at the little dragon girl, a burst of white light suddenly flashed on the little dragon girl's body, and the shape of more than one meter long changed back to the original shape of more than ten centimeters.

Seeing that the little dragon girl had changed back to her original appearance, Ji Yang's eyes were startled, and he asked.

"Why are you getting smaller again?"

Hearing Ji Yang asking herself, Xiao Longnv looked up at Ji Yang.

"My body can change size freely. If I can't change size freely, won't it be troublesome for you to bring me by your side?"

Xiao Longnu's words reminded Ji Yang that if Xiao Longnu couldn't change the size freely, he would really be in trouble.

Thinking about bringing a big white snake with me everywhere, it doesn't scare people to death.

The purpose of going into the sea this time was originally to find the sunken ship, but now not only the sunken ship has been found, but also the Linhai Dragon Palace.

Not only did I get hundreds of water-proof pearls in the Dragon Palace, but I also got the contracted beast Xiaolongnv. This time I went to the sea and gained a lot.

Now it's time to leave, but Ji Yang is starting to get into trouble.

This little dragon girl is easy to take away, but how can I take away the hundreds of water-proof pearls, and the antiques on the sunken ship?

Seeing Ji Yang's embarrassed expression, Xiao Longnv asked Ji Yang.

After hearing that Ji Yang was in trouble because he couldn't take away the water-proof pearls and antiques, she snorted disdainfully.

"Isn't it just hundreds of water-proof pearls and antiques, come with me."

While Xiao Longnv was speaking, she took Ji Yang to her bedroom.

As soon as she returned to the bedroom, the little dragon girl got into the big shell, and her small body was quickly submerged by the water-repellent pearls.

When she crawled out of the water-resistant pearl again, she was holding a simple black ring in her mouth.

"This is the Qiankun Ring given to me by my father on my [-]th birthday. The Qiankun Ring has a storage function."

"When I was in confinement, the Qiankun ring was also thrown into the big shell."

"You put the water-proof pearls and antiques in the Qiankun ring and you can take them away."

The Qiankun ring that can store things is a good thing. With this thing, it will be much more convenient for me to carry things with me in the future.

Legend has it that Maitreya Buddha has a Qiankun bag, also called Ruyi Qiankun bag, a golden bag, which has incredible power and a strange space inside, which is so large that it seems to be able to accommodate the heaven and the earth.

I don't know how much space this little dragon girl's universe ring has.

After receiving Xiaolongnu's Qiankun ring, Ji Yang recited the incantation according to the method of use that Xiaolongnu said, and the big shell with water-repellent pearls disappeared instantly.

The big shell has entered the Qiankun Ring.

The size of Ji Yang's Qiankun Ring is naturally incomparable to that of Maitreya Buddha's Qiankun Bag, but the space is about a thousand square meters. Such a large space is enough for Ji Yang to hold a lot of things.

When Ji Yang left Linhai Dragon Palace, he also saw the giant squid guarding outside Linhai Dragon Palace.

As soon as Juju saw Ji Yang appearing, he swam over.

It's just that when the giant squid approached Ji Yang, a strange color suddenly appeared in his eyes, as if he saw something terrifying.

"My lord, why does your skill have an aura that makes me feel horrible?"

The giant squid stopped a few meters away from Ji Yang, and asked with some fear.

Hearing the giant squid's question, Ji Yang smiled faintly, raised his arm and shook it.

At this time, the little dragon girl was wrapped around his wrist, and the giant squid trembled visibly when it saw the little dragon girl on Ji Yang's wrist.

The terrifying aura it felt was exactly the aura of the little dragon girl.

"This is?"

At this time, the little dragon girl is just a snake, and the giant squid has never seen a dragon before, so it can only feel the terrifying breath, but it doesn't know that it is the breath of a dragon.

"She is Xiaolongnv, the daughter of Linhai Dragon King."

While Ji Yang was speaking, the little dragon girl had already raised her head to look at the giant squid.

When the giant squid heard that the little white snake on Ji Yang's wrist turned out to be the daughter of Linhai Dragon King, he hurriedly greeted him with respect.

"The little giant squid has seen Her Royal Highness."

"Excuse me, you look good, you can hang out with this princess from now on."

"Thank you, Her Royal Highness."

Being able to hang out with the princess of the Dragon Clan is an honor for the Shui Clan, and the giant squid thanked her excitedly.

Ji Yang returned to the sunken ship on the giant squid, and after collecting the antiques on the sunken ship one by one into the Qiankun ring, the giant squid took Ji Yang and Xiaolongnv to the sea.

After the assessment of Tianlei, the sea surface near the sea has calmed down.

At this time, Wang Ji and Quan Chang had already driven the fishing boat to the place where Ji Yang went into the sea again. This time, both of them were wearing diving equipment.

Wang Ji and Quan Chang are going to go to sea to find Ji Yang.

Although they knew that the chance of finding Ji Yang in the sea was very slim, it was no different from finding a needle in a haystack, but they still decided to go to the sea.

"are you ready?"

Wang Ji, who had already put on his diving equipment, asked Quan Chang.

"Okay, let's go down."

Quan Chang nodded, he was already standing on the bow of the boat, ready to go into the sea.

But when Quan Chang was about to go into the sea, he saw a huge black shadow approaching the sea surface from the bottom of the sea.

When the black shadow approached the surface of the sea, the surface of the sea instantly became unsettled, and with the violent surge of the sea, the fishing boat began to shake.

"Damn it, what happened today? Could it be that God deliberately forbids us to go under the sea to find Ji Shao?"

When Quan Chang and Wang Ji were about to go to the sea to look for Ji Yang, suddenly there were dark clouds covering the sun, lightning flashing and thunder.

Now the two are about to go into the sea again, and the sea is not calm again.

"I wipe, run, this is a giant squid."

The black shadow near the sea was the giant squid. As the giant squid approached the sea, Quan Chang could clearly see the squid through the water.

I remember a scientist who specializes in giant squid said that humans now have more information about dinosaurs than giant squid, which is enough to show the rarity of giant squid.

He had never heard of giant squids appearing in Linhai before, and Quan Chang was quite frightened when he saw giant squids at this moment.

And just as the giant squid approached the surface of the sea, a figure suddenly jumped out of the water and landed directly on the fishing boat.

"Ji Shao!"

Seeing the figures falling on the fishing boat, Wang Ji and Quan Chang cried out in astonishment.

The person who landed on the fishing boat was Ji Yang or who.

 The second update, thank you friends for your support, Xieben will work harder, ask for monthly tickets, recommendations, and rewards
(End of this chapter)

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