The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 2283 Meeting the Dharma Protector Again

Chapter 2283 Meeting the Dharma Protector Again
After entering the Ganesha Temple in New Delhi, Ji Yang and Xiaolongnv thought that today they would collide with the God of YD here.

So Ji Yang was not surprised at all when he felt the aura belonging to the YD god in the ground just now.

When Ji Yang passed through the soil and drilled from the ground to the ground, as soon as his head was exposed, before he could see the situation outside clearly, he felt a strong wind blowing towards his head.

Although he didn't fully see the situation on the ground, when Ji Yang quickly hid underground when he felt the strong wind coming, he still saw that the strong wind came from a huge sole.

Ji Yang is very familiar with the appearance of the soles of this foot, it was the same as when Li Shi and Nei Shi hadn't revealed their true colors.

In other words, the soles of his feet that stepped on him just now belonged to elephant-headed gods.

As for whether it is the guardian god in the Ganesha Temple or the Ganesha himself, I don't know now.

But the kick just now was stronger than Rishi and Neish in terms of strength and speed.

After all, it is the Ganesha Temple within the scope of New Delhi, which is not comparable to Bangalore.

Whether it is the scale of the building or the strength of the gods, the Ganesha Temple where it is located at this time is stronger than the one in Bangalore.


"Damn... I feel sensitive enough!"

Ji Yang would not foolishly think that it was just a coincidence that the other party stepped on him.

The opponent's attack was so accurate, he must have felt his breath.

Although Ji Yang avoided the dangerous attack this time, because of the roar caused by the opponent's attack tonight, hIAHI made Ji Yang feel an earache and dizziness.

The attack just now was not just a simple step.

The other party also used divine power to increase the power of the shock, otherwise Ji Yang would not have this uncomfortable feeling.


The immortal energy in the body circulated to dispel the discomfort in the body, and a roar came again.

It was sensed by the opponent just now, and the opponent's attack also started to target Ji Yang.

Feeling the attack aimed at him, Ji Yang narrowed his eyes, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

He wouldn't hide in the ground all the time and let himself be passive, that way he wouldn't be able to achieve his idea of ​​preventing the opponent from continuing to destroy the ground, not to mention that Ji Yang is not such a wimpy person.

It was Ji Yang's carelessness that the other party discovered his outcropping just now.

Now that he is prepared, it will be impossible for the other party to feel himself so easily.


Invisibility was cast, and Tu Xing was cast again, Ji Yang's body disappeared in place and rushed towards the ground.

This time, Ji Yang finally left the ground smoothly, his body jumped out of the ground, and he also saw the situation on the ground.

I saw two tall and burly elephant-headed gods standing on the ground.

These two elephant-headed gods are definitely not elephant-headed gods, Ji Yang can be sure of this.

Because of their aura, Ji Yang didn't feel oppressed or threatened.

"If it's a Ganesha, it's definitely not just this level of cultivation. The two of them should be the guardians here."

Reminiscent of the previous Neish and Lishi, Ji Yang defined the identity of these two elephant-headed gods, that is, the guardian gods.

Although the two Dharma protectors have not completely turned into complete Dharma real bodies at this time, their two legs have turned into elephant legs.

The thick elephant's legs, which two adults couldn't hug together, stepped on the ground again and again like a pile driver.

The ground was trampled by the two of them and there were deep pits everywhere.

Seeing such a brutal attack, Ji Yang frowned.

He wondered, are these two guys stupid, or what?
Couldn't they be more straightforward, aiming at one place to destroy, piece by piece here and there, is this playing whack-a-mole?
If it weren't for the slight hesitation just now, I had the idea of ​​asking Heli Xiutuo to lead the way to find someone.

Before these two guys could get through the ground, Helixiu Tuo was killed by himself.


Thinking in his heart that the other party was stupid, Ji Yang had already disappeared and came to the side of a guardian general.

The aura of these two Dharma protectors is indeed stronger than that of Rishi and Neish.

But the strong ones are also very limited, depending on the strength of their aura, it is only the scope of the third-rank immortal job.

"Pilico, it's dangerous!"

The senses of the two Dharma protectors are relatively keen.

This can be seen from the fact that Ji Yang just showed up and was attacked by the opponent after being noticed.

So when Ji Yang approached a Dharma protector general, with the immortal energy in his body circulating, and punched him, he was discovered by two Dharma protector generals.

When another Dharma protector loudly reminded Ji Yang of the attacking Dharma protector, the attacked Dharma protector had already responded.

"Rikap, we are all the protectors of Lord Ganesha, don't underestimate me, I can feel it myself."


The Dharma Protector General known as Pilico didn't show any gratitude for his companion Rikap's reminder.

It seems that even though he is also a Dharma protector, Pilico doesn't seem to like Capri.

Is it because of competing with Ganesha?So their relationship is bad?

However, whether their relationship is good or bad, does it have anything to do with Ji Yang's current move?
Of course not.

Therefore, the strength and speed of Ji Yang's shot did not change at all, and his fist hit the temple of Pilico's head instantly.

The temple was hit, and if it was hit with enough force, it would definitely be fatal.

Needless to say, the strength of Ji Yang's punch, he shot with the intention of directly killing the other party.



But after Ji Yang punched Pi Li Ke at the temple, although Pi Li Ke was beaten and screamed, his body was also smashed to the ground by the force of Ji Yang's fist, but he was not directly beaten to death by Ji Yang .

"A bit capable, indeed stronger than the other two guys."

Ji Yang felt it just now, when his fist hit Pilico's temple.

The opponent's skin was very hard and very elastic, and it was precisely because of this that the strength of Ji Yang's fist was dispelled.

This is the reason why Pilico performed the hard skin technique.

If it wasn't for the hard skin technique, Ji Yang's punch would definitely explode his temple, killing Pi Like in an instant.

"Pilico, how are you?"

"This kind of attack can't kill me...moo..."

Of course Ji Yang was not satisfied with the attack effect of his punch.

But Ricapri and Pilico's ideas are exactly the opposite of Ji Yang's.

After performing the hard skin technique, the body's defense has increased several times.

But Pilico still felt that his head was dizzy from being punched by the opponent, which made him astonished and Ji Yang's strength, but also made him very ashamed and angry.

I can't be underestimated by Capri.

So Capri asked Pilico worriedly, and Pilico just roared angrily.

Standing up from the ground shaking his dizzy head, Pilico rushed towards Ji Yang.

"Moo...go to hell..."

Pi Like pounced on Ji Yang, his body instantly grew bigger on the way, and Pi Li Ke, who became the real body of Faxiang, poked towards Ji Yang with two sharp ivory...

(End of this chapter)

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