The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 2284 Really competing for favor

Chapter 2284 Really competing for favor
Pilico turned into the real body of Faxiang and rushed towards Ji Yang, but the expression on Ji Yang's face did not change at all.

After all, this is not the first time Ji Yang has encountered such a situation.

Although the previous Rish and Nesh were weaker than the current Pilico and Ricup, they were not much weaker.

So Ji Yang is experienced, he knows how to deal with Pilico who has become the real body of Faxiang.

"Black Mang Sword!"

Destroy the opponent's ivory, and Pilico is finished.

But Pilico will definitely not let Ji Yang destroy the ivory easily, so before that, Ji Yang still has to deal a heavy blow to Pilico.


"Okay, it seems that not only is the cultivation base higher than Lishi and Neishi, but also the experience in performing it is richer."

With Ji Yang's black sword in his hand, he wanted to pierce Pilico's head with the sword.

A sword pierced Pi Like's head. If Pi Li Ke died directly, then forget it.

If he is not dead, he must be seriously injured, and it will not be too late to dial his ivory again.

But Ji Yang didn't expect that when he stabbed out with his sword, Pilico flicked his head, and the sharp and strong ivory blocked Ji Yang's black sword attack.

Such reaction speed and coping methods were obviously honed by him in actual combat.

"Rish? Nesh?"

"You killed the two of them?"

When Ji Yang mentioned Rishi and Neish, Pilico stared.

They are both guardians of the Dharma. Although they do not serve in the same temple, they are both subordinates of Ganesha, so they will naturally know each other.

Rish and Nesh were killed, this has been spread among the YD gods.

It has been many years since YD gods did not die.

So this time, the killing of Rish and Neish caused great fluctuations among the YD gods.

Especially Ganesha, he is the most angry, after all, Rishi and Neish are his subordinates.

He has already issued an order to all his guardian gods, whoever can find the murderer and kill the murderer will be promoted to the other party's position among the guardian gods.

At this time, Pilico looked at Ji Yang with anticipation in his eyes.

He hoped to get an answer that would excite him.

"Yes, I killed them."

"And I pulled out their teeth, do you want to see?"

Ji Yang would not deny what he did.

He looked at Pilico calmly, and said softly.

"Hahaha...Rickup, did you hear that, he is the murderer who killed Rishi and Neish."

"As long as I kill him, Lord Ganesha will promote my position. At that time, you will listen to me, and Lord Ganesha will value me more, hahaha..."

Ji Yang's expression was calm, but Pilico was a little crazy.

Hearing what he said, Ji Yang's previous thoughts were really right.

Emotionally, Pilico is really competing with Rikap for favor. The current Ganesha obviously values ​​Rikap more.

"Pilico, I never meant to argue with you. You have been fighting with me all the time. We are both Lord Ganesha's Dharma protectors. We just need to work for Lord Ganesha with peace of mind. Why not What about fighting for something else?"

"Capri, you are enough, don't compete with me, why do you have to compete for performance every time Lord Ganesha is tasked!"

"I did that just to complete the task of Lord Ganesha as soon as possible, and there is no other meaning."

"Capri, shut up, it's your hypocritical appearance that deceived Lord Ganesha, and made Lord Ganesha think that you are more humble and capable than me, but after today, Lord Ganesha will He will know that I am his most powerful Dharma protector!"

Pilico had a problem with Capri, but Capri's attitude was different from Pilico's.

But Pilico has a lot of opinions on Capri, and he doesn't care what Capri thinks.

After yelling at Capri, Pilico looked at Ji Yang, full of excitement.

He was full of confidence that he would be able to kill Ji Yang, which made Ji Yang smile coldly.

"It's just blocking my sword. I really think I'm sure of me. It's ridiculous!"

"Earth Fire Art, broken!"

Whether Pilico and Capri compete for favor or not, Ji Yang is not interested in bothering.

All he has to do now is to kill Pilico and Capri.

The purple fire rose from the black mans sword, Ji Yang stabbed out with a sword, and the purple fire burned towards Pilico.


At such a close distance, Ji Yang's purple fire, Pilico wanted to avoid it, but it was very difficult.

Seeing that the purple fire was about to burn to Pilico, a jet of water flew quickly and blocked the purple fire.

"Capri, you are arguing with me again, damn it!"

This jet of water was not released by Pilico, but sprayed from Capri's nose.

Capri's water column saved Pilico, but Pilico didn't show any gratitude.

The help this time made Pilico very angry.

"Pilico, I don't want to argue with you, I just help you."

"Although Rishi and Neish are not as good as you and me in terms of cultivation, but they can become guardian gods, and their strength can be underestimated. I don't want to see you killed!"

"Don't you just want this credit? I won't fight with you. No matter who kills him in the end, after returning, this credit belongs to you."

Capri was really helpless to Pilico.

Those who can be partners as Dharma protectors are actually on good terms.

Capri and Pilico used to have a very good relationship, but I don't know when Pilico became more and more hostile to Capri, which made Capri very uncomfortable.

"Are you serious?"

"Really, the credit is yours, I swear to Ganesha at the cost of my soul."

Pilico is not stupid, and Ji Yang is not easy to deal with, which can be seen from the strength of Ji Yang's punch just now.

With Ricard's help, it would be safer to deal with Ji Yang.

The credit belongs to him, and it is easier to deal with the enemy. Of course Pilico is willing.

"You two think I don't exist!"


Ji Yang had the illusion that he was being treated as air, because when Pilico and Ricup were talking, they completely ignored Ji Yang's existence.

This made Ji Yang feel a little upset, he shouted angrily, his body instantly grew bigger, his whole person's aura instantly increased, and the black sword in his hand slashed at Pilico in front of him.

"Pilico, be careful!"

The power of Ji Yang's sword has increased several times compared to before.

Seeing Ji Yang's sword, Ricard's heart trembled, he reminded Pilico loudly, and rushed towards Ji Yang's position at the same time.

While rushing forward, he also became the real body of Dharma.


Pilico also saw that Ji Yang's attack was not easy to deal with this time, his whole body was shaken, and a pair of ivory flashed its dazzling golden light, attacking Ji Yang.

"Hmph... Dali..."


Looking at Pi Like who had become much more imposing, Ji Yang exerted his strength, the veins in his arms popped out, and the black sword slashed fiercely on one of Pi Li Ke's ivory.

Ji Yangxiu's base was higher than that of Pi Like. Under the strong blessing, this sword collided with Pi Like's ivory. With a soft and crisp breaking sound, Pi Like's ivory was directly broken...

(End of this chapter)

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