Chapter 2285

Pilico has already realized the power of Ji Yang's sword, and he has completely released his power.

But Pilico's ivory was still broken by Ji Yang's sword.

The broken ivory broke into several pieces and fell to the ground.

Ji Yang was right, the source of Pilico's strength, like Lish and Neish, was also his ivory.

Pilico's ivory shattered and his body became weak like a deflated balloon.

The breath on his body was also rapidly diminishing, and a cry of pain full of anger sounded, and the sound echoed endlessly.


Pilico screamed, while Ji Yang sighed.

"What a pity, what a pity."

Pilico's ivory is definitely stronger than the ivory of Rish and Nesh.

Such a good thing actually broke into pieces, which made Ji Yang a little heartbroken.

"Pilico, ah..."

Pilico screamed, and Capri's eyes were red.

The ivory was destroyed, and Pilico's cultivation base was equivalent to [-]% destroyed.

To return to his peak state, Pilico still needs to practice hundreds of thousands of years before it is possible, which is still possible.

Pilico has a problem with Capri, but Capri has always regarded Pilico as a brother.

He was really angry when his brother was seriously injured and [-]% of his cultivation was ruined.

Shouting angrily, Capri came to Pilico's side and also to Ji Yang.

With red eyes glaring at Ji Yang, Capri slammed into Ji Yang, and two golden ivories poked towards Ji Yang's body.

He wants to pierce Ji Yang's body with his ivory, and he wants to avenge Pilico.

"Fire Prison!"

Ji Yang has no time to care about Capri's affection for Pilico.

Anyway, in Ji Yang's eyes, whether it's Pilico or Capri, they're just the Dharma protectors he wants to kill tonight.

The purple flame rose from the black sword, Ji Yang swept across with his sword, and several purple flames burst out, blocking Capri.

But Capri didn't seem to see Zihuo hindering him, and still rushed towards Ji Yang.

Zihuo burned to Capri's body, Capri must be in pain now, but he still did not give up attacking Ji Yang.

"It's really touching love, but I won't be soft on you just because of your love!"

"Dragon Chanting Sword Art... Roar..."

Capri didn't give up the attack, and didn't even back down a bit.

Ji Yang nodded in praise, but the movements of his hands were not slow.

The dragon chant sword technique was used, and the dragon's hair glowing with purple fire came out, and it hit Capri's body heavily.



Capri's attack did look fierce, but his cultivation level was not as good as Ji Yang's after all.

Under the attack of Ji Yang, who was serious about the enemy, he still couldn't defeat Ji Yang.

Being hit on the top of the head by the dragon head glowing with purple fire, Capri let out an unwilling roar, and fell heavily on the ground.


It is true that Pilico has opinions on Capri, but deep down in his heart, it is impossible to say that he does not care about this partner with whom he had a good relationship in the past.

Seeing Capri, who was burning with purple flames, fall to the ground, Pilico cried out in worry.


When Pilico's worried cry sounded, Ji Yang jumped up, clenched the black sword with both hands, and stabbed down towards Capri who fell to the ground.

The black light sword pierced through Capri's skin, and the blade plunged into Capri's body up to the hilt.

Against the enemy, Ji Yang will never be soft-hearted.

Although he was a little moved by Capri and Pilico, it was still impossible for him to let the other party go.

To be kind to the enemy is to be cruel to oneself, and Ji Yang will never do such a thing.

If it should be killed, it must be killed.


"Capri, moo..."

Ji Yang's black sword penetrated into Capri's body, blood flowed out from the wound, and Capri screamed in pain.

When Pilico heard such a cry of pain, he rushed towards Ji Yang regardless of his current cultivation base being greatly reduced.

"It turns out that you still care about him. Since your relationship is so deep, I will let you die together!"

Pulling out the black sword with both hands, the blood sprayed several meters high from Capri's wound like a fountain.

The pungent smell of blood made Ji Yang even more vicious.

With a flick of his arm, Ji Yang threw the black sword directly.

The black awn sword crossed the air, leaving a black awn in the air, which was finally inserted between Pilico's eyebrows, and then penetrated his head.


The black light sword pierced Pi Like's head, under the force of inertia, Pi Li Ke's body continued to rush forward, but his strength became weaker and weaker.

When he rushed to a position a few meters in front of Ji Yang, the ivory was about to touch Ji Yang's body, and finally fell down.

The body like a hill fell down, and the whole ground was shaken by the smash. Pilico's eyes widened, but he had lost any breath.

"Pilico, ah!"

The place where Pilico died was beside Capri.

Seeing Pilico dying, Capri, who was already out of breath, cried out in grief and indignation.

He tried to stand up, but he couldn't stand up at all.

Under the burning of the purple fire, Capri's skin has been burnt to the point where bones can be seen.

Ji Yang's sword just now hurt Capri's heart even more.

If he hadn't been a god and had relatively strong vitality, he would have died long ago.

But even if he didn't die, he wouldn't be able to stand up again. Now he was just waiting for death to come.

"You will meet soon, don't be so sad!"

At this moment, Ji Yang's body has returned to normal size.

The thrown black sword had already returned to his palm again.

Capri's head is bigger than Ji Yang's current body.

Ji Yang looked at Capri whose vitality gradually weakened, and an indifferent voice sounded from his mouth.

"Lord Ganesha will not let you go, he will definitely not let you go, just wait, Lord Ganesha will personally avenge us!"

Capri glared at Ji Yang, exerting his last strength, and shouted at Ji Yang.

Listening to Capri's words, Ji Yang didn't say anything.


Are there still few people who want to seek revenge on themselves?
I have made too many enemies, and I have become numb.

There is a saying, what is it, yes, it is too much debt not to weigh you down.

Anyway, he already had enough enemies, so what if there were more, Ji Yang didn't care at all, that's why he didn't overwhelm himself with too many enemies.

When Ji Yang looked indifferent, a strong force suddenly erupted from Capri's body, and some golden flames that did not belong to the purple fire burned from the inside out of Capri's body.

Seeing such a change in Capri, Ji Yang frowned, the immortal energy in his body circulated rapidly, and his body quickly retreated.

He was worried that Capri would blew himself up when he was dying. With Capri's cultivation base, if he blew himself up, the power would be very terrifying.

When Ji Yang dodged, he saw two golden lights shooting out of Capri's body.

A golden light shot straight into the sky and flew towards Ji Yang. The golden light locked onto Ji Yang like a tracking missile, making it impossible for him to avoid it. The golden light penetrated into the body instantly.

The golden light entering his body did not bring any harm to Ji Yang, but he could feel a strange force flowing through his body.

"The imprint of the soul at the cost of losing your soul can make Lord Ganesha lock your breath, and you will have nowhere to hide. Lord Ganesha will come to you soon, and he will avenge us!"

After Capri's words fell, his body was completely engulfed by golden flames...

 Ganesha, coming soon

(End of this chapter)

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