The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 233 Intermediate Micro Store

Chapter 233 Intermediate Micro Store (fourth update)

"What is this? It still glows, is it a night pearl?"

"This is called a lamp."

"What is this? It can still make a sound."

"This is called a sound."

"Hahaha, this is interesting, what is this, this wolf is so stupid, being played like this by a sheep."

"This is called TV."

"what is this……"

Ji Yang took Xiaolongnu back to his villa, and as soon as he entered the villa, Xiaolongnu became a curious baby.

Xiao Longnu had only left the Dragon Palace once before, and got into trouble before she had played enough, and she was not familiar with ancient times.

She doesn't know anything about modern society, and everything she sees feels fresh.

Ji Yang had a headache again, and he had to be patient to explain to Xiao Longnv.

This little dragon girl has the heart of a child. When she saw the animation playing on the TV, she just watched the TV without blinking.

"The world is finally quiet."

Since returning to the villa, Xiaolongnv has not stopped talking. Now that she has calmed down, Ji Yang feels for the first time that it is so rare to be quiet.

"I'm hungry, do you have anything to eat?"

When Xiao Longnu watched the cartoon, she felt hungry.

"You wait, I'll get you something to eat."

Hearing Xiaolongnv said she was hungry, Ji Yang went upstairs to find something to eat for her.

The other gods have signed contract beasts, and all contract beasts take care of their masters. It's good for me as the master, and I have to take care of the contract beasts everywhere.

Ji Yang himself was drunk.

At this time outside the villa, two little sheep drove into the villa.

"Zixuan, Ji Yang is back."

The owners of these two little sheep are Li Zixuan and Huang Xiaoxin.

Ji Yang didn't come back all night last night, and they couldn't get through on the phone. The two of them were still very worried about Ji Yang.

At this time, seeing the lights of the villa turned on and seeing Ji Yang's car, he knew that Ji Yang was back.

"It's good that he comes back. I have to ask him later, what did he do last night, and he still didn't answer the phone."

"If he dares to do something sorry for us, I will make him kneel down on the durian today."

Li Zixuan looked angry, but her eyes were full of worry.

Huang Xiaoxin didn't speak, just nodded, and walked into the villa with Li Zixuan.

As soon as the two of them entered the villa, they saw a snow-white snake more than one meter long entangled on the sofa.

The snake raised its head high, and watched the cartoon on TV without blinking.

"Ah... there are snakes."

Seeing the snake, Huang Xiaoxin screamed in fright, and hid behind Li Zixuan.

Although Li Zixuan didn't yell, her face looked strange.

Not to mention two women, even two men, once they entered their house and saw a snake in their house, they would definitely not be able to calm down.

Xiao Longnu heard the voice and turned to look at the door.

When Xiao Longnv turned her head, she hesitated in her mouth, as if she was about to attack someone.

Seeing Xiao Longnu like this, Li Zixuan's eyes became vigilant.

Her eyes flicked around, she was going to find something to hold in her hand, if the little dragon girl attacked her, she would hit her with something.

It's just that when Li Zixuan and Huang Xiaoxin thought that the little dragon girl was about to attack them, the little dragon girl's mouth was slightly upturned, as if she was smiling.

Snakes can laugh?

Seeing Xiao Longnu's expression, both Li Zixuan and Huang Xiaoxin were taken aback.

And what happened next made the two of them even more dumbfounded, because they actually heard the snake talking.

"Who are you? I'm Xiaolongnv."

Li Zixuan and Huang Xiaoxin looked at each other instantly, with disbelief on their faces, and their bodies instantly petrified.

This is too amazing, the snake can talk.

At this time, Ji Yang had already run down the stairs, holding a pile of potato chips, shrimp crackers, jelly and other snacks in his arms.

"Zixuan, Xiaoxin, you are back."

"Don't be afraid, she is not an ordinary snake, she won't bite people."

Seeing Li Zixuan and Huang Xiaoxin's appearance, and hearing Huang Xiaoxin's yelling just now, he knew that they were frightened by Xiao Longnu.

"Ji Yang, it spoke just now, it said it was Xiaolongnv."

Huang Xiaoxin said in a low voice.

Originally, Ji Yang didn't plan to keep Li Zixuan and Huang Xiaoxin about Xiaolongnv's affairs.

I live with my second daughter, and we have to meet each other every day. There is no such thing as an impenetrable wall, and they will see Xiao Longnu sooner or later.

Instead of waiting to be discovered and explained, it is better to tell them the truth directly.

But Ji Yang would not say that the little dragon girl was his contract beast, he just said that he brought it back when he encountered it in the sea.

I even told Wang Ji and Quan Chang about the water-avoiding pearl and the beast sea pearl, why can't my woman tell the story.

Could it be that his trust in his own woman is not as good as that of Wang Ji and Quan Chang?
After Ji Yang told Li Zixuan and Huang Xiaoxin about the little dragon girl, their expressions of astonishment never disappeared.

Originally thought that Xiao Longnu was just a talking snake, but unexpectedly she turned out to be a dragon.

The dragon is the totem of China. For a long time, the dragon has been regarded as a mysterious and powerful existence.

Huang Xiaoxin and Li Zixuan also thought that dragons only exist in mythology, but not in reality.

But now they actually saw the dragon, and it was so close.

After knowing that Xiaolongnv is a dragon, the curiosity of Huang Xiaoxin and Li Zixuan also exploded.

Not only are they not afraid of Xiaolongnu now, but they also think Xiaolongnu is very cute.

They began to ask the little dragon girl a lot about dragons, and the little dragon girl answered them one by one.

The world that had just quieted down was not quiet again in an instant.

It is said that there are three women in one play, but it turns out that two women and one dragon are noisier than one play.

Ji Yang couldn't take it anymore, after putting down the snacks in his hand, he went back to his room directly.

"It's better to be quiet in my own room. I'm afraid I won't be able to be quiet in the days to come."

Ji Yang pressed his aching head and said with a wry smile.

The merits given to Ji Yang by Linhai Dragon King did not disappear because of the Tianlei assessment, that is to say, Ji Yang now has 40 merits.

Thinking that he already possessed 40 merits, Ji Yang showed an excited smile on his face.

"Haha, with 40 merits, I can open an intermediate micro-store."

20 merits are required to open a primary micro store, and [-] merits are required for an intermediate micro store.

Originally, Ji Yang thought it would be a long time before he could open a mid-level micro store, but he didn't expect it to be so soon.

"It takes 20 merits to upgrade a junior micro store to an intermediate micro store. Do you confirm the upgrade?"

Ji Yang feels that this is the most humane aspect of the WeChat store, and he knows to ask for confirmation when upgrading.


Ji Yang chose to confirm without even thinking about it.

After choosing to confirm, the 20 merits disappeared in an instant, and my WeChat store also changed from the original five shelves to ten shelves.

Before, Ji Yang was still thinking about replacing the products on the shelves, but now it seems that he doesn't need to.

The extra five shelves are enough to add new products.

 The fourth update is complete, thanks to the bachelor, I can’t stop your smirk, I say I love you at this second, Darvmen and others give a reward, I’m working hard, thank you for your support

(End of this chapter)

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