The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 234 Purchasing New Items

Chapter 234 Purchasing New Items (Part [-])
Ji Yang's WeChat store currently sells instant noodles, jelly, shrimp crackers, potato chips and cakes.

These products can not be moved for the time being, but Ji Yang needs to consider what new products to add.

Ji Yang thought about it, and recently he gave away a few things, and the response was good, but they can be put on the shelves.

One is the highly alcoholic Scotch vodka that was given to Zhong Kui last time.

In Ji Yang's mind, Zhong Kui is definitely not the only person who likes strong alcohol in Heaven and Earth, and Scotch vodka is very suitable.

There is another commodity, and that is the little sheep.

Although it is said that the speed of other gods will not be as slow as Prime Minister Gui, this little sheep is fresh. Riding a little sheep is not only cool, but also saves his own immortal energy, so there should still be a market.

Ji Yang doesn't have a lamb for the time being, but Ji Yang still has Scottish vodka.

The last time I gave Zhong Kui [-] bottles, I opened a bottle and tasted it myself, the smell was too strong, Ji Yang didn't like it very much.

"There are also 49 bottles of Scotch vodka. The sales volume of XO is very mediocre, probably because the price is too high."

"This Scotch vodka should be lower, otherwise it won't be easy to sell when it goes on the shelves."

Ji Yang found ten bottles of Scotch vodka and immediately put them on the shelves, with the price set at [-] merits per bottle.

The price is half that of the XO, so it shouldn't be too expensive.

"Sleep, go to the supermarket tomorrow, and then think about what to put on the shelves."

Ji Yang didn't know what to put on the shelves for a while, so he decided to go to the supermarket tomorrow to have a look.

The next morning, Ji Yang got up early.

After he got up, he found that Xiaolongnv was still watching cartoons.

Li Zixuan and Huang Xiaoxin actually slept on the sofa.

"You didn't talk all night, did you?"

Ji Yang looked at Li Zixuan and Huang Xiaoxin who were sleeping on the sofa, and asked Xiao Longnu curiously.

"Yeah, they asked me a lot of things, and I asked them a lot of questions."

"As a result, they fell asleep while chatting. I didn't feel sleepy at all, so I could only continue watching cartoons in boredom."

Xiao Longnv nodded, and said with some displeasure.

Hearing what Xiaolongnv said, Ji Yang shook his head speechlessly, preparing to make a simple breakfast.

Xiao Longnu has been sleeping for thousands of years, of course she is not sleepy anymore, how can ordinary people compare to her.

"This cartoon is very interesting to watch, but there are always advertisements. Can this advertisement be removed with magic?"

It seems that Xiao Longnu learned a lot after chatting with Li Zixuan and Huang Xiaoxin last night, even the TV commercials.

When Ji Yang heard this, he staggered and almost missed the refrigerator.

Using spells to advertise, this little dragon girl really has an idea.

"Ahem, spells cannot be advertised. If you like to watch animation, I'll buy some discs later."

"If you watch DVDs on a DVD player, there will be no advertisements."

"Really, that's great, then you can buy me some discs and come back."

When she heard that there was a way to watch cartoons without watching commercials, Xiao Longnu looked very happy.

Seeing Xiao Longnu's childlike reaction, Ji Yang smiled knowingly.

After Ji Yang made breakfast, he also woke up Li Zixuan and Huang Xiaoxin.

After breakfast, Ji Yang sent Li Zixuan and Huang Xiaoxin to their destinations respectively, but Ji Yang didn't go to work in Linhai Hospital, but drove to Marvo Supermarket.

"Where is this place? There are so many delicious foods."

"I ate all the things you took yesterday. I feel delicious. You have to buy me some more."

At this time, the little dragon girl has grown into a size of more than ten centimeters and is wrapped around Ji Yang's wrist. After Ji Yang took her to the supermarket, she was almost drooling when she saw that the supermarket was full of food.

Even if Xiaolongnv didn't say this, Ji Yang would buy it.

Ji Yang first came to the food area and walked around the food area. When he saw chocolates, he decided to put some chocolates on the shelves.

After Ji Yang chose chocolate, he went to the fruit area.

"Little Dragon Girl, have you seen this before?"

Ji Yang picked up a mangosteen in the fruit area and asked Xiao Longnu about it.

"What is this thing? I haven't seen it before. Is it delicious?"

Hearing that Xiao Longnu had never seen a mangosteen, Ji Yang smiled faintly.

Since Xiao Longnv had seen it before, most of the people in Heaven and Earth had never seen it, so Ji Yang decided to put some mangosteen on the shelves to try.

The ones he put on the shelves before were all snacks and wine, and he plans to add some new categories this time, and fruit is a good choice.

After buying fifty mangosteens, there is only the last one left on Ji Yang's shelf.

The last shelf should be carefully selected, and Ji Yang has to consider what to choose.

"Beauty, this is a new perfume from our company, try it and it smells good."

"The new product is on the market, and we are doing a promotion. The 100ML is only 200 yuan, but the original price is 599."

Just as Ji Yang was thinking about what was on the last shelf, a voice rang in his ear.

Hearing this voice, Ji Yang followed the reputation, and he saw that in the cosmetics section, there was a perfume company doing promotion.

Perfume can make objects or human bodies have a long-lasting and pleasant smell, and women in the world like to use them.

"It is said that women make money easily, and women in heaven and hell also love beauty. This perfume can increase their charm, so there should be a market for them."

Ji Yang decided that his last shelf would sell perfume.

Ji Yang walked towards the perfume promotion position. The shopping guide saw Ji Yang coming, her eyes were still fixed on her perfume, and a professional smile appeared on her face.

"Hi sir, are you going to buy perfume? Our company's perfumes are made by international perfumers according to unique formulas."

"You can buy a bottle for your girlfriend, she will be very happy."

The shopping guide said softly to Ji Yang.

But after she finished speaking, Ji Yang shook his head.

Seeing Ji Yang shaking his head, the shopping guide's heart sank, thinking that Ji Yang was not going to buy perfume.

But due to her professional characteristics, she still had a smile on her face and was going to continue introducing to Ji Yang.

But before the shopping guide could speak, Ji Yang spoke first.

"Bring me two hundred bottles of this perfume that you have in your hand."

As soon as Ji Yang opened his mouth, it was [-] bottles, and the shopping guide was taken aback.

This perfume is not a soft drink. As for buying so much at one time, is it because the promotional pictures are cheap?
But since customers are willing to buy, shopping guides are naturally willing to sell. Anyway, the more they sell, the more approval and money they will get from the leaders.

After receiving the perfume from the shopping guide, Ji Yang's purpose of coming to the supermarket today has been successfully completed.

Pushing two carts of goods to the cashier, there are quite a few people shopping today, and there are seven or eight people waiting for the checkout at each cashier.

Ji Yang could only wait in line.

While Ji Yang was waiting for the checkout, a woman's scream suddenly sounded at the cash register in front of him.

"Ah... what are you doing, help me..."

 Thanks to the clown in the lunatic asylum, Game of Life for rewarding, Xie Ben continues to work hard, thank you for your support, ask for a monthly ticket, recommend, and reward
(End of this chapter)

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