The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 235 Men Should Be Responsible

Chapter 235 Men Should Be Responsible (Part [-])

The woman screamed, and everyone in the supermarket looked towards the place where the sound came from.

The screaming person was the cashier at Ji Yang's queue. The cashier was looking at a man in casual clothes in horror. He was in his 20s. His eyes were sunken and his hair was messy. Very good youth.

The young man was holding a kitchen knife in his hand, and there was blood on the blade of the kitchen knife.

The cashier who screamed just now was pressing her left arm with her right hand, and some blood was flowing from her fingers. It seemed that she was cut by the young man's kitchen knife just now.

"Xiaokui, I love you so much, why did you leave me?"

The young man looked at the cashier with a sad expression on his face, and his voice sounded hoarse.

"Lu Jun, if you love me, you should go out to work, instead of staying at home every day after graduating for a year, except sleeping and playing games, waiting for me to earn money every month to support you."

"What I need is a man who can protect me and give me a sense of security. I am already disappointed in you now. My mother has already found someone for a blind date. Tomorrow I will go back to my hometown for a blind date."

Xiaokui looked at Lu Jun and said softly, her voice was filled with heartache and helplessness.

When a woman finds a man, it is not enough to just listen to you say "I love you".

Xiaokui and Lu Jun have been together for three years. The three years of relationship foundation, if Lu Jun did not let Xiaokui down too much, she would not choose to leave Lu Jun.

When Lu Jun heard Xiaokui say this, his eyes turned red immediately, and he shouted with a ferocious expression: "What are you talking about, are you going on a blind date with someone else tomorrow?"

Seeing Lu Jun's expression like this, Xiaokui's frightened face changed.

Lu Jun really chopped himself with a kitchen knife just now, but now he is stimulated by his own words, so why not kill himself.

Thinking of this, Xiao Kui wanted to run, but when she wanted to run, Lu Jun was already screaming and rushed towards her.

"I love you so much, you want to go on a blind date with someone else, I want to kill you, I can't be with you, and I can't let you be with someone else."

Lu Jun raised the kitchen knife, jumped directly to the cash register, and slashed towards Xiaokui.

When the people around saw Lu Jun slashing at Xiaokui like crazy, they all instinctively moved away. They didn't want to be slashed by the crazy Lu Jun in front of them.

"Ah... help..."

Seeing Lu Jun swinging the knife and looking at herself, Xiaokui screamed in fright.

The space inside the checkout counter was already small, and when Lu Jun jumped onto the checkout counter, Xiao Kui had no chance to escape.

Just when Xiaokui thought that she would definitely be hacked by Lu Jun, she saw something flying past her eyes.



A bottle of perfume hit Lu Jun's head. Lu Jun felt dizzy and fell off the cash register.

A bottle of perfume flew over and knocked Lu Jun off the checkout counter, which also stunned the others.

Everyone was thinking, who threw this, and it was so accurate.

Although this hit Lu Jun's head and blood, but he quickly got up from the ground and roared loudly.

"Who, who threw something at me, has the ability to stand up and see if I don't hack you to death."

Lu Jun shouted loudly, Ji Yang came out from the crowd, he was the one who threw the perfume just now.

Ji Yang looked coldly at Lu Jun, who was bleeding from his forehead and had a ferocious expression, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"How did I throw it?"

When Ji Yang said I threw it out, everyone looked at Ji Yang.

Several of the supermarket staff also recognized Ji Yang. Wasn't this the protagonist of the fake wine incident last time?


When Lu Jun saw Ji Yang stand up and admit that he threw the perfume, Lu Jun didn't talk nonsense, and rushed towards Ji Yang holding a kitchen knife.


Ji Yang looked at Lu Jun who was rushing towards him, snorted coldly, and kicked him out.

With a bang, Lu Jun was kicked to the ground by Ji Yang.

With this kick, Lu Jun was kicked hard, but he still managed to stand up.

It's just that he wanted to stand up, but Ji Yang didn't intend to give him this chance.

When Lu Jun fell down, Ji Yang rushed up, grabbed Lu Jun's kitchen knife with one hand, and grabbed Lu Jun's hand with the other hand, twisted it to the opponent's back, and immediately placed the knife on the opponent's neck .

"Don't move around, or I guarantee you will be miserable."


While warning Lu Jun, Ji Yang also twisted the opponent's hand hard. As long as he uses a little more force, Lu Jun's hand will definitely be broken by Ji Yang.

Although the arm was not broken, Lu Jun still yelled at the pain.

"A man who doesn't make money to support women, but only knows how to eat at home and die, are you worthy of love?"

"Now you are still slashing each other with a knife. Is this what you call love?"

"A man should stand upright. Don't keep saying that you love each other every day. If you really love her, you should give her a good life, instead of waiting at home for your woman to earn money and come back to support yourself."

"Do men have to be responsible?"

While controlling Lu Jun, Ji Yang shouted coldly at Lu Jun.

Lu Jun's face changed slightly when Ji Yang said it, and the anger in his eyes also turned into shame.

At this moment, Wang Yueming hurried over with several security guards.

Seeing the security guards coming, Ji Yang handed Lu Jun over to the security guards.

When Lu Jun was taken away, he looked at Xiao Kui with complicated eyes, and said sadly: "Xiao Kui, I'm sorry, it's my fault, you are a good woman, I hope you will be happy in the future."

"Mr. Ji, thank you for your help, otherwise what happened today would be a big mess."

After the security took Lu Jun away, Wang Yueming said sincerely.

If someone was killed in the supermarket, he also had an inescapable responsibility. It was because he didn't arrange security in place.

Ji Yang just nodded and said softly.

"The security here needs to be strengthened, otherwise one day something really happens, and it will be too late to regret it."

"Yes, yes, what Mr. Ji said was, did you buy these? To thank you, everything you bought today is free."

Hearing Ji Yang's words, Wang Yueming nodded.

It is true that the security of supermarkets needs to be strengthened, as there are too many unstable elements in society now.

It's just that when he heard that Wang Yueming wanted to waive the bill for himself, Ji Yang refused. He still paid the original price and then left.

After leaving the supermarket, Ji Yang went to the audio store and bought a lot of cartoons for Xiaolongnv.

Then Ji Yang went to the electric car shop to buy two electric cars, and then returned to the villa.

After returning to the villa, Ji Yang went to work by himself after playing cartoons for Xiaolongnv on the DVD player.

"Chocolate, five hundred merits for one piece."

"One mangosteen with five hundred merits."

"Perfume, a bottle of one thousand merits."

"Little sheep, let's have one hundred thousand merits."

After Ji Yang set the price of all new products, he put the products on the shelves one by one.

 There are a lot of things to do this morning, Xie Ben has not had lunch yet, so I will write a chapter first, everyone has been waiting for a long time, thank you for your support

(End of this chapter)

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