The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 236 Wine suitable for fairies

Chapter 236 Wine suitable for fairies (three more)
The higher Ji Yang's merit in selling the product, the more the handling fee will be deducted.

Ji Yang put the two little sheep on the shelf, and only part of the chocolate, mangosteen, and perfume.

Although only a part of it was put on the shelf, Ji Yang saw his merits and lost nearly [-] in an instant.

Originally, Ji Yang's merits had already reached 40, and after deducting the 20 merits for upgrading the mid-level micro store, there were still 20 merits left.

I thought that having 20 merits in my hand was a lot, but the handling fee deducted just now plus the 20 merits fee deducted from Scotch Vodka last night, one-fifth of the [-] merits disappeared.

"The merits are earned faster than before, but they are spent quickly enough."

Ji Yang smiled wryly and shook his head.

After the new product was put on the shelves, Ji Yang took a look at the Scotch vodka on the shelves last night, and found that none of the bottles were sold.

Scotch vodka has been sold for [-] merits a bottle, is it still expensive, otherwise why hasn't a bottle been sold for so long?
And just when Ji Yang thought that Scotch vodka was too expensive and no one would buy it, he found that there was one bottle missing from the shelf.

"Someone buys Scotch vodka, I'll see who it is."

Just now he thought that no one would buy it, but Ji Yang was pleasantly surprised when he suddenly sold a bottle.

Checking the purchase records, it turns out that Yidi bought a bottle of Scotch vodka.

At this moment in the heavenly court, Yidi was looking at the Scotch vodka she just bought from Ji Yang.

"Yidi, what are you looking at? Is this your newly brewed wine? I haven't heard you mention it before."

When Yidi was observing the Scotch vodka in his hand, Du Kang happened to walk over.

Ever since the two started to study wine making together, the two of them have shared their technology. Du Kang was a little surprised to see Yidina's wine, which he had never seen before.

"Did Yidi keep a hand with me?"

Du Kang thought so in his heart.

Yidi looked up at Du Kang, seeing Du Kang's expression was a bit strange, she knew that the other party had misunderstood her.

After studying wine making with Du Kang, she never held back.

"You misunderstood, this is not the wine I brewed, it is a new wine on Xiaobai's WeChat store, what is it called Scotch vodka."

As soon as Yi Di said this, Du Kang felt a little embarrassed.

I am treating a woman's belly with the heart of a gentleman.

But when he heard that this was Ji Yang's new wine, Du Kang was still very curious.

The last time Ji Yanggang bought a bottle of XO when it was put on the shelves, to be honest, he felt that the taste of XO was really mediocre.

He also tried to brew it, but found that the taste was not right.

Du Kang gave XO to some gods to taste. Apart from feeling that the wine was fresh, all the gods commented on the taste in general.

All the immortals felt that the taste was mediocre, so Du Kang didn't ask Xiaobai how to brew XO, and gave up directly.

This time Xiaobai unexpectedly put a new wine on the shelves, so he decided to try it first.

"Have you tried it?"

Du Kang asked Yidi softly, Yidi just bought it, how could she taste it.

Hearing Du Kang's question, she shook her head.

Seeing Yidi shaking his head, Du Kang waved his sleeves, and two more wine bottles appeared in his hands. He poured two glasses of Scotch vodka, and Yidi and Du Kang tasted it respectively.

"Very strong wine."

"Ah... so spicy, this wine is so strong."

After Du Kang and Yidi tasted Scotch vodka, they both felt that the wine was very strong, and Yidi even found a glass of water and drank it down.

Being a wine brewer doesn't necessarily mean that the capacity for alcohol will be good. Although Yidi is a fairy and an expert in wine brewing, her capacity for alcohol can only be regarded as average.

Strong drinks like Scotch vodka are even less suitable for her.

"Nowadays the wine in the world is really weird. Beer smells weird, but it's refreshing to drink."

"This Scotch vodka is so strong, does it really taste good?"

Du Kang shook his head strangely, and Yidi nodded in agreement.

While the two were discussing because the Scotch vodka was too strong, Yidi suddenly remembered something.

"Du Kang, do you still remember that the Queen Mother asked us to come over and let us study a kind of wine suitable for fairies?"

Yi Di looked at Du Kang and asked with a smile.

Du Kang nodded instinctively, and said softly: "Of course I remember, did you think of the brewing method?"

"It didn't occur to me, but I think we'll know how to make it right away."

When Yidi spoke, she pointed to the Scotch vodka in her hand.

Du Kang was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled, he understood what Yidi meant, that is to find Xiaobai.

There are many more types of wine in the mortal world than it was a thousand years ago.

In a short period of time, Ji Yang has continuously provided beer, XO and Scotch vodka, three kinds of alcohol that heaven and earth have never seen before.

Although female fairies are also fairies, they are also women.

Whether it is the wine made by Yidi or Du Kang, although both male and female immortals can drink it, but female immortals don't like this kind of wine that only has a spicy taste.

There is also wine in Tianting (wine has existed since the Han Dynasty), but after drinking it for a long time, the fairies also hope for a new wine suitable for the fairies.

The last time the queen mother saw the beer brewed by Du Kang, she called Du Kang and Yidi over and asked them to brew a special wine suitable for fairies.

Since the queen mother gave the order, Du Kang and Yidi have been researching new wine-making techniques, hoping to brew wine that is more suitable for female immortals to drink.

It's just that after a period of time, the two did not brew wine that satisfied the fairies.

Although they haven't continued to study wine suitable for female fairies in the past few days, they both remember this matter.

Seeing the Scotch vodka offered by Ji Yang today, Yidi wanted to ask Ji Yang if there was any wine suitable for fairies in the mortal world.

"Why did I forget to ask Xiaobai before, I'll ask him now."

Excitedly, Du Kang took out his mobile phone and prepared to contact Ji Yang.

At this time, Ji Yang was checking his sales records.

"Nezha bought three bars of chocolate."

"Baowei (Yin Shuai who manages the undead of beasts) bought two bags of potato chips."

"He Xiangu bought a bottle of perfume."

"Mr. Cui Fu bought two mangosteens."

As soon as the new product was put on the shelves, people bought it immediately, so Ji Yang was naturally happy.

Just when he was happy, Du Kang's WeChat also sent over.

"Xiaobai, I have encountered some troubles recently, and I hope you can help."

"Oh, let's hear what's going on. If it's possible, I'll help you."

The last time I asked Du Kang about the wine-making formula that Meihong gave me, the other party didn't hesitate to help me.

He also helped himself to modify the deficiencies in the brewing formula, Ji Yang can remember this feeling.

Seeing that Du Kang needed help at this time, if he could do it himself, he would definitely not refuse.

Seeing what Ji Yang said, Du Kang told Ji Yang that the queen mother ordered him and Yidi to brew wine suitable for fairies.

"Wine suitable for fairies?"

Looking at the words sent by Du Kang, Ji Yang frowned slightly, and he began to think about what kind of wine is suitable for female fairies.

 The third update today, and another update tonight, thank you for the remaining smiles, しゅーず and others for the rewards, thank you for your support, ask for monthly tickets, recommendations, and rewards

(End of this chapter)

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