The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 237 The Deceived Huang Xiaoxin

Chapter 237 The Deceived Huang Xiaoxin (Fourth Update)
It is not an exaggeration to say that there are as many types of wine in the world as dogs, Chinese liquor and rice wine, foreign vodka, brandy, tequila, whiskey, various red and white wines, and Japanese sake...

But although there are many types of mortal wine, Ji Yang really doesn't know which one is more suitable for women.

First of all, Ji Yang himself doesn't know much about wine, and he only really drank foreign wine during this time.

In the past, Ji Yang only drank some beer and ordinary white wine, and he was not a woman, Ji Yang really didn't know what kind of wine was suitable for women.

"Du Kang, give me some time. I can't think of any wine that is more suitable for a female fairy. I will ask for you and tell you as soon as possible."

Ji Yang can only reply Du Kang in this way for the time being.

Although Du Kang was a little disappointed seeing Ji Yang's answer, but Ji Yang also said that he would ask for himself, which is not bad.

"Xiaobai, I will trouble you then."

"Don't be so polite, you have helped me too, I will give you an answer as soon as possible."

After Ji Yang finished speaking, the two ended their conversation.

The sky was getting darker and darker. Normally at this time, Li Zixuan and Huang Xiaoxin would have returned on their little sheep, but they hadn't come back today. Ji Yang was a little worried, so he called Li Zixuan.

"Ji Yang, what's the matter?"

"It's nothing, I just saw that you and Xiaoxin didn't come back so late, I was a little worried, so I called to ask where you are."

Li Zixuan's phone call was successfully connected, and she was able to answer the phone normally, which meant that she was not in any danger.

"Ah, I forgot to tell you, my mother said she missed me, so I'm going home today."

"Xiaoxin's cell phone ran out of battery. When we were separated, she asked me to tell you that one of her classmates came back from abroad and said they were having a party at Linhai Art Bar."

Hearing what Li Zixuan said, Ji Yang felt a little relieved, and after talking to Li Zixuan a few more words, he hung up the phone.

Ji Yang sat on the sofa, thinking about what kind of wine would be suitable for a female fairy, while waiting for Huang Xiaoxin to come back.

Seeing that it was already ten o'clock, but Huang Xiaoxin hadn't come back, Ji Yang felt a little anxious.

"Xiaoxin didn't come back so late, and her mobile phone is out of battery, no, I have to go to Art Bar."

"Little Dragon Girl, I'm going to find Xiaoxin. Do you want to continue watching cartoons, or go with me?"

Ji Yang decided to go to Huang Xiaoxin, and he didn't forget to ask Xiaolongnv before leaving.

"I will go with you."

Although the cartoon is good-looking, Xiaolongnu still thinks it is better to go out to play, her body shrinks, so Xiaolongnu directly wraps around Ji Yang's wrist.

The little dragon girl was wrapped around Ji Yang's wrist, and Ji Yang looked like he was wearing a silver bracelet.

Taking Xiaolongnv with him, Ji Yang started the car anxiously, thinking in his heart that Huang Xiaoxin should be safe.

Linhai Art Bar, one of the most upscale bars in Linhai.

At this time, in a high-end box in the Art Bar, several young men and women were sitting in it.

The sound insulation effect of this box is very good. The box completely isolates the loud music and shouts in the bar. Similarly, people outside cannot hear the sound inside the box.

"Xiaoxin, we haven't seen each other for two years, you are more beautiful than before, and your school beauty is even better than before."

Zhang Hongyan, Huang Xiaoxin's high school classmate, owns a foreign trade company at home, and Huang Xiaoxin was at the same table when they were in school. Although they are not best friends, they have a good relationship.

Zhang Hongyan went to the United States two years ago, and contacted Huang Xiaoxin as soon as she returned to China. If it weren't for the fact that the two were at the same table in high school and had a good relationship, Huang Xiaoxin would definitely not agree to come here today.

It's just that when Huang Xiaoxin came, she regretted it. Originally, Zhang Hongyan was talking about a class reunion, but when she came, she found that she didn't know any of the people in the box.

Huang Xiaoxin also asked Zhang Hongyan why she didn't see her other high school classmates. Zhang Hongyan only said that the classmates were all busy and they were all her friends.

All the students are busy and can't come, is it such a coincidence?
Although she was a little angry because she was cheated by Zhang Hongyan, who made Huang Xiaoxin kind.

Huang Xiaoxin was angry in her heart, but seeing that the other party had just returned to China and had friends around, she couldn't leave directly, so she stayed.

Hearing Zhang Hongyan talking to herself at this time, Huang Xiaoxin smiled and said softly.

"It's not as exaggerated as you said. You are only beautiful now. If you didn't ask me out today and saw you on the road, I wouldn't dare to recognize you."

Zhang Hongyan smiled slightly when she heard Huang Xiaoxin say this, and brushed her long, wavy hair with her hands.

This red and gorgeous look is not very stunning, but the advantage is that she is tall and hot, with a face that has been deliberately painted, it looks a bit hot, and such a woman can also arouse the interest of many men.

"Hongyan, it's getting late, I should go back, otherwise my boyfriend will be worried."

Her cell phone was out of battery, and she couldn't call Ji Yang at such a late hour, Huang Xiaoxin was also afraid that Ji Yang would be worried.

Huang Xiaoxin's idea was not wrong, because Ji Yang was already on his way.

When Zhang Hongyan heard that Huang Xiaoxin had a boyfriend, her face changed slightly, and then she was covered up by a smile.

Huang Xiaoxin was thinking of leaving at this time, but she didn't notice the change in the other party's expression.

"You still say you are a good sister, and you don't tell me if you have a boyfriend. You are too mean. As a punishment, I will never let you go today, and let your boyfriend worry about you."

Zhang Hongyan held Huang Xiaoxin's hand with a smile on her face, but her smile had a strange feeling.

Huang Xiaoxin frowned, she was already a little unhappy that Zhang Hongyan had lied to her, but when she heard that she wanted to force her to stay and make Ji Yang worry, she wanted to say something.

At this moment, the door of the box was opened, and a tall, thin, well-mannered young man in a white suit walked in.

"Young Master Ye."

"Young Master Ye."

As soon as they saw the young man coming in, everyone in the box took the initiative to say hello to him.

Hearing everyone's greetings, the young man called Young Master Ye twitched his mouth and smiled faintly, looking a little sorry, and then spoke.

"I'm really sorry. I was delayed by something on the road just now. I punish myself with three cups."

While talking, this Young Master Ye poured three glasses of wine, and then drank the three glasses of wine one by one.

After he drank the three glasses of wine, the people in the box also applauded loudly.

When everyone applauded, Zhang Hongyan pulled the young man to Huang Xiaoxin's side.

"This is my good sister Huang Xiaoxin, and this is Ye Shao Ye Xinli."

"You are all my good friends, and you will be friends in the future."

After Zhang Hongyan introduced Huang Xiaoxin and Ye Xinli to each other, she said with a smile.

Ye Xinli stretched out her hand to Huang Xiaoxin, and smiled politely: "Hi, Miss Huang, you can call me Xinli."

Reaching out to not hit the smiling man, seeing Ye Xinli being polite, Huang Xiaoxin also shook the other's hand and said hello.

 The fourth update is completed, thank you for your support, Xie Ben will continue to work hard in the code...

(End of this chapter)

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