The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 238 Something Really Happened

Chapter 238 Something Really Happened (Part [-])
After Ye Xinli arrived, she kept talking to Huang Xiaoxin, which made Huang Xiaoxin want to say goodbye, but felt impolite.

Now Huang Xiaoxin is blaming herself for being so kind. If she can disregard other people's face, she can leave now.

"It's almost 10:30, we've had enough fun today, let's all drink up this drink and leave."

Zhang Hongyan's voice sounded, her words made Huang Xiaoxin happy, she could finally go back, it was so late, Ji Yang must be anxious.

"This is for you, we are ready to leave after drinking."

Zhang Hongyan said with a smile to Huang Xiaoxin who had a glass of wine.

Huang Xiaoxin was in a hurry to go home, and Zhang Hongyan was her classmate and friend again, so she took it without thinking too much.



Ye Xinli yelled and raised his glass, and the others followed suit and raised their glasses.

When everyone was drinking, Ye Xinli looked at Huang Xiaoxin who had already drank all the wine in the glass, with a smile on his face.

In fact, not only Ye Xinli, but everyone else had weird expressions when they saw Huang Xiaoxin drink the wine in the glass.

"What's the matter, why do I feel so hot, and my head is still dizzy."

Huang Xiaoxin herself also felt that something was wrong at this time, as soon as she drank the wine, she realized that something was wrong with her.

No matter how stupid and kind she is, she still knows that she has been tricked and drugged.

But the wine just now was given to him by Zhang Hongyan, and he regarded her as a friend, so she actually drugged herself.

Thinking of all the things that went wrong today, Huang Xiaoxin looked angry and looked at Zhang Hongyan in disbelief.

"Zhang Hongyan, you actually drugged me."

While speaking, Huang Xiaoxin felt powerless all over, and she fell to the ground directly, and the things in front of her eyes became more and more blurred.

At this time, Zhang Hongyan looked at Huang Xiaoxin who was sitting softly on the ground with a guilty face, and said in a helpless voice: "Xiaoxin, I'm sorry, I was also forced. If I don't do this, my company will be ruined."

"Young Master Ye, I have already done what you asked me to do. When will the money you promised to invest in my company arrive in my account?"

Everything today was arranged by Ye Xinli.

Zhang Hongyan's so-called friends in the box were actually Ye Xinli's attendants, and the purpose of coming here today was to get Huang Xiaoxin out.

As for why Ye Xinli treated Huang Xiaoxin like this, Zhang Hongyan didn't know.

Zhang Hongyan's foreign trade company has recently encountered financial problems and may close down at any time.

Ye Xinli found Zhang Hongyan at this time, and he promised to help Zhang Hongyan's foreign trade company tide over the difficulties.

But he made a request, that is to ask Zhang Hongyan to help deal with Huang Xiaoxin.

Now that I have given Huang Xiaoxin the medicine, my mission has been completed.

"After I take care of her, the money will be transferred to your company's account tomorrow. It's only tens of millions. I, Ye Xinli, haven't paid much attention to it yet."

"Now you all go out for me, don't delay my good deeds."

Ye Xinli looked at Zhang Hongyan indifferently. Although she was not a good person, he still didn't like this Zhang Hongyan.

No matter what your reasons are, you shouldn't hurt someone who treats you as a friend, a person who believes in you.

Zhang Hongyan also saw the indifference in Ye Xinli's eyes, but she had no choice. She took one last look at Huang Xiaoxin who was already in a semi-comatose state. Zhang Hongyan said sorry, and left the box with the others.

Ji Yang also came to the Art Bar at this time. As soon as he entered the bar, he saw many people twisting their bodies crazily to the music under the neon lights of the bar.

"The business in this bar is good, and there are quite a lot of people. It may not be easy to find Xiaoxin."

"Little Dragon Girl, your senses are more sensitive than mine, can you feel Xiaoxin's breath?"

Although Xiao Longnv's restriction was only partially lifted, her sense of breath was much stronger than Ji Yang's.

Hearing Ji Yang's words, Xiao Longnv also began to look for Huang Xiaoxin's aura.

Although the whole bar was filled with the smell of tobacco, alcohol and various strange smells, these did not stop the little dragon girl from looking for Huang Xiaoxin.

After some feeling, Xialongnv shook her head.

"There is no smell of Xiaoxin on the first floor, so she must not be on the first floor."

"you sure?"

"Hmph, you are doubting my ability. I'm sure she's not on the first floor."

Ji Yang's question made Xiao Longnv a little upset.

"I don't mean to doubt your ability. I'm just worried about Xiaoxin. Since she's not on the first floor, she must be on the upper floor."

While Ji Yang was speaking, he was already walking towards the stairs leading to the second floor.

But just as Ji Yang reached the stairs, he was stopped by two security guards.

"Today the upstairs is packed, you can't go up."

One of the security guards looked at Ji Yang and said.

Ji Yang narrowed his eyes and said in a cold voice.

"Get out of the way, my girlfriend is up there, I'm looking for her."

"Hmph, you said your girlfriend is on top, is your girlfriend on top? I also said my girlfriend is on top."

"Get out, get out, don't blame me for being rude to you, ah..."

Regarding Ji Yang's words, the two security guards had no intention of stepping aside.

The more the two security guards were like this, the more worried Ji Yang was.

He was too lazy to talk nonsense with them, so he kicked them directly. This security guard was kicked by Ji Yang, and several ribs were definitely broken.

The other security guard was ready to fight Ji Yang as soon as he saw his men being beaten.

It's just that before the security guard raised his hand, Ji Yang punched him on the head, knocking him unconscious.

No one stopped him, Ji Yang went directly to the second floor.

"I can feel Xiaoxin's aura. It's in the innermost box. It's just that her aura is not right. Go over quickly."

As soon as she reached the second floor, Xiao Longnu spoke directly.

Hearing that Huang Xiaoxin's situation was not right, Ji Yang became anxious and walked quickly to the innermost box.

"Hey, that girl is pretty good, Young Master Ye can have a good time tonight."

"That's right, I don't even look at who this girl is, but she is the eldest lady of the Huang family."

"As long as Miss Huang is settled, the Huang family will have to listen to Young Master Ye obediently in the future."

As soon as Ji Yang walked to the box, he saw several young men and women standing outside the box, and Ji Yang heard what they said.

Huang Xiaoxin really had an accident!

Thinking of what happened to Huang Xiaoxin, the anger in Ji Yang's heart instantly ignited.

"Mal Gobi, dare to hit Lao Tzu's woman's attention, I will not abolish you today, and my surname is not Ji."

Ji Yang snorted coldly, and quickly walked towards the box.

When the people outside the box saw Ji Yang approaching, they stopped Ji Yang.

"Who are you, can you come here, get out immediately, or you will be killed."

As soon as Ji Yang was stopped, one of the men with dyed yellow hair shouted at Ji Yang.

 One update, thank you for your support, recommendations, monthly tickets, and rewards for Xieben. Please vote for it if you can.

(End of this chapter)

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