Chapter 240 Cocktail (four more)

"Ah... so sleepy, last night was too crazy."

Ji Yang drove the car, yawned and said tiredly.

I don't know what kind of medicine Ye Xinli asked Zhang Hongyan to take. The medicine was so powerful that it turned the usually well-behaved Huang Xiaoxin into a beast.

The two of them haven't been quiet all night, look at Ji Yang's dark circles under the eyes, and a few obvious hickey marks on his neck, these are the evidence of last night.

Huang Xiaoxin sat in the co-pilot's seat, her face flushed red when she heard Ji Yang's words, and now she wished she could find a crack in the ground and get in.

After the drug took effect last night, Huang Xiaoxin didn't know what she had done afterwards, and she had lost herself at that time.

When she woke up in the morning and saw herself and Ji Yang lying on the bed naked, she was also startled.

Although she knew there would be such a day sooner or later, she didn't want it to happen when she was completely lost.

Later, when she learned that she pushed Ji Yang against her, she was frightened herself. She would actually do something that pushed others against her, and she was so crazy, how could this be possible.

Now that Ji Yang brought up what happened last night again, Huang Xiaoxin was so ashamed and angrily that she didn't know what to say.

Seeing Huang Xiaoxin's shame and indignation, Ji Yang laughed.

In order to alleviate Huang Xiaoxin's embarrassment, and to let the other party give him some advice, Ji Yang said.

"Xiaoxin, do you know what kind of wine is suitable for girls?"

Du Kang asked himself about the wine that is suitable for female immortals, and he has not yet resolved it. As for what taste is suitable for women, women must be clearer than men.

So Ji Yang had planned to ask Huang Xiaoxin and Li Zixuan a long time ago. Now, in order to ease the atmosphere in the car, he simply asked Huang Xiaoxin.

Huang Xiaoxin doesn't drink much on weekdays, but when she heard Ji Yang asking herself what kind of wine is suitable for girls, she said with a slight frown.

"I rarely drink alcohol, and I don't know what kind of wine is suitable for girls, but I personally prefer cocktails."

"The cocktail looks bright in color, with a strong fruity aroma that makes the wine taste much lighter, and it tastes delicious and pleasant."

"My favorite is the Mojito made with rum and mint. It looks light and clear, and it tastes quite refreshing."

Although Ji Yang doesn't know much about alcohol, he has heard of cocktails and drank them too.

When drinking cocktails at that time, he also felt that the taste of the cocktails was good, but he felt that the cocktails were not as enjoyable as drinking beer and white wine.

However, Huang Xiaoxin reminded herself that although she didn't like this cocktail very much, it was very suitable for women.

Cocktails are mixed wines, generally made of two or more wines or fruit juices, milk, sugar, etc. mixed.

Moreover, the color of the mixed cocktail is bright and worth appreciating, and it tastes more fruity or milky. Ji Yang thinks this cocktail is very suitable.

Cocktails usually use spirits or wines such as rum, gin, tequila, and vodka as the base alcohol. Now I am selling Scotch vodka. Isn't this just right?

"The suggestion of cocktails is good. It can not only solve the trouble of Du Kang and Yidi brewing alcohol suitable for women, but also increase the sales of Scotch vodka."

"As long as the cocktail is approved by the fairy in heaven, I can also sell gin, rum, tequila and other alcohol in the later stage."

The more Ji Yang thought about it, the happier he became. Huang Xiaoxin's suggestion of cocktails was really good.

"Xiaoxin, I love you to death, let me kiss you."

Ji Yang said that he really wanted to kiss Huang Xiaoxin, but Huang Xiaoxin pushed Ji Yang.

"Don't make trouble, drive, pay attention to safety."

"Uh, what do you mean, as long as you don't drive?"

A smirk appeared on Ji Yang's face and asked softly.

Although Huang Xiaoxin was a little shy when she heard Ji Yang say that, she still blushed and nodded.

Ji Yang knew that Huang Xiaoxin had a thin skin, so he stopped teasing her.

This cocktail is not brewed, but mixed, and 90.00% of the equipment for mixing cocktails is not available in Tianting.

So Ji Yang drove Huang Xiaoxin to a store specializing in wine utensils, where he bought two sets of cocktail utensils.

Seeing Ji Yang buying these, Huang Xiaoxin was a little curious, she thought Ji Yang was going to mix the cocktails herself, but when she heard that Ji Yang was giving them to friends, she stopped asking.

There are many kinds of cocktails, and Ji Yang doesn't know how to make them. It just so happens that this store sells books on how to make cocktails, and Ji Yang bought a few of them directly.

Now that everything was missing, Ji Yang drove Huang Xiaoxin back to the villa.

Even with Jiyang's physique, he still felt tired, but Huang Xiaoxin was even more tired.

She was completely struggling along the way, and when she returned to the villa, she went straight back to her room to sleep.

While Huang Xiaoxin was sleeping, Ji Yang directly contacted Du Kang.

"Du Kang, I know what kind of wine is suitable for a fairy to drink."

"Really, what wine."

Du Kang had been waiting for Ji Yang's reply since yesterday, so he was naturally very happy to see Ji Yang's reply and found the right wine.

But when he saw Ji Yang talking about cocktails, Du Kang was not very happy.

"Xiaobai, the wine suitable for fairies is the Queen Mother's will, and you can't joke about it."

"How could you let me use cocktails to make wine, let alone cocktails, even anchovies can't make wine."

"Hahaha, this Du Kang is too talented."

Seeing Du Kang's reply, Ji Yang laughed with pain in his stomach.

This Du Kang actually thought that the cocktail was wine made from cocktails, and then he said that wine was made from anchovies, so should this be called anchovy wine?

Seeing that Du Kang misunderstood, Ji Yang also told Du Kang what happened to the cocktail.

Seeing Ji Yang's explanation, Du Kang also blushed, and he had another oolong.

"This is the utensil I bought in advance to make cocktails. There is also a way to make them. You can see for yourself."

Ji Yang directly sent two sets of equipment for mixing cocktails and a few books to Du Kang.

Looking at the pile of utensils in front of him, Du Kang realized that he didn't know them at all, but fortunately there were instructions.

"It's a masher, and it's used to mash fruit or other ingredients that need to be crushed."

"This is a wine mouth, and the wine mouth can be used to control the amount of alcohol."

"Shaker, for shaking wine and stuff..."

In the heavenly court, Du Kang was familiarizing himself with the equipment and methods of mixing cocktails, which had nothing to do with Ji Yang.

Because mixing cocktails requires spirits like vodka, when Du Kang studied the mixing method, he bought all the remaining nine grades of Scotch vodka on Ji Yang's shelf.

In fact, there is absolutely no need for Du Kang to buy so many at one time. He really did this for research on mixing cocktails, and another point is to thank Ji Yang for providing the suggestion of cocktails.

 The fourth update, everyone, take your time, Xieben continues to code words
(End of this chapter)

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