The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 241 The Angry Ye Family

Chapter 241 The Angry Ye Family (Part [-])
In a certain hospital in Wanghai, several black cars stopped, and a dozen people dressed in black, with solemn faces and alert eyes, who looked like bodyguards got out of the cars.

After the dozen or so bodyguards got out of the car, they surrounded the car in the middle, looking around with vigilant eyes, as if no one was allowed to approach.

These bodyguards looked well-trained at first glance. If someone approached the car they were protecting at this time, they didn't know what the consequences would be.

Such a battle naturally attracted a lot of people to wait and see and guess.

"Which leader is this coming to Haihai Hospital to inspect and engage in such a big battle?"

"I haven't heard people from the hospital mention it. Even if the leader came to check, it must be a surprise inspection. We just need to do our job well."

"Hee hee, it would be great if it was the young master of some family, maybe he will tell me a real-life story of Cinderella turning into a princess."

"Don't dream, you want to say that the young master of the big family really sent one this morning, and it looks pretty good, but it's a pity, even if you follow him, you won't have the chance to enjoy the "happiness"..."

When two gossiping little nurses were chatting about the identity of the person protected by these bodyguards, one of the bodyguards said a few words into the headset, and the door of the protected car was opened from the inside.

The first to walk down were still the two bodyguards. After confirming that there was really no danger, they also said a word to the inside of the car.

Then I saw an old man with a gloomy face and white hair coming out of the car.


When the old man got out of the car, all the bodyguards greeted him in unison.

The person known as the head of the house didn't have any special reaction, he just walked into the hospital.

Although the old man looks like he is six or seven years old, he does not look like an old man when he walks. On the contrary, he looks stronger than many young people.

As soon as the old man left, other bodyguards hurriedly followed.

When the old man walked into the hospital, more than a dozen doctors in white coats ran out quickly.

When seeing these doctors, people who knew them were shocked. These are the leaders of the hospital, and the leader is Ma Youxin, the director of the hospital.

Ma Youxin was much younger than the old man who walked to the hospital, but seeing how he panted when he ran, his physique was much worse than the other's.

"Old Ye, why are you here?"

Ma Youxin looked at the old man who walked to the hospital door with a faint smile.

When Ye Zurong heard Ma Youxin's question, his gloomy face turned chilly, and then he heard him speak in a cold voice.

"Xin Li is the only child of my Ye family. He was seriously injured and sent to the hospital. Can I not come?"

It turned out that Ye Zurong was Ye Xinli's grandfather and the head of the Ye family.

Although Ye Xinli was injured in Linhai, when the other party was sent to Linhai Hospital, Linhai Hospital said that Ye Xinli's injury was too serious, and Linhai Hospital did not have experts in this field and could not treat her.

In a hospital as big as Linhai Hospital, there are no experts in any field.

But no matter how powerful an expert is, there is nothing he can do about the completely crippled fifth leg.

In the end, Linhai Hospital simply came to an expert who did not have this field, and suggested that Ye Xinli be transferred to another hospital immediately.

Ye Xinli was sent back to the hospital in front of her overnight. Although this hospital is not the best in Wanghai, the hospital equipment is also one of the best, much better than Linhai Hospital.

More importantly, the real owner of this hospital is the Ye family, that's why Ye Xinli was sent here.

After Ye Xinli was sent to the hospital, Ma Youxin immediately came to the hospital to examine and treat Ye Xinli.

The other injuries on Ye Xinli's body Ma Youxin had the confidence to treat them, but when he saw Ye Xinli's place, he was also dumbfounded. They were all injured like this, how to treat them?
Just when Ma Youxin didn't know how to treat Ye Xinli there, Ye Zurong came, and Ma Youxin brought people to greet him.

Hearing Ye Zurong mention Ye Xinli at this time, Ma Youxin's heart skipped a beat.

Ye Xinli is the only seedling of the Ye family, and the other party has not married a wife and has no children, if his place is abolished, the Ye family will be extinct.

The Ye family's snobbery is terrifying, and this Ye Zurong is also a hot-tempered person, because of his hot temper, he even got the nickname of the Fiery Monkey.

If Ye Zurong knew about Ye Xinli's situation, the whole hospital might be in bad luck.

But some things always have to be faced, and you can't escape if you want to escape.

No matter how much Ma Youxin didn't want Ye Zurong to ask about Ye Xinli's situation, Ye Zurong wanted to.

"How is Xin Li's injury?"

The most feared question still came. Hearing this question, everyone's face changed drastically.

When Ye Zurong saw the change in everyone's expressions, he knew that the situation was not good, so he didn't need Ma Youxin to say anything, just shouted in a deep voice.

"Take me to Xin Li's ward, and talk about his condition as we go."

Ye Xinli's situation couldn't be concealed even if he wanted to, so Ma Youxin could only smile bitterly and tell Ye Zurong while leading the way.

"Master Ye is not in danger for the time being, and the injuries on his body have basically been treated..."

Ma Youxin meant to announce the good news first and then the bad news. He planned to make Ye Zurong happy first.

But this kind of false joy may eventually lead to more violent anger, and Ma Youxin and others may be even more unlucky.

Sure enough, after Ma Youxin brought Ye Zurong to the advanced special ward where Ye Xinli was.

When Ma Youxin said that Ye Xinli's position may not be repaired, and it will affect fertility and other problems.

Ye Zurong's face, which had eased a lot, changed instantly, and the gloomy level was even more terrifying than before.


Ye Zurong slapped Ma Youxin on the face, looking at him angrily.

"Ma Youxin, are you tired of working, messing around, you just told me a lot of nonsense?"

"I tell you, if you can't cure Xin Li, you will throw your whole family into the sea and feed the fish."

After being slapped by Ye Zurong, Ma Youxin didn't even dare to say a word.

When he heard Ye Zurong's words behind him, his face paled instantly.

He can become the director of this hospital, so he naturally understands Ye Zurong's methods very well.

"Old Ye, Young Master Ye's injury is too severe..."


Ma Youxin wanted to say something else, but he only spoke halfway before Ye Zurong kicked him out.

Regardless of Ye Zurong's age, but his strength is really not small, and the speed of his kicks is also very fast.

"Why do I raise so many of you, stop talking nonsense to me, as long as I end up with Xin Li's injuries, I'll throw you all into the sea to feed the sharks!"

Ye Zurong roared loudly.

Turning his head to look at Ye Xinli who was still in a coma, he said in a heavy voice with red eyes.

"Xin Li, grandpa will definitely avenge you."

"If you dare to beat my Ye Zurong's grandson like this, and want to break the roots of my Ye family, no matter who you are or how much background you have, I will make your life worse than death."

 Thanks to the clown in the lunatic asylum, waiting for others to reward, thank you for your support, Xieben is still at work today, trying to code
(End of this chapter)

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