The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 255 Ji Yang Came to Watch the Sea

Chapter 255 Ji Yang Came to Watch the Sea (Third Watch)
As a normal man, he would rather be killed directly than have his fifth limb crippled.

After Ye Xinli woke up, knowing that her fifth limb had been disabled, she almost went crazy.

Thinking of Ji Yang who made himself into such a state, he wished to eat his flesh and drink his blood.

"Cough cough cough..."

As soon as Ye Xinli got excited, he felt it was difficult to breathe, and he coughed again.

Seeing Ye Xinli coughing, Ye Zurong hurried to comfort him.

"Xin Li, don't get excited, you just need to rest in peace and recuperate."

"I have already investigated that person, his name is Ji Yang, and now I am asking someone to investigate his whereabouts."

"As long as his whereabouts are confirmed, I will arrest him and let you dispose of him."

Ye Xinli is the only child of the Ye family, and now Ye Xinli is abolished by Ji Yang.

Ye Zurong's hatred for Ji Yang is no less than Ye Xinli's.

Hearing what Ye Zurong said, Ye Xinli calmed down a little and seemed less excited.


"Patriarch, Patriarch, good news, good news."

The door of the ward was suddenly pushed open by a middle-aged man in black, and the middle-aged man shouted excitedly.

It's just that as soon as he rushed into the ward, he felt that there was something wrong with the atmosphere in the ward, and his expression froze.

"Ah Lie, what are you yelling for? I don't know if Xin Li is recuperating!"

Good news, is there any good news now?

The only seedling in his family has become like this. Ye Zurong really can't think of any news, which is good news for him.

A Lie took a careful look at Ye Xinli, seeing Ye Xinli's pale face was almost bloodless, he swallowed lightly.

"Patriarch, Ji Yang has come to look at the sea."

"What are you talking about, Ji Yang came to look at the sea, cough cough..."

Hearing Ji Yang came to watch the sea, Ye Xinli's pale face turned red, and she shouted loudly.

It's just that he was so excited that he coughed again.

What kind of trouble is this, coughing when angry, coughing when excited, and turning red when coughing.

When Ye Xinli coughed, some blood came out again.

Ye Zurong said softly to the nurse who took care of Ye Xinli: "Today, cook more pig lung and blood soup for Xin Li, and give him more tonic."

"Now that I know the owner, I will add more brown sugar and red dates to the young master."

This nurse is a full-time nurse of Ye's family. When she heard Ye Zurong's arrangement, she nodded obediently.

But when he heard that the nurse wanted to add more brown sugar and red dates, the corners of Ye Zurong's mouth twitched twice.

I just saw that Ye Xinli was coughing up a lot of blood, so I asked the nurse to make pig lung and blood soup to nourish Ye Xinli.

But why does this nurse add so much brown sugar and red dates? It's not a relative.

But Ye Zurong didn't say anything, who made the little nurse more experienced in replenishing blood than himself.

"Xin Li, take good care of your body. Since Ji Yang has come to Wanghai, he shouldn't even think about leaving."

"I'll bring him to see you soon. You have to take good care of your body so that you can torture him like death."

Ye Zurong gave A Lie a wink, and the other party understood and left the ward directly.

A Lie left, and Ye Zurong followed.

Ye Zurong was afraid that the conversation between himself and A Lie would irritate Ye Xinli.

"Where is Ji Yang looking at the sea, immediately take someone to catch him for me."

As soon as he came to the door of the ward, Ye Zurong said loudly to Ariel.

"Patriarch, Ji Yang's current position is a bit special, and our people may not be able to go."

Allie said helplessly.

If it was possible, would he still use Ye Zurong to give orders? He himself had brought people to arrest Ji Yang directly.

Ye Zurong stared, then turned cold, and shouted loudly.

"In Wanghai, there is no place that my people, Ye Zurong, can't go, nowhere."

In Wanghai, there is no one who has a certain status who does not know the Ye family.

The Ye family is very powerful in Wanghai, and there are places in Wanghai where his own people can't go, Ye Zurong really doesn't believe it.

"Looking at the naval district compound."

Allie said softly.

Ye Zurong's face changed slightly, and Ji Yang was actually looking at the naval compound.

No matter how good his Ye family is, they are not so good that they dare to rush into the compound of the military area to arrest people.

If you offend the people in the military compound, just charge yourself with a crime.

Not to mention that planes and tanks rushed into Ye's house, even a company of soldiers rushed in.

Each person shot down with two shuttles, and the Ye family was finished.

Ye Zurong asked A Lie again why Ji Yang went to Wanghai District Compound.

How could Ariel know so much, the people he sent only saw Ji Yang driving into the compound of the Naval District, and the people sent by Ariel hadn't been able to find out what the reason was.

Ye Zurong was also silent at this time, and he would definitely not be willing to let him clash with the people in the naval district compound.

Now that Ji Yang came to Wanghai, if Ji Yang was allowed to leave Wanghai safely, Ye Zurong would not be able to do it.

In the end, he felt ruthless in his heart, looked at Allie coldly, and gritted his teeth.

"You send someone to keep an eye on Ji Yang, and notify me as soon as you see him leaving the Wanghai District compound."

"I don't care who is covering him, since he came to watch the sea, he can't leave alive."

The people in Wangjun District Compound are not easy to mess with, and he, Ye Zurong, doesn't eat dry food either.

Although he couldn't rush into the compound of Wanghai District to arrest people, but as long as Ji Yang came out, he couldn't help him.

A Lie nodded, and went to arrange someone to watch Ji Yang.

In Mu's residence, after a meal.

Mu Qing pulled Ji Yang and chatted for a long time, and while chatting, Mu Qing suddenly became interested.

"Ji Yang, can you play chess?"

Mu Qing asked softly.

"Beast chess, or flying chess, I can also play checkers."

Ji Yang said with a very serious expression.

It's just that as soon as he said this, not only Mu Qing, but also other people had a few black lines on their foreheads.

"Hahaha, that's all played by you young people, an old man like me can't do it."

"I like to play Go, do you want to play a few games?"


In ancient China, there were four major arts, and the four major arts referred to piano, chess, calligraphy and painting.

Qinqi, calligraphy and painting have a long history and a long history, and the chess in it is Go.

I heard that this game of Go has been applied to the field of world intangible cultural heritage.

But this Go Ji Yang has only heard of it, at most he knows that the chess pieces are black and white, and he doesn't know anything else.

Just seeing how elegant Mu Qing is, Ji Yang planned to play with him.

After playing several games with Mu Qing, Ji Yang also lost several games in a row.

"It's wrong for you to move down like this. You should move to this position."

Mu Hong on the side couldn't stand it anymore, and secretly told Ji Yang how to play.

Ji Yang is also a face-saving person, and now he can't even look down on his own woman, and he can't hold his face anymore.

After losing another game, Ji Yang had an ugly expression on his face.

"Ji Yang, it seems that you have to learn more about this game of Go."

"Forget it today, it's not too early."

Mu Qing has already seen that Ji Yang doesn't know how to play Go at all, and now his expression is wrong, and Mu Qing also intends to let it go today.

But when Mu Qing wanted to forget about it, Ji Yang spoke up.

"No, I have to go down."

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(End of this chapter)

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