The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 256 I just let you do it

Chapter 256 I just let you do it (four more)

Mu Qinghui proposed not to play Go because he saw that Ji Yang really didn't know how to play Go.

After losing several rounds in a row, Ji Yang's face was not right, it was obvious that he couldn't hold back his face.

But he wanted to save face for the other party, but Ji Yang didn't appreciate it, and even wanted to play.

"Ji Yang, it's getting late, and grandpa is sleepy, so don't play today."

Mu Hong thought that Ji Yang wanted to get back face from Mu Qing because he lost face, so he proposed to continue playing.

But Ji Yang doesn't know how to play Go at all, no matter how many games he plays with Mu Qing, it's the same.

In the end, not only can't I get back my face, but it will make me lose more and more face.

It's just that Mu Hong couldn't stop it directly, so she found an excuse and said softly.

When Mu Hong spoke, she blinked at Mu Qing.

Mu Qing understood and yawned deliberately.

"Ha... the old man is too old to stay up late."

"Ji Yang, let's forget about today, I'm going to sleep."

While speaking, Mu Qing stood up, looking as if he really wanted to leave.

If Mu Qing left like this, wouldn't the matter of embarrassing himself today be settled?

"Old Mu, are you afraid of losing to me when you leave in such a hurry?"

"If you are afraid of losing, then you can go, I just let you go."

"I was about to have a real game with you, but I didn't expect you to be sleepy, hey..."

Although Ji Yang has not been in contact with Mu Qing for a long time, Ji Yang can tell.

This Mu Qing is definitely a stubborn old man, and he cares about face very much.

Ji Yang was just going to use words to stimulate the opponent to continue playing Go with him.

Sure enough, when Ji Yang said that he left because he was afraid of losing, Ji Yang also said that he let Mu Qing win.

This made Mu Qing a little unhappy.

"Brat, come, come, let's fight for three hundred rounds."

"I, Mu Qing, can beat the crap out of the enemy with my real skills on the battlefield. I still need you to let me play Go."

As soon as Mu Qing got up and sat down, everyone knew that it would be impossible if he didn't come to the two rounds today.

The three daughters of Mu Hong looked at Ji Yang with tragic expressions, obviously they couldn't play Go, so they insisted on pretending.

It's okay this time, Mu Qing is really angry.

Just now Mu Qing still cared about Ji Yang's feelings, so if he gave way, Ji Yang could play a few more chess pieces.

When he gets angry now, Ji Yang doesn't know how miserable it will be.

Ji Yang didn't care about the eyes of the people around him at all, anyway, he would know who was the best later on.

"I drank a little too much just now, I'll go to the bathroom first."

Ji Yang said something to Mu Qing, then walked to the bathroom.

"There's a lot of excrement and urine on the lazy donkey, so don't hide in the bathroom without peeing."

Mu Qing shouted to Ji Yang who was in the bathroom.

Ji Yang didn't speak, but just glanced at Mu Qing with a smile on his face.

Ji Yang's smile appeared quickly and disappeared quickly. After he disappeared from everyone's sight, the smile on his face disappeared.

"I have to find a Go player quickly, otherwise Mr. Mu and the others really think I'm a pissing escape, and they're too scared to go out."

Ji Yang took out his mobile phone and found Ma Mian.

"Ma Mian, are there any ancient Chinese Go players in the underworld?"

Ji Yang is familiar with Ma Mian, and they met each other last time during the Ghost Festival, so there is no need to be polite when speaking now.

"An ancient Go master, I think of one. I played a few games with him yesterday. He is the Qing Dynasty chess master named Huang Longshi."

Ji Yang has never heard of Huanglongshi or Huanglongshi, but he must have some ability to be called a chess master.

But some people's titles were exaggerated, Ji Yang was a little curious, so he asked who this Huanglongshi was when he was alive.

According to Ma Mian's introduction, Ji Yang also knew about Huang Longshi's situation.

This Huanglongshi was a national player in the Qing Dynasty. Together with Fan Xiping and Shi Xiangxia, he was called the "Three Great Chess Masters of the Qing Dynasty", and was the overlord of Go in the middle of the Kangxi Dynasty.

Now that he knew how awesome Huang Longshi was, Ji Yang asked Ma Mian to help him find Huang Longshi.

"My lord, I don't know what you want to do with the little one."

Two minutes later, Huang Longshi added Ji Yang as a friend.

Once the addition was successful, Huang Longshi spoke to Ji Yang first.

Ji Yang directly told Huang Longshi why he was looking for him. When he heard that Ji Yang wanted to teach him the experience of playing Go, Huang Longshi didn't talk nonsense and directly passed on his experience to Ji Yang.

Ji Yang felt countless information pouring into his mind, and he smiled.

"The Go board has 19 straight lines vertically and horizontally to divide the board into 361 intersections. The chess pieces walk on the intersections, and the two sides alternately move. After the chess is placed, it cannot move. The one with the most surrounded land wins..."

Muttering the information in his head, Ji Yang has also changed from a Go rookie to a Go master who is equivalent to a chess master.

"Huang Longshi, thank you today, and I will thank you later when I have time."

"It is a small honor to be able to help adults."

Ji Yang has been in the bathroom for a while, but he hasn't come out for a long time.

The people outside were already waiting impatiently, so Mu Hong went directly to the bathroom and asked loudly inside.

"Ji Yang, you're not really going to hide in the bathroom, are you?"


Hearing Mu Hong's voice outside the door, Ji Yang pressed the toilet valve, and with a confident smile on his face, he walked out of the toilet.

Seeing the smile on Ji Yang's face, Mu Hong was a little surprised. Did Ji Yang really hide his strength?
"The stomach is not very comfortable these two days, so I stayed in the toilet for a long time."

"Old Mu, you have to be careful this time, I won't let you in again."

Back on the chessboard, Ji Yang looked at Mu Qing and said.

Hearing Ji Yang's words, Mu Qing snorted coldly.

"Come if you can."

A new round of chess game started, and with the game between Ji Yang and Mu Qing, everyone's expressions changed.

The current Ji Yang is completely different from the previous Ji Yang.

At this time, when Ji Yang was playing chess, each chess piece that fell seemed ordinary, but it had a profound meaning.

Mu Qing suffered a few times in a row, but every time Mu Qing wanted to move back to the disadvantaged position.

However, Ji Yang can always respond immediately, forcing Mu Qing to feel a little powerless.

Following the fall of Ji Yang's chess piece, one-third of Mu Qing's chess pieces were eaten.

Mu Qing sighed helplessly: "You can do it, I lost."

At this time, two-thirds of the chessboard is occupied by Ji Yang's pieces.

Moreover, Mu Qing's chess pieces looked very dangerous, and he knew he had lost.

Don't look at Mu Qing who is sometimes stubborn, but he can afford it and let it go.

If he loses, he loses, and he will not play tricks.

"You brat, you are obviously very good at Go, but you acted like you don't know anything before. Even I was deceived by you."

Mu Qing didn't have the slightest feeling of depression on his face, he just looked at Ji Yang with relief.

His demeanor is unmatched by many people.

"Hey, I said it all, I let you before."

Ji Yang said with a proud face.

Hearing his words, Li Zixuan and the three daughters gave a disdainful cut.

 Thank you for your support. I know that many people are waiting for the explosive update. Xieben has been busy recently. It is not easy to maintain four updates every day. After this period of time, there will definitely be explosive updates.

(End of this chapter)

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