The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 2561 Red Beard

Chapter 2561 Red Beard

The pirates on the ghost pirate ship took the lead in launching six consecutive rounds of shelling without even showing their faces.

In every bombardment, hundreds of shells were fired in unison.

If Xiaolongnv and Cain hadn't been highly cultivated, and the Ouyang family's brothers and sisters had cooperated tacitly, these freighters of Ouyang's family would definitely be riddled with holes, and most of them would sink.

After being bombarded continuously for a long time, everyone felt a fire in their hearts.

Especially someone like Cain, who has a high level of cultivation, but still has to be beaten and defended passively.

Now that the opponent has stopped attacking, he naturally wants to fight back.

It's just that he hasn't moved yet, and there are more than a dozen ghost pirate ships.

A strange sound sounded, and thousands of figures appeared on the bow of the ghost pirate ship.

These figures, some with naked upper bodies, some in coarse linen, and some in mail armor, are not uniformly dressed.

But judging from their body shape and clothing, one can be sure that these people are all Omi people, and they are not modern people.

Because they were dressed in the same way as in the [-]th century AD.



Although these figures stood on the ghost ship like ordinary people.

There are quite a lot of people's heads, and there are hundreds of people on each ghost ship.

However, there is no vitality in their bodies, but full of Yin Qi.

There is another part, which is the soul body at all, and there is no living person anyway.

Seeing the appearance of these pirates, everyone actually expected it, because they felt it before.

But after actually seeing it, I was somewhat curious.

"No matter what they are, ghosts or zombies, if they meet us today, they will all perish completely!"

Curious about what pirates look like, now I can see it too.

As everyone feels, it is just a group of corpses and soul bodies.

Cain really had no interest in these.

To be honest, the number of pirates seems to be quite a lot, but it is far less than Ouyang Xing's party.

Although Ouyang's family plus Xiaolongnv and others, there are only one or two hundred people on the boat.

But in the cabin of the freighter, on any freighter, there are thousands or even tens of thousands of Houqing Corpse Zombies.

These zombies are not decorations, and they all have certain combat effectiveness.

Therefore, even if it is a ratio, Ouyang Xing's side is several times that of the other side.

As for strength?
This is simply incomparable. Even if there are tens of thousands of pirates on the dozen or so ghost ships in front of them, Cain and others don't pay attention to them at all.

It was too easy to kill them.

"Crack, click, click..."

While Cain was speaking, the pirates on the largest pirate ship had a change.

Judging from their appearance, they did not intend to attack Cain and the others, but were moving in an orderly manner, giving way in the middle.

Seeing this scene, everyone was a little surprised, and then they saw pedestrians walking to the bow.

The leader has a red beard all over his face, he has only one eye, and he is very burly. He has only one intact arm, the other arm is only half, and the other half is an iron hook.

After the man with the red beard appeared, the other pirates looked at him with awe, even fear.

When Xiao Longnu and the others saw this person, their expressions also changed slightly.

Because on the body of this bearded man, he didn't feel Yin Qi, and he was not a soul body, but a real living person.

"There is a living person!"

"The atmosphere on the ship is too dark, completely covering up his aura. If he hadn't appeared, I really don't know that there are still living people among these pirates."

"Since there is one living person, will there be other living people?"

"I haven't felt it yet, but it's not impossible..."

At first, everyone felt that there were only dead people on the dozen or so pirate ships.

Now a living person suddenly appeared, which surprised everyone.

"I am Red Beard, the leader of the largest pirate group in the Caribbean, the Red Skull Pirates!"

"You are China's ships, right? You are much more capable than the people on the previous ships, and you were able to survive six rounds of destruction by my pirate group without hurting your ship."

"On your ship, I feel a heavy breath of death. What are you transporting?"

"Hand over the things you transported, and I may let you live, otherwise, I will throw you all into the sea to feed the fish."

The pirate captain who called himself Redbeard directly reported his family name, said his name, and also said the name of the pirate group he led.

But after hearing that he declared his family name, everyone was stunned again.

Because the red beard opened his mouth, he actually spoke Chinese.

Hooligans are not terrible, just because they are educated.

A pirate leader can speak Chinese, so he is considered educated, so isn't he scary?

What's more, he actually said that he was a pirate in the Caribbean.

This is the waters of the United States, not the Caribbean.

The United States belongs to North America, but the Caribbean belongs to Central America, and there is still some distance.

Pirates in the Caribbean were also the most rampant, notorious, and terrifying in ancient times.

Redbeard said that he was the largest pirate group in the Caribbean. He didn't know if it was true or not, but with more than a dozen pirate ships, the strength must be very high.

This is not the point, the point is the pirates in the Caribbean, why did they appear here?

Could it be that the Caribbean couldn't survive, so he came to the waters of the United States to mix?

A group of ghost pirates composed entirely of dead bodies and ghosts, it should be the same everywhere.

"The previous ship? The freighter of my Ouyang family was sunk by you, right?"

Ouyang Xing doesn't care about the origin of the red-bearded Red Skull Pirates, what their strength is, and why they came here from the Caribbean Sea.

He needs to confirm one thing first, that is whether the cargo ship that Ouyang's family was attacked and sunk before was sunk by the opponent.

Since the other party can speak Chinese, it is easy to communicate.

Ouyang Xing glared at the red beard and asked loudly.

"Ouyang's family? Don't know?"

"However, I have sunk several cargo ships with the same flag. If those belong to the Ouyang family, then I, the red beard, did it."

The red beard is a daring character, he did it himself, he really doesn't deny it.

When admitting, the red beard still had an arrogance on his face.

For Redbeard, no, it should be said that for all pirates, the more ships they sink and the more things they rob, that is honor and the capital of pride.

"It really is you, today I will avenge my people!"

The red beard has already admitted, does Ouyang Xing have anything else to say?

Once the real murderer is found, he will naturally be dealt with.

The Red Skull Pirates with the red beards were eliminated, not only to avenge the dead Ouyang family members, but also to smooth the transportation of the Ouyang family in the future...

(End of this chapter)

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