Chapter 2562

Ouyang's family's maritime transportation had accidents repeatedly, but the real reason was never found, and doubts have always lingered in the hearts of everyone in Ouyang's family.

Not to mention the compensation after the event, not to mention the impact on his own transportation business, the revenge of the dead clansman must be reported.

Now that he finally knew who the murderer was, Ouyang Xing's eyes were already red with anger.

Not only him, but all the members of Ouyang's family were glaring at the pirates of the Blood Skull Pirates.

Many of the clan members who died were the blood of the close relatives of the Ouyang family at the scene. The murderer who killed their close relatives was right in front of them, and they finally had a chance to take revenge.

"Hahaha, revenge?"

"There are too many people who wanted revenge on my red beard, but they were all thrown into the sea and fed to the sharks."

"Don't think that if you can stop my bombardment for a few rounds, I will have nothing to do with you. Revenge? I think you want to reunite with those dead guys!"

"Little ones, let them know how powerful we are!"

Ouyang Xing and the Ouyang family wanted to seek revenge from Redbeard.

Feeling the anger from everyone in Ouyang's family, the red beard didn't feel the slightest fear.

The red beard laughed loudly, and the red beard on his face trembled.

Just now, he used six rounds of bombardment, but he failed to break through the air defense of Xiao Longnu and others.

Now he is still calm in the face of danger, without the slightest fear, is this too calm


Redbeard's words were like a dose of stimulant. As soon as he finished speaking, the pirates on more than a dozen pirate ships began to shout excitedly.

This red beard is really a hit.

No, it should be said that everyone responded.

"Yelling and screaming, it's really annoying!"

"Will you fight or not? I've reached the limit of my patience!"

Tens of thousands of pirates yelled, and Cain was very disturbed.

He is Cain, the ancestor of the blood race, and he feels very aggrieved that he has to endure the arrogance of tens of thousands of pirates here.

Cain, who really couldn't bear it, turned his head to look at Xiao Longnu, his voice was quite impatient.

Although Cain's cultivation is stronger than that of Xiaolongnv.

But Xiaolongnv is Ji Yang's woman, and Cain is not good at being the leader when she is here.

Otherwise, if something happened, Ji Yang would definitely trouble him.

Ji Yang is not the scariest one. The scary thing is that Ji Yang's background is very tough, and his partners are very tough.

If Ji Yang finds trouble with Cain, even if he takes on the entire Dark Night Alliance, he will probably have to finish the game.

"Enough is enough for me!"


Cain endured enough, and Xiao Longnv actually had enough.

She stopped Cain just now because she wanted to see what kind of pirates these pirates were.

Now that I have seen it, my curiosity is gone.

The arrogant attitude of the red beard made Xiao Longnv unable to stand it anymore.

Turning to look at Cain, Xiao Longnu nodded.

"A group of trash who have died a long time ago dare to be arrogant in front of me. Today I will make you disappear completely. I..."

"Whoosh whoosh..."

Xiao Longnv agreed to do it, and a cruel smile appeared on Cain's face.

Before starting, Cain did not forget to express his emotion.

When Ouyang Xing and the others heard Xiao Longnv say to do it, they were all ready to do it.

But before Cain could finish his sentence, he saw more than a dozen pirates on the pirate ship, swinging iron locks in their hands, and threw them towards the cargo ship of Ouyang's family.

"Ka Ka Ka... Pa Pa Pa Pa..."

These iron chains tied with iron hooks were thrown out and hooked on the railing of the freighter, and then pirates on more than a dozen pirate ships rushed towards Ouyang's freighter stepping on the iron chains.

"Being more active than us, if you are so eager to die, then you will be fulfilled."

"Everyone in Ouyang's family obeys orders, kill them, and let these guys be completely out of their wits!"

"Follow Patriarch, kill..."

Originally, Xiao Longnu and Ouyang Xing should have taken the initiative.

But now it's the other way around, and the pirates are the first to do it.

Every freighter was hooked by dozens of iron chain hooks.

These iron chains are not only a tool for the pirates to travel together, but also something that connects the Ouyang family's freighter to the pirate ship and prevents the Ouyang family's freighter from running away.

It's just that this point is a bit redundant, because Ouyang's freighter will not run today.

Seeing hundreds of pirates running towards their cargo ship along the iron chain, Ouyang Xing and the others didn't have any fear on their faces, only fighting intent.

The Ouyang family's flight line had an accident, and many members of the family died. This was a fire in the hearts of everyone in the Ouyang family.

When the murderer is found, it's time for him to vent his anger.

Although these pirates are dead bodies and spirit bodies like zombies, most people will be afraid when they see them, and there is nothing they can do about them.

But the people in Ouyang's family are different, they are all practitioners, and they have ways to deal with these pirates.

"Don't let them aboard, stop them!"

There are tens of thousands of zombies on the freighter of Ouyang's family.

If these zombies were released, they would be able to tear up the rushing pirates in minutes.

But once tens of thousands of zombies are released, it will be very chaotic and difficult to control, because there are too many.

If some zombies don't obey orders and something happens, it's hard to explain to Hou Qing.

Originally, Ji Yang wanted to give the demon refining pot to Xiao Longnv, but later because of Chi You, he was taken back.

In fact, even if Xiaolongnv was given the demon refining pot, if the tens of thousands of zombies of the Houqing Corpse Clan stayed in the cabin honestly, it would be easy to put them into the world in the pot.

But if tens of thousands of zombies are in chaos, even if Xiao Longnu wants to use the demon refining pot to collect them, it will be very difficult.

In order not to affect the tens of thousands of zombies locked in the cabin, it is necessary to prevent the pirates from boarding the ship.

"Stop them!"


Xiao Longnu shouted loudly, and Ouyang Xing immediately ordered everyone to execute.

Although the people of Ouyang's family are stronger than the pirates in terms of strength.

But there are so many pirates. Hundreds of pirates are rushing along the iron chains. It is not easy to stop them directly.

But there is a way to do it, and that is to cut off their way.


"Puff, puff, puff..."

Break the chain!
That's right, that's the way.

Everyone in Ouyang's family took weapons and cut off the iron chains one by one.

When the iron chain stopped, the pirates rushing along the chain fell into the sea.

As a pirate, water skills are very good.

But unexpectedly, after they died, their advantage would still be there.

I saw these pirates fell into the sea, still relying on water, they continued to approach Ouyang's freighter.

"Jun'er, lead someone to stop them!"

"Follow me!"

After the pirates died, they were still able to pass through water, which was beyond everyone's expectation.

Seeing the pirates continue to approach the cargo ship from the sea, Ouyang Xing decisively ordered Ouyang Jun to jump off the boat and go to the sea to stop them.

But there are only one or two hundred people in Ouyang's family. They can stop them for a while, but when more and more pirates come, they can't stop them completely.

Some pirates bypassed the obstruction of the Ouyang family and were about to encounter the freighter...

(End of this chapter)

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