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Chapter 2575 Is it Raphael

Chapter 2575 Is it Raphael
Heaven represents light and is the opposite of darkness.

Not to mention being one of the seven archangels, even an ordinary two-winged angel would not like being shrouded in darkness.

That is blasphemy against angels, contempt for angels.

So when the eight-winged archangel in front of him opened his eyes, although he saw Ji Yang and others, he didn't target Ji Yang and others first, but wanted to dispel the surrounding darkness.

The eight-winged archangel in front of him is using his power to dispel the black air around him.

To be honest, the black air is really uncomfortable.

He did this, one is to help himself, and indirectly, he also helped Ji Yang and others.

However, it is not that simple to dispel the black air that spreads for dozens of nautical miles around, and it will take time.

The black air around his body began to dissipate, and it would take time for the remaining black air to remain.

Ji Yang looked at the eight-winged angel in the air, but he still didn't move.

Each of the seven archangels has the rank of a first-rank immortal.

Ji Yang only has the rank of second-rank immortal. Although he can barely fight with first-rank immortal rank, Ji Yang thinks he is no match for a one-on-one fight with an angel.

It's not that Ji Yang is cowardly, but that he doesn't trust others and can clearly distinguish between pros and cons.

Ji Yang didn't move because he was looking for a suitable opportunity to make a move.

But the opponent seemed to be full of loopholes, but Ji Yang knew that once he made a move, the opponent would definitely fight back immediately.

If you are restricted by him, it will not be a good thing for yourself.

Anyway, he still has helpers by his side, so he is not in a hurry.

So he was just observing. It would be great if he could figure out the identity of the other party first.

Each of the seven archangels has its own specialty.

Just like the previous Uriel, he belongs to the angel of anger, the angel in charge of the fire of hell, the angel who leads the celestial bodies and stars and protects the underworld.

Knowing the identity of the opponent, you can avoid the opponent's advantages and find the disadvantages of the opponent.

Among the seven archangels, Uriel is the most special if only judged by appearance.

As an angel of anger, his appearance is not as handsome as other angels, but rather ugly, but the others are not good unless he is very familiar.

So judging from appearance alone, Ji Yang really doesn't have that ability.

"Among the seven archangels, which angel has the power to turn evil thoughts into good thoughts?"

Turning evil thoughts into good ones is the greatest information Ji Yang has so far.

Just observing, Ji Yang couldn't find the answer. He could only rely on this information to ask Mutu and Cain to see if they obtained each other's information from this information.

"Evil thoughts turned into good thoughts? In fact, all archangels have this ability. They can use their own sacred power to make people with evil thoughts feel good thoughts."

"But if you want to say who is the best at this aspect, it must be the Archangel Raphael who can manipulate the healing technique!"

Ji Yang asked, after Mutu and Cain looked at each other, Mutu opened his mouth.

Although Cain is the ancestor of the blood race, but in fact, it is Mutu who has a better understanding of the situation in the West.

After all, Mutu is a native of the West, and Cain is just an outsider.

"Raphael? Then you think he is Raphael?"

Mutu's answer was not very positive.

Because he said that all the archangels have the ability to turn evil thoughts into good thoughts, but they are strong and weak.

Judging from the situation just now, it is impossible to tell the strength from the weakness.

But Mutu mentioned the name Raphael, Ji Yang still asked.

"Raphael? If it's really him, it will be more troublesome."

"More troublesome? Is he very strong?"

Whether the opponent is Rafael, Mutu is still not sure.

But when he thought that the other party was Rafael, Mutu's expression became more serious, and his voice became much heavier.

On Mutu's face, Ji Yang saw obvious fear.

Mutu is the ancestor of werewolves, and he has been hostile to Heaven for thousands of years. He shouldn't be so afraid of Heaven.

His performance made Ji Yang frown, and asked again.

If Mutu is really afraid, it means that Rafael is really difficult to deal with.

"Raphael's combat power is not very high among the seven angels, but it is not weak either."

"But he can be ranked among the three archangels. This has a lot to do with his own healing ability. He can not only heal people's bodies, but also people's beliefs. As you said just now, he will Turn evil thoughts into good thoughts and make others believe in the Lord.”

"But the important thing is that he is the guardian of the tree of life in the Garden of Eden. He can release the fear and darkness in the body and mind, so we must not let him touch the sinful secret, otherwise it will be very bad."

Ji Yang asked, and Mutu answered.

Hearing Mutu's answer, a strange look flashed in Ji Yang's eyes.

Hearing that Raphael is a healing angel, Ji Yang thought he was only good at treating injuries.

Unexpectedly, Raphael can not only heal physical injuries, but also awaken the dark side in the body and mind.

Raphael can heal those dark sides by awakening them.

In other words, he not only has the ability to turn evil thoughts into good thoughts, but also to turn good into evil.

Arouse the fear and darkness in the bottom of the heart, and people will weaken their combat effectiveness and even lose their strength because of fear.

If he completely removes the dark side and only good thoughts remain, then it is easy to be controlled by him, follow his teachings, and change your beliefs.

Thinking of this, the way Ji Yang looked at the eight-winged angel in the air somewhat changed.

Although he didn't want to say it, he felt that the eight-winged angel in front of him was probably Raphael.

Redbeard and his Red Skull Pirates were originally a group of vicious pirates, a group of villains.

They are willing to do things for heaven and obey the orders of the angels. They must have changed something from the bottom of their hearts.

And Raphael is the Archangel with this ability.

"Whether he is Raphael or any other archangel, he cannot be released back to heaven alive today!"

Although Ji Yang's eyes had changed a bit, he also knew that Raphael was difficult to deal with.

But one thing, Ji Yang will not change.

That is, no matter what, he will not let the eight-winged angel in front of him leave here alive.

This is true whether he is Raphael or other Archangels.

"The black air around has completely dissipated, everyone should pay attention."

"Whoever he is, he cannot be left alive today."

While meditating in his heart, Ji Yang saw that the black air around him had completely dissipated.

The black air dissipated, and the surroundings returned to normal. Ji Yang stared at the eight-winged angel in the sky, and reminded everyone with a dignified voice.

After the eight-winged angel in front of him dispelled the black air, the next step would definitely be to attack Ji Yang and the others.

The situation is so obvious, even if Ji Yang doesn't remind, everyone is ready to meet the enemy at any time.

As for the sentence that you can't let the other party live, everyone is also very clear...

(End of this chapter)

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