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Chapter 2576 It's really Raphael

Chapter 2576 It's really Raphael
Who is the Archangel who appeared today is still not fully confirmed.

But after everyone guessed, Ji Yang was 90.00% sure that the opponent was Raphael.

As the surrounding black air dissipated, everyone knew that the eight-winged angels would target them next.

When everyone was ready to deal with the enemy, the eight-winged archangel in the air really did what he thought, and began to pay attention to Ji Yang and others.

"Darkness will eventually be dispelled by light, and only light is the right guide."

"Do you know that it is very difficult for a group of pirates who have done all kinds of bad things to repent of their mistakes, and it is even more difficult for them to be good from now on."

"It took me hundreds of years to gather so many pirates and help Redbeard form a powerful Red Skull pirate group, making them worship the light and become loyal believers of the Lord."

"But everything I have done has been destroyed by you today. Tens of thousands of pirates have completely died and disappeared. This is all my hard work, hundreds of years of hard work..."

The eight-winged angel looked at Ji Yang and the others, and said softly in an indifferent tone.

His words seemed to be speaking to Ji Yang and the others, and also seemed to be talking to himself.

It's just that his words made Ji Yang feel that they were all nonsense and had no practical meaning.

Ji Yang feels that this eight-winged angel is a bit talkative and has some ink marks.

"You ruined my century-old painstaking efforts, how can you compensate me? What should I do? What should you do?"

After talking nonsense, the eight-winged angel finally got to the point.

There was a seemingly benevolent smile on his face, but his red and white eyes felt very cold and full of anger.

Especially the red eye, it feels like there is a flame dancing in it.

"There are so many angels in heaven, which birdman are you?"

"Compensation? What to do?"

"You've been talking nonsense, haven't you already thought about what to do to us, and you still ask us these things, I said you should let us go, can you let us go?"

Without knowing the identity of the other party, it is really difficult to communicate with the other party.

Moreover, the other party must have had an idea in his mind, but instead asked Ji Yang and others how to compensate, what should they do?
Ji Yang smiled coldly, and his words were also very unpleasant.

He was an angel, or an eight-winged archangel, but Ji Yang called him a birdman.

Birdman is the least favorite name of angels.

This kind of title is disrespectful to angels, and even more humiliating.

Hearing Ji Yang's words, the eight-winged angel in front of him felt angry, but there was still a smile on his face, and the smile was very kind.

Just judging from his expression, he thought he didn't mind what Ji Yang said.

"Eastern, do you know that what you said just now is a humiliation to the angel and an unforgivable sin."

"But I, Raphael, am the most merciful of the seven archangels. I can give you a chance to sacrifice your soul and be my loyal servant of Raphael. I can spare your immortality. "

"Otherwise, both you and them will pay a heavy price for what you just said, and your souls will no longer be protected by me!"

Among the seven archangels, Raphael is indeed him.

Raphael's image has always been cheerful, steady, and loving.

So on his face, it's hard to guess what he's thinking.

Even if he is angry, there will still be a benevolent smile on his face, just like now.

"It's really Raphael. Besides being called a healing angel, he is also regarded as the guardian angel of the human soul."

Raphael said his name, and the mystery of his identity was finally solved.

Although she didn't really want to face him, this matter couldn't be avoided.

After Mutu finished Rafael's words, he also spoke loudly.

After all, Ji Yang and others had limited understanding of the angels in the West, and he was afraid that Ji Yang and others would not understand what Raphael meant, so he said that Raphael was the guardian angel of human souls.

"An angel who guards human souls?"

"That's right, no wonder those pirates can survive for so long, it turns out he still has this ability."

"However, he is your angel in the west. My soul is protected, and it is not his turn."

The pirates of the Red Beard and Red Skull Pirates have been able to survive for hundreds of years because of Raphael behind them.

But how they survived is still unclear.

Now knowing that Raphael is the archangel who guards human souls, the problem is solved.

But Raphael's ability or responsibility has nothing to do with Ji Yang.

The angels of heaven, they guard the west, but Ji Yang is from China and is from the east.

It is the immortals of heaven who guard China, but it is not the angel's turn to protect the people of China, let alone the soul.

"Oriental, I've given you a chance. Don't think I'm kind enough to challenge my bottom line again and again."

"I can give you one chance, but I won't give you a second time. Tell me your choice. Are you willing to sacrifice your soul and be my faithful servant?"

"It's an honor to be my servant. By my side, you will have the opportunity to contact the Lord and receive His grace and protection. This is something that countless believers can't even imagine. Tell me quickly, What is your choice?"

Raphael heard what Ji Yang and Mutu said.

But on his face, nothing could be seen.

He was smiling, still looking cheerful.

With Raphael's appearance, he didn't know if he was tired of living. He was obviously very angry, but he always wanted to be happy and loving.

Ji Yang feels that if he wants to rank the seven archangels of heaven, whoever is the most hypocritical must be Raphael.

"Let me be your servant? How dare you think about it."

"My choice is, I'm going to make you a roasted bird man today, hahaha..."

"Aren't you always happy? If I tell you that Uriel died because of me, will you still be so happy?"

Raphael's words made Ji Yang burst into laughter.

Looking at Raphael's appearance, Ji Yang was exhausted for him.

It has always been a happy image, Ji Yang really doesn't believe it, he just wants to stimulate him.

Sure enough, when Ji Yang said that Uriel died because of him, Raphael's expression changed obviously. Although the time was short and fleeting, Ji Yang still saw it.

"It turned out to be you, the person the Lord has been looking for is you."

"It was you who teamed up with Lucifer to kill Uriel, hundreds of angels, and destroy the Los Angeles Cathedral."

"Your sin is unforgivable. Today I will take you back to heaven and hand over to my Lord, so that you will receive the punishment you deserve."

The death of Uriel had a great impact on heaven, and he was one of the seven archangels.

Knowing that Ji Yang was actually related to this incident, Raphael's joyful expression, which had remained unchanged for thousands of years, changed instantly.

The matter of Redbeard and the Red Skull Pirates is no longer a big deal.

He only needs to do one thing now, and that is to take Ji Yang back to heaven and let him be punished...

(End of this chapter)

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