Chapter 2589
When Raphael used the flame of his life to improve his strength.

At first, Chi You didn't respond, but just observed.

But when Raphael's aura grew to a certain level and Chi You asked Ji Yang to retreat, Chi You himself began to increase his aura.

He hopes that Raphael can be stronger, so that he can play more enjoyable and enjoyable.

But these don't mean that he likes to be abused.

The opponent's aura grew to a certain level, and the intense burning sensation made Chi You feel uncomfortable.

Chi You's momentum changed, and his aura grew very rapidly. His eyes, which were originally scarlet, were covered with a layer of light blue water mist, and the red mist drifted out from his body.

Within a few breaths, the red mist that drifted out from Chi You's body had already enveloped Chi You completely.

From the outside, Chi You could no longer be seen.

But I can't see it, but I can feel it, a very dangerous aura, a very sturdy aura, is appearing in the red mist.

Remember when Xiao Longnv asked Ji Yang earlier if Chi You could do it, did Ji Yang choose to believe Ji Yang without hesitation?
In fact, Ji Yang's self-confidence has a lot to do with Chi You's appearance.

Chi You was wrapped in red mist, so he couldn't see his current situation clearly, and no one else could understand what was going on.

But Ji Yang is no stranger to Chi You's situation.

He knew that under the red mist, Chi You already looked different.

Raphael plans to fight Chi You desperately. Chi You is aggressive, but he does not underestimate the enemy. He is also ready to explode his stronger strength.

"What a gorgeous attack method!"

Just when Chi You's body was completely wrapped in red mist, Raphael unleashed his attack after borrowing the flame of his own life to enhance his strength: Flame Feather Burning Heaven.

Raphael's aura has been raised to a certain level, and it may not be able to continue to improve. Except for Raphael, no one else knows.

But at this time, he cast Flame Feather Burning Heaven, probably because he sensed the dangerous aura in the red mist.

So Raphael's aura might still improve, but because he felt the danger, he knew that he was running out of time, so he had to use his attack immediately.

Yanyu Fentian, from the name of the move, knew that this move was very powerful.

However, the term "burning the sky" is still an exaggeration. Although this move is powerful, it is not enough to burn the sky.

But just like the little dragon girl was amazed when she saw the scene of Yan Yu burning the sky, this move is very gorgeous.

Flame feathers flew out one by one, the number was very large, I dare not say if there are a thousand of them, there may be, or there may not be, and there may even be more than a thousand.

These flame feathers fly across the sky, it is absolutely no exaggeration to say that they cover the sky.

This scene is more stunning and gorgeous than setting off fireworks.

As for the power, I dare not say for the time being.

But the sharp sound that pierced the air made people feel uncomfortable, and the hairs stood on end.

Heat waves fell from the sky, like a fire. These heat waves were just a small amount of heat emitted by the flame feathers, because the real target of these flame feathers was not Ji Yang and the others on the boat below.

Feeling like this, even if you don't know how powerful the flame feather is, it's definitely not weak, it should be said to be absolutely strong.

"Chi You, can he do it? Shall we help?"

"Yes, can he block it? These flame feathers are not considered as targets, and I feel uncomfortable all over."

"Ji Yang..."

The feathers of Yanyu Fentian are getting closer and closer to Chi You.

The people watching from below felt a wave of heat, and seeing the countless gorgeous but powerful flame feathers, everyone was a little worried about Chi You.

"These flame feathers carry a strong wave of sacred aura, so you and Mutu must be physically uncomfortable."

"Let's not move, just watch here, Chi You will surprise us, I believe he can."

It's no longer just Xiao Longnu asking alone, everyone is asking.

Although Cain was unwell, it was precisely because of this discomfort that he wanted to help Chi You even more.

We have known each other before, and in modern times, we have been comrades-in-arms together, and there is always some friendship.

But compared to other people's worries, although Ji Yang was also a little worried, he still chose to believe in Chi You.

Chi You was undoubtedly the strongest among everyone present.

If Chi You couldn't stop the flames burning the sky, it might not be useful for others to help.

It would be even worse if someone else was brought in.

Therefore, at this time, we can only wait and see, and we can only hope that Chi You can do it.

Ten meters, eight meters, five meters...

Countless flame feathers are getting closer and closer to Chi You's position.

Although these feathers have not really arrived, the flame power carried by the flame feathers can be felt even tens of meters away, let alone ten meters and eight meters away.

It's just that after the flame power collided with Chi You's blood-colored mist, pieces of ice crystals appeared on the blood-colored mist. Although the ice crystals fused quickly, they also consumed the heat wave of the flames.

The blood of wild beasts from the snow mountain that Chi You absorbed was not for nothing.

The pure cold air in the Snow Mountain Wild Beast's body is very strong.

Of course, just relying on these ice crystals, it is okay to offset some of the heat waves emitted, but it is impossible to block all the flame feathers.


When the ice crystals appeared to resist the heat wave, a loud roar sounded from the bloody mist.

This roar sounded, full of momentum, the sky changed color, and the sea water rolled.

Even the flame feathers shot towards Chi You felt like they stopped for a moment and slowed down a little at the moment the sound sounded.

"It doesn't matter how loud it is, or how imposing it is, my natal flame will definitely burn you, a demon, to ashes."

The roar that appeared in the blood mist was naturally Chi You's.

Chi You's voice actually startled Raphael too.

Because this voice is not only loud, but also very powerful, Raphael not only feels a little pain in his ears, but also feels his whole heart trembling.

At this time, Raphael's face was a little pale.

Using the power of the natal flame consumes a lot of money for him.

Although he was healing himself, even as a healing angel, he could only heal the surface, and the depletion of the natal inflammation could not be cured.

But he won't admit anything, he still has to choose to believe in his own Yanyu Fentian.

Yanyu Fentian finally officially collided with the blood mist enveloping Chiyou.

As expected, the ice crystals on the surface of the blood mist were useless against the flame feathers at all.

When it was actually hit by the flame feather, the ice crystal disappeared instantly, and the flame of the flame feather did not weaken at all.

After the flame feathers officially attacked, the blood mist seemed to be baked by high temperature and evaporated, becoming thinner and thinner.

Raphael is very satisfied with this effect.

But just when Raphael's pale face showed a more excited smile, a majestic and domineering voice sounded, and a huge figure rushed out of the red mist and rushed towards countless flame feathers.

"If you want to burn me into ashes, just relying on these, it's just a dream, huh..."

(End of this chapter)

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