The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 2590 The Flame Feather Is Unpalatable

Chapter 2590 The Flame Feather Is Unpalatable

"Then, that, is that Chi You?"

"How did he become like this? Is that still Chi You? He's just a monster."

"It's such a strong sense of oppression. Chi You's current strength is much more terrifying than back then..."

Raphael's Flame Feather Burning Heaven casts it, and countless flame feathers hit Chi You.

Because Chi You's body was wrapped in red mist, he couldn't see his condition.

Until the red mist thinned and Chi You rushed out of the red mist by himself, everyone finally saw Chi You.

It's just that Chi You's appearance at this time is completely out of character.

Because at this time Chi You had already turned into a beast.

But what Ji Yang didn't expect was that Chi You's beastly behavior this time was different from the last time Ji Yang saw him.

The last time I saw Chi You's animal form, Chi You hadn't fully fused with the snake dragon king's body, but this time, he has completely fused.

It may be because of the reason of complete fusion and semi-fusion, so his animal form is also different.

Compared with the last time, the animal form this time is slightly smaller. The length of the whole body is about 100 meters, and the height is about 20 meters. Although the body has shrunk a bit, the momentum has not weakened at all.

The originally 50-meter-long neck was gone, only a huge bull's head and a pair of scarlet pupils.

Chi You's animal form this time is like a giant bull with a body like a mountain.

It's just different from normal cows. His body has no cow hair, but is covered with a layer of snow-white scales. It has a snake tail about ten meters long, and it exudes a trace of cold air. Its limbs are like a cow, but Born with dragon claws.

Its appearance not only has some characteristics of the snake dragon king, but also has the characteristics (cold air) of the wild beast in the snow mountain.

Chi You's animal state this time is a fusion of the three.

To be honest, although this time is different from last time, although the appearance is still strange, it is much more comfortable.

This look is better than wearing a slender neck.

"That's right, he is Chi You, this is Chi You's animal form."

"Although this appearance is a little different from the last time I saw him, it must still be him."

The appearance has changed, but the breath is still the same.

Everyone was puzzled, but Ji Yang nodded affirmatively.

"Demon, you really are a demon."

"My Flame Feather Burning Heaven will definitely burn you, a demon, to ashes."

Seeing Chi You's animal state, Raphael was also taken aback.

This look is like a monster at all, like a monster.

Seeing Chi You rushing towards the flame feathers covering the sky and the sun, Raphael was quite excited.

These flame feathers are all formed from the flames of his own life, and each feather has a strong power, and it has sacred power.

Sacred power is designed to restrain demons, and flames can also do a lot of damage to demons.

Therefore, he firmly believed that Chi You's way of actively attacking the flame feathers was an act of suicide.

"Puff puff……"

Will Chi You commit suicide?
Chi You is not stupid, how could he do such a thing.

Since he dared to charge directly towards these flame feathers, he certainly had confidence in himself.

The flame feathers hit Chi You's body one by one, and black air rose from Chi You's body, and the flame feathers disappeared.

The black air was caused by the disappearance of the flame feathers, and it was also the reason for the cold air on Chi You's body.

When the white scales on Chi You's body were hit, although there were some crack marks on the scales, it didn't look very serious.

But as more and more flame feathers reached Chi You, the scales on Chi You felt a little unstoppable.

Scales began to fall off, and black blood flowed from Chi You's body.

"I underestimated these flame feathers!"

After becoming a beast, Chi You's overall strength has increased a lot. Whether it is defense, strength, or speed, they are actually stronger than when he was in human form.

Originally thought that with such a body, Rafael's Flame Feather Burning Heaven could only cause him some minor troubles.

With my own body, there shouldn't be any serious problems.

But now it seems that Chi You suffered a greater loss than expected.

Not to mention the power of the flame feathers, there are so many and densely packed, it is impossible for Chi You to break through directly.

"I said, you will definitely be burned to ashes today."

At first, the flame feather hit Chi You's body, causing only negligible damage to Chi You. Raphael was shocked in his heart, and even collapsed a little.

This is the flame of my own life. These flames are basically bought by myself with my life.

The power should not only be so weak, that is, the opponent is too strong.

Afterwards, more and more flame feathers hit him, and after Chi You's injuries began to expand, Raphael's expression softened a bit.

Now he heard Chi You's words about the power of the flame feathers again, and he felt more comfortable in his heart.

"Who gave you your confidence?"

"Just because of my words, do you think these broken feathers can really kill me?"

Rafael's confident expression and words made Chi You grin when he heard it.

A huge bull's head is grinning there, and the picture always feels a little weird.

But Chi You was indeed smiling, and it was a bit contemptuous.


Just when Chi You was smiling contemptuously, he let out a loud cry, opened his mouth, and swallowed a few flaming feathers that had been shot, directly into his stomach.

"Bah... It smells like burnt hair. It's really unpalatable."

Swallowing the flame feather into his mouth, Chi You spat out in disgust.

Although he disliked the flame feathers, he seemed to have found a way to deal with them.

Looking at Raphael with weird eyes, Chi You opened his mouth again.

"Water vortex swallows!"

Opening his mouth, one can see that there is some water swirling in Chi You's mouth, forming a vortex, reaching his throat.

There was a weird sound from the nose, and a strong suction appeared.

Those flame feathers that flew towards Chi You were actually sucked into his mouth one after another, swirled in by the water, and all entered his stomach.

"You dare to swallow my natal flame feather, you are courting death."

"These flame feathers will definitely burn your internal organs to ashes. You are dead, dead, hahaha..."

Chi You's body is covered with cold scales, which is his strongest defense against the flame feathers.

But Chi You is actually devouring the flame feathers now, and when the flame feathers enter his stomach, they will burn him from the inside out.

But soon, Raphael's laughter stopped abruptly, his expression was full of astonishment and disbelief.

Because he found that after Chi You swallowed these flame feathers, there was no painful reaction, only a little disgust in his eyes.

Until the last flame feather was swallowed by him, Chi You was still fine.

"Hi... bah... it's really hard to eat!"

All the flame feathers were swallowed by Chi You. As if he was full, Chi You burped and spit out a huge smoke ring.

The flame feathers that Raphael used to burn the sky with the flame of his life were broken by Chi You in such an unexpected way...

(End of this chapter)

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