The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 260 Strange Siblings

Chapter 260 Strange Siblings (Fourth Update)

The pair of men and women frowned slightly when they looked at A Lie who was mentioned by Ji Yang.

At this time, Allie looked like he was about to die.

The red-haired boy looked at the white-haired girl beside him with a questioning look in his eyes.

Seeing the red-haired boy's eyes, the white-haired girl shook her head slightly, obviously denying the red-haired boy's thoughts.

The red-haired boy looked a little unhappy when his idea was denied, and snorted coldly at Ji Yang.

To the cold snort of the red-haired boy, Ji Yang smiled indifferently.

"Who the hell are you? Are you with him? If not, you have watched such a good show outside for so long. Now I want to kill him, but you stop him. Why?"

Hearing Ji Yang's words, the faces of the couple changed slightly.

Originally, they thought they were hiding very well, and their aura was well hidden, but they didn't expect that the two of them had been discovered long ago.

Looking at Ji Yang's attitude, if he didn't tell him his identity, he might really kill A Lie.

Finally, the white-haired girl nodded and said in a cold voice.

"My name is Lu Xue, and this is my younger brother Lu Zhanxing."

"As for our identities, I'm sorry I can't tell you. This person has decided to cooperate with us, so you can't kill him."

The sneer at the corner of Ji Yang's mouth deepened, and he looked at Lu Xue and Lu Zhanxing with a little playfulness in his eyes.

"Just tell me my name, but not my identity, is it interesting to make it mysterious?"

"Who do you think you are? If he cooperates with you, I will let him go. What a joke."

Lu Xue had an indifferent face, but after hearing what Ji Yang said, she became a little gloomy.

"I advise you to obediently hand him over to us, otherwise don't blame us for being rude."

If it’s not soft, it’s time to get hard. This is it.

But Ji Yang just didn't like soft and hard, and Lu Xue's words carried a strong sense of threat.

Ji Yang still didn't believe it, if he didn't hand over the people in his hands today, how could they plan to be rude to him.

"I'm actually very obedient, but I just listen to my wife."

"I think you are quite beautiful. How about you being my wife and this person giving you a dowry gift?"

Naturally, Ji Yang wouldn't really fall in love with Lu Xue, he just couldn't understand Lu Xue's indifference and made fun of him.

Mu Hong used to be cold towards people, and was also called a cold beauty.

The Lu Xue in front of him looked colder than the previous Mu Hong, and Ji Yang even felt the cold air floating on the other party's body.

But Ji Yang didn't expect that although his teasing made Lu Xue look a bit wrong, she still seemed to bear it.

On the other hand, Lu Zhan was furious, his eyes turned red instantly, and he looked at Ji Yang as if he had a lot of hatred.

Lu Zhanxing's angry eyes made Ji Yang smile.

"Why are you so excited, it's like I robbed your wife."

"Look, I'm also very handsome. I match your sister very well. If your sister becomes my wife, I will be your brother-in-law."

"Come and call brother-in-law to listen. I'm happy and maybe I will give you a big red envelope."

The more Ji Yang talked, the more energetic he became, and the more he talked, the more he went too far.

Lu Zhanxing was also very angry when he heard it, his breathing became louder and louder, his chest heaved and heaved, it looked as if he was about to explode.

"Asshole, my sister is mine, so she won't be your wife. I'm going to kill you."

Lu Zhanxing shouted loudly, his whole body was agitated, and there was a sound of hunting wind.

No matter how Lu Zhanxing said this, there was something wrong. Of course, his sister was still his sister, even if she married someone else, she was still his sister.

But what he said just now seemed like he had robbed him of something so dear to him.

But no matter how much you like your sister, you can't stop her from getting married.

There is only one kind of person who likes to rely on her sister for this kind of sake, and that is sister control.

"You won't be a sister-in-law?"

The idea of ​​sister control popped up in his mind, Ji Yang said casually.

The complex represented by this accusation refers to a person who likes something extremely, and the sister accusation refers to the complex of liking an elder sister extremely, and this elder sister may not be related by blood.

There are too many kinds of control in society now, such as glasses control, clothes control, and hat control are all outdated.

On the contrary, there are more and more people who are controlled by sisters, brothers and sisters.

Ji Yang only made a guess half-jokingly, but he didn't want him to say that.

Lu Zhanxing's expression changed, he looked a little weird, and then he shouted loudly.

"none of your business!"

Lu Zhanxing swung his arms, and two fiery red short knives appeared in his hands.

With the dagger in hand, Lu Zhanxing shouted again, and rushed towards Ji Yang.

Seeing Lu Zhanxing rushing towards him, Ji Yang's eyes became a little weird.

I rub it, I just guessed it casually, just making a joke, and I really let myself guess right.

He couldn't help but glance at Lu Xue, he found that Lu Xue was looking helplessly at Lu Zhanxing who was rushing towards Ji Yang.

In fact, Lu Xue and Lu Zhanxing have no blood relationship, but they both happen to have the surname Lu, so they recognize each other as siblings.

Lu Xue usually took good care of Lu Zhanxing, but gradually Lu Zhanxing found that he had a strange feeling for Lu Xue.

Although he didn't know if he was a sister-con, but he knew a little bit.

That is, whoever dares to rob Lu Xue from him, he will fight with the other party.

Lu Zhanxing rushed towards Ji Yang, and stabbed Ji Yang's chest with two short knives in front and back.

Seeing Lu Zhanxing like this, he really planned to kill Ji Yang.

Naturally, Ji Yang would not stand and wait for Lu Zhanxing to kill him, and his body retreated quickly.

When he retreated, Lu Zhanxing let out a loud shout, crossed his swords, and then quickly parted.

"Flame Cross Slash!"

Following his shout, Ji Yang found out strangely that there were actually two flames appearing on Lu Zhanxing's double knives.

The two flames crossed, which looked like a flame cross.

As Lu Zhanxing separated his swords, the flame cross flew towards Ji Yang.

"Who is this guy? What's going on with this flame cross? Does he know Taoism?"

Ji Yang was astonished, the flame cross was so fast that it was about to hit Ji Yang.

The scope of this villa is not very big, Ji Yang has retreated to the edge of the open-air swimming pool at this time.


Ji Yang retreated to the edge of the open-air swimming pool, and did not intend to stop.

Instead, he jumped back and jumped directly into the swimming pool, disappearing into the water in an instant.

The Flaming Cross lost Ji Yang's target and landed directly on the water.

Ji Yang, who dived into the bottom of the water, could clearly see that the water in the swimming pool was steaming when the flame cross fell.

"The temperature of this flame is very high."

At this time, Ji Yang already understood one thing, that is, this pair of siblings with a complicated relationship is probably unusual.

If it was an ordinary person, how could there be such an attack.

 Whoever owns the suit will get it himself, and the relationship has been adjusted appropriately, otherwise it will be useless, thank you brother for being a legend, shivering, hanging out as a young man and others for rewarding

(End of this chapter)

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