The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 261 I Admit It Today

Chapter 261
Ji Yang became interested in Lu Xue and Lu Zhanxing, and he also planned to have fun with Lu Zhanxing.

Ever since I was able to communicate with Heaven and Earth, the people I fought against were all ordinary people.

The only thing that can make him let go of his hands and feet are ghosts, no, and the head-down master.

It's just that Ji Yang didn't treat those head-subduing masters as adults when he faced them.

Because in his opinion, these head-down masters are more cruel and cruel than those evil spirits.


As the flame cross was extinguished by the water in the swimming pool, Ji Yang jumped out of the swimming pool.

At this time, he already had an extra pitch-black long sword in his hand, and this pitch-black long sword was exactly the Black Glow Sword.

Since he couldn't treat Lu Zhanxing as an ordinary person, he couldn't be careless.

Lu Zhanxing's attack just now was obviously aimed at his own life.

If I am careless, I am afraid that my life will be lost.

Although Ji Yang is now an eighth-rank immortal, but judging from the power of Lu Zhanxing's flame cross cut just now.

If the flame cross just hit him, even if he didn't die on the spot, serious injuries would definitely be avoided.

That being the case, there is no need to be polite.

Ji Yang leaped out of the swimming pool with a sword in hand. Lu Zhanxing stared at him first, then smiled.

Lu Zhanxing and Lu Xue had been watching outside the villa for a long time, and they also knew that this Ji Yang was not an ordinary person.

"Hmph, don't think that killing dozens of ordinary people is awesome. Today I will tell you what is beyond the sky."

Lu Zhanxing drank softly, and rushed towards Ji Yang.

As soon as Ji Yang came to the shore, Lu Zhanxing's attack arrived.

The two knives in Lu Zhanxing's hands slashed towards Ji Yang with a wave of heat.

Ji Yang swung his sword to block.


When the swords collided, there was a crisp metal clang.

Ji Yang and Lu Zhanxing were both surprised when the swords collided for the first time.

What surprised Ji Yang was that this Lu Zhanxing looked young, but his strength was stronger than he expected.

When Lu Zhanxing was surprised by Ji Yang's strength, he was even more surprised that he felt a suffocating feeling from Ji Yang's black sword.

"What a terrifying breath, what a strong evil spirit."

The two short knives in Lu Zhanxing's hands were not made of ordinary metal. With these two short knives, he did not know how many lives he had harvested.

But when he collided with Ji Yang's black sword just now, the two short knives in his hand did not get the slightest benefit.

The breath of the black sword made Lu Zhanxing feel suffocated, and this feeling made Lu Zhanxing very unhappy.

The black glow sword was made by Ou Yezi with the backbone of the thousand-year-old black python demon and special ore from the underworld.

No matter how unusual Lu Zhanxing's double knives were, they were not as good as the Heimong Sword.

In the collision just now, his dual knives didn't break directly, which is already good.

Lu Zhanxing's displeasure, Ji Yang naturally wouldn't know, and he didn't know how to read minds.

But whether Lu Zhan was happy or unhappy had nothing to do with what Ji Yang was going to do next.

Anyway, whether he is happy or not, this battle is to be fought.

"Interesting, come again."

This time Ji Yang took the initiative to attack, and stabbed Zhan Xing with the black sword in his hand.

"Come here, whoever is afraid."

Seeing Ji Yang attacking, Lu Zhanxing swung his swords and went to meet him.

The black light sword collided with the double knives again, and the surrounding air trembled.

And this time the collision is just the beginning of the next battle between the two.

Whether it was Ji Yang or Lu Zhanxing, they were all trying their best at this time.

There were bursts of tearing sounds in the air as the swords came and went.

Although Lu Xue on the side didn't make a move, she kept observing.

Looking at Ji Yang who was inseparable from Lu Zhanxing, Lu Xue was shocked.

Although Lu Zhanxing is young, his strength is very strong.

In a head-to-head confrontation alone, Lu Xue is not Lu Zhanxing's opponent.

Not to mention myself, even among the younger generation in the organization, there are only a handful of people who can fight head-on with Lu Zhanxing for so long.

"Who is this person?"

After Lu Zhanxing attacked Ji Yang, Ariel was thrown to the ground by Ji Yang.

Lu Xue didn't know who Ji Yang was before, and now she can only know Ji Yang through A Lie's mouth.

Allie just walked through the gate of hell just now, and at this moment he feels like he has been reborn.

When Lu Xue asked him, he told him what he knew about Ji Yang.

What disappointed Lu Xue was that the information that Ariel had was very limited.

The value of this information is very low, at least to Lu Xue.

"He will definitely not be as simple as Allie said."

Lu Xue looked at Ji Yang who was still fighting with Lu Zhanxing, and murmured softly.

At this time, the two looked evenly matched, but Ji Yang was actually relying on the immortal energy in his body to hold on.

If it weren't for the maintenance of immortal energy in his body, Ji Yang would have been defeated long ago.

"Male Gobi, this is bullying me who doesn't know how to use spells, right?"

Although Ji Yang is already an eighth-rank immortal, so far, he really hasn't even practiced any spells.

He has always relied on Taoism to fight against the enemy, and he didn't realize how disadvantaged he was before.

But after fighting with Lu Zhanxing today, he realized how wrong he was before.

This Lu Zhanxing used many tricks. When fighting Ji Yang, he used no less than ten tricks similar to the flame cross cut.

And every knife attack carries a burning sensation like a flame.

"Mysterious Ice Curse!"

If you don't know magic, you have to use it if you can use it.

Otherwise, if you keep fighting like this, you will suffer sooner or later.

Ji Yang cast the Mysterious Ice Curse, and Lu Zhanxing's body visibly paused.

During the fight with Lu Zhanxing, Ji Yang used Taoism more than once.

After performing several kinds of Taoism, this Xuanbing Curse obviously had the greatest impact on Lu Zhanxing.

At this time, seeing Lu Zhanxing's body paused, Ji Yang hurriedly retreated to distance himself from him.

"You can do it, kid, I'll admit it today."

Ji Yang retreated, holding the black sword tightly in his hand, and said in a voice with a little unwillingness.

If it is possible, Ji Yang will definitely not admit defeat.

But after the fight just now, Ji Yang has already realized his own shortcomings.

He also felt that there was a wave of energy in Lu Zhanxing's body.

This breath is not immortal energy, but it is very similar, but it doesn't feel as powerful as immortal energy.

Lu Zhanxing was able to carry a flame-like attack every time he attacked, and he also relied on this energy to maintain it.

"It's a shame. If I could be like Lu Zhanxing, with the aura of flames every time I attack, I would have killed him long ago."

Ji Yang thought secretly in his heart.

Lu Zhanxing heard that Ji Yang had conceded, but he still wanted to continue to attack.

But just as Lu Zhanxing was about to move, a cold voice suddenly sounded.

"Zhan Xing, we are here to perform a mission today, not to fight."

"If you fight again, I will be angry."

Lu Zhanxing obviously cared about Lu Xue's attitude, and when he heard what Lu Xue said, he stopped immediately.

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(End of this chapter)

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