The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 262 The first birthday in life

Chapter 262
Lu Zhanxing can go against the words of many people, but he will never go against Lu Xue's words.

Especially when Lu Xue said that he was going to be angry, Lu Zhanxing's angry face instantly collapsed.

"Sister, don't be angry, I was wrong."

"It's because he talked too much, that's why I was impulsive."

Lu Zhanxing when he fought against Ji Yang was like a flaming lion.

That's a posture that won't eat Ji Yang and won't give up.

But when he got to Lu Xue's side, this guy instantly turned into a little white rabbit.

Those pitiful eyes made Ji Yang feel sick to his stomach.

"Damn it, I can't afford to hurt my sister's child."

But this is also good, saving Ji Yang a lot of trouble.

Relying on the immortal energy in his body, combined with Zhang Daoling's teaching of his own Taoism, Ji Yang can at most draw with the opponent.

It's a complete waste of time to continue to fight, and it's boring.

Lu Xue wasn't really angry at all, now that Lu Zhanxing admitted his mistake again, Lu Xue didn't say anything, but looked over at Ji Yang.

"This Allie is really useful to us, so we have to take him away."

"Zhan Xing was a little impulsive just now, please don't blame him, treat what happened tonight as if I, Lu Xue, owe you a favor, and I will pay you back later if I have the chance."

"This is proof."

With a flick of Lu Xue's wrist, she threw a white jade towards Ji Yang.

The jade flew over, and Ji Yang grabbed it in his hand.

Ji Yang's expression changed when he took the jade, and he said inwardly that it was so cold.

This jade stone exudes a strong cold air, which is stronger than the cold air when Ji Yang casts the Xuanbing Curse.

Holding a handful of jade in his hand, the cold air directly passed through the skin of the palm of the hand and entered the blood.

In just a split second, Ji Yang felt that the blood in his entire arm was going to be frozen.

When this happened, Ji Yang hurriedly circulated the little immortal energy left in his body to offset the cold energy.

Ever since Ji Yang caught the jade, Lu Xue has been observing the changes in Ji Yang.

When she saw that Ji Yang had resisted the chill from Yushi so quickly, she was also a little surprised.

"The cold air emitted by Han Xuanyu is so strong that he can resist the erosion of the cold air so quickly. This is not easy for Ji Yang. He must let his head investigate when he goes back."

Lu Xue secretly thought in her heart.

Lu Zhanxing, who was on the side, saw Han Xuanyu held in Ji Yang's hand, and shouted anxiously.

"Sister, why did you give him the Han Xuanyu? I asked you several times and you still refused to give it to me."

Lu Zhanxing looked unhappy.

Seeing Lu Zhanxing's expression, Lu Xue reached out and knocked him on the head.

"How many times have I told you that Hanxuan jade belongs to the water attribute jade, and your five elements belong to fire, but giving you Hanxuan jade will do you no harm at all."

Hearing what Lu Xue said, the unhappiness on Lu Zhanxing's face disappeared instantly.

"I knew my sister was the best for me."

While speaking, Lu Zhanxing gave Ji Yang a provocative look.

It is impossible to kill Lu Zhanxing by himself, but Ji Yang is confident that he will not lose to him.

With an ambiguous smile on the corner of his mouth, Ji Yang weighed the Han Xuanyu in his hand and said to Han Xue.

"I will accept this token of love. I will never refuse the beauty's kindness."

Ji Yang's words instantly stimulated Lu Zhanxing, Lu Zhanxing's face turned cold, and he was about to fight Ji Yang.

Lu Xue was also taken aback by Ji Yang's words. When she saw Ji Yang's playful eyes, Lu Xue could only sigh helplessly.

"Zhan Xing, have you forgotten what I said just now? If you dare to do something, I will ignore you from now on."

"Han Xuanyu was just an ordinary token you left him, but he said it was a token of love, and I'm going to cut his tongue."

"You don't listen to me, do you? If you want to fight, go for it. I'm leaving."

Lu Xue glared at Lu Zhanxing, then turned around and left.

Seeing that Lu Xue seemed to be really angry, Lu Zhanxing's expression changed, he picked up A Lie from the ground, and chased after Lu Xue.

But when chasing Lu Xue, Lu Zhanxing still gave Ji Yang a look.

"You wait, I will come back, and I will definitely cut your tongue then."

Regarding Lu Zhanxing's threat, Ji Yang seemed very calm.

I have suffered a loss in the opponent's hands today, and next time he comes again, I will definitely want to get this face back.

"I still want to cut my tongue. If I don't beat you next time, your sister won't even know you, so my surname will not be Ji."

With a thought in his heart, Ji Yang looked at the corpses on the ground and frowned.

These guys came to make trouble for me, and I had to help them collect their bodies after they died.

Fortunately, Ji Yang's Qiankun storage ring is not troublesome to deal with.

Put these corpses into the storage ring first, and how to deal with them later will be discussed later.

After putting all the corpses into the Qiankun storage ring, Ji Yang returned to the villa.

After Ji Yang discovered that the people from the Ye family had arrived, he used a small Taoist technique to put the three daughters of Li Zixuan into a deep sleep.

When he came back, the three girls were still sleeping soundly.

If it weren't for this, what happened in the villa courtyard just now would scare them into a panic.

When they woke up early the next morning, Li Zixuan and the three daughters all felt that they were in good spirits.

They never knew that they could sleep so soundly in one night.

Under deep sleep, people wake up with better spirits. While eating, the three women were still discussing how sound they slept last night.

Ji Yang listened to their conversation, but secretly laughed in his heart, if you see twenty or thirty dead people last night, you will suffer from insomnia every day.

Ji Yang did not tell the three daughters about the Ye family's coming here last night, so according to the original plan, they will spend today in Wanghai Cuiyuan Villa.

During the day, Ji Yang was the same as yesterday, a day when he could only see but not touch.

As night fell, the three daughters of Mu Hong personally cooked and cooked a table of meals for Ji Yang, and they were all Ji Yang's favorite food.

The reserved birthday cake had already been delivered, and all the surrounding lights were turned off, only the candlelight on the birthday cake was still flickering.

Under the candlelight, seeing the smiles on the faces of the three girls, Ji Yang felt warm in his heart.

This is still my first birthday, and it is accompanied by three confidante friends.

"Thank you, this is the first birthday in my life."

When Ji Yang said this, the three girls couldn't help but feel their noses sore.

Ji Yang used to have a hard life, and the three girls knew it, but they didn't expect that Ji Yang hadn't even celebrated a simple birthday for so many years.

"We will celebrate your birthday with you every year in the future."

"Yes, we will celebrate your birthday with you every year in the future."

"Well, I will accompany you every year, so let's make a wish and blow out the candles."

Hearing what the third daughter said, Ji Yang closed his eyes with a smile and made a wish.

When Ji Yang opened his eyes, he looked at the three daughters of Mu Hong with a smirk on his face.

"Didn't you prepare a birthday present for me?"

Hearing Ji Yang's question, the three girls blushed and lowered their heads shyly.

 Thank you for the reward of blood drinking mad blood, thank you for everyone's support, there is a monthly pass, recommended, and those who tip will drop it

(End of this chapter)

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