The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 2600 What did Yu Ren do in China

Chapter 2600 What did Yu Ren do in China

"Boss, why don't you talk, are you okay?"

"My phone won't bother you, Boss, are you handling things? Is Xiaolongnu alright?"

Peng Caixuan called Ji Yang just to tell about the fact that the royal family of country R went back to China secretly and went to Linhai.

But Peng Caixuan also knew that Ji Yang left Huaxia to find Xiaolongnu because Xiaolongnu was in trouble.

I called Ji Yang this time, and he didn't know whether Ji Yang had settled the matter or was still solving the trouble.

But he said a lot of things, but Ji Yang didn't say a word, which made Peng Caixuan a little strange.

Regardless of what he said, after listening to it for so long, Ji Yang should express his thoughts.

"What can I do here?"

"The matter of Xiao Longnu has been settled, she is fine."

Ji Yang's anger towards Peng Caixuan disappeared after knowing the reason for the call.

The other party is now concerned about his own situation, and Ji Yang also said it in a good voice.

"I've been listening to you for so long, but I just haven't heard anything particularly valuable. Let me ask you, after Mr. Xu got angry, did that Yu Ren say anything besides being speechless?"

"Did he go back to country R directly after he separated from Mr. Xu?"

Just because Ji Yang didn't speak, doesn't mean he doesn't have any thoughts in his mind.

It was precisely because he had been thinking about things in his heart that he wanted to find some clues from what Peng Caixuan said.

But to Ji Yang's disappointment, Peng Caixuan couldn't hear anything valuable at all.

"How is it possible, how could that guy return to country R after separating from Mr. Xu."

"Although Yu Ren was speechless at the time, he was very angry. After all, he knew the truth and knew that Zuo Ren had come to Huaxia."

"But Mr. Xu and I are categorically denying this matter, and also saying that the royal family of country R is trying to make trouble for China, and he can't do anything about it."

"However, he also dropped his harsh words at the time, saying that he would definitely find out the truth and make Huaxia pay the price."

Ji Yang asked, Peng Caixuan answered quickly.

From this sentence, something can be heard.

That was Yu Ren at that time, there was no substantive evidence, and he probably didn't know that Zuo Ren had an accident in Linhai.

Otherwise, he probably wouldn't have said that he would continue the investigation.

That is to say, he should have discovered something after he separated from Xu Yunshan.

"Caixuan, that Yu Ren didn't bring anyone back to country R, ​​where did he go after the breakup?"

Ji Yang frowned, and continued to ask in a deep voice.

Peng Caixuan was silent for a few seconds before continuing to speak.

"The atmosphere at the time was very tense, but we denied it categorically, and Yu Ren had no evidence, so we had to break up unhappy."

"Out of etiquette, the other party is the prince of the royal family of country R after all, so Mr. Xu still hosted a banquet for him, and he also participated."

"However, during the banquet, neither party actually ate anything, and it was over in a hurry. Yu Ren and his entourage did not live in the residence that Mr. Xu arranged for them, but went to the ambassador of country R in Kyoto. Hall."

"He went to the embassy? Then what did he do after he arrived at the embassy? Did he meet anyone? Do you know?"

Instead of staying at the place arranged by Xu Yunshan, he went to the embassy of country R.

Although the embassy of Country R is in China, China cannot interfere with many things there.

It is more troublesome to know some of the situations inside.

"Boss, are you afraid that I won't be able to track his whereabouts if he enters the embassy? Then you underestimate Huaxia officials and Xuanzu too much."

"Although in the embassy of country R, ​​there is no one from Huaxia on the surface, but it has been monitored secretly. This is not a secret. All countries are the same. They will secretly watch the embassies of other countries. "

"According to our eyeliners in the embassy and the people I arranged to spy on him, after Yu Ren entered the embassy, ​​he never left."

"If it is said that he met someone, it is only the ambassador of country R to Xia. He has not met anyone else, and the time they met was very short, only a few minutes, and the ambassador left."

Having said that, Peng Caixuan paused for a moment.

Saying so much in one breath would make his mouth dry.

After a slight pause, Peng Caixuan continued.

"But the ambassador to Xia probably didn't say anything, because according to the information we received, after the ambassador to Xia met with Yu Ren, Yu Ren scolded him severely, and then gave him a bombardment." Out."

"At that time, our informant heard words such as trash and incompetence, and also heard about making the other party focus on investigating Zuoren's death."

"Except for the ambassador to Xia, Yu Ren has never seen anyone else, and he has never left his room. According to our monitoring, he has not called anyone else except for calling the royal family of country R and telling them about the meeting. Telephone."

"But the next morning, he took his people and left Huaxia without even notifying us. The embassy of country R didn't notify Huaxia after the incident. We only found out about this through monitoring."

"It's just strange to say that on the first night, he had the attitude of never leaving until he found out the truth, but he left early the next morning, and he left in a hurry."

By telling the story here, Peng Caixuan can be regarded as telling Ji Yang everything that happened after Prince Yu Ren arrived in China.

Peng Caixuan also found it very strange to go over the matter again.

That is, the first night and the second day, Yu Ren's attitude was very different.

He didn't inform when he was leaving, and sneaked back to Huaxia to Linhai in the later period. He deliberately concealed his whereabouts from Huaxia.

"It's a strange thing."

"Are you sure that Yu Ren has only met the ambassador of Country R, ​​but not anyone else, and he only made one phone call to report on meeting Mr. Xu?"

Peng Caixuan felt strange, and Ji Yang also felt strange.

He felt that things must not be that simple.

Leaving suddenly, he must have discovered something, and he went directly to Linhai, the intention was even more obvious.

"Boss, I can be sure of this. The informant and the person in charge of monitoring the Xuan Group did not see him meeting other people. We also intercepted the content of the phone call, only that one call."

Regarding this matter, Peng Caixuan seemed very confident.

But Ji Yang just felt that something was wrong. He always felt that there was something that should have been missed.

It's not that Ji Yang doesn't believe in Xuanzu's ability to handle affairs, nor does it mean that he doesn't believe in the so-called informants.

He could only instinctively feel that there was something strange about this matter.

"What if someone avoided the surveillance, avoided the informant, and met Yu Ren secretly."

Suddenly, this thought flashed through Ji Yang's mind.

He also blurted out and asked Peng Caixuan this point.

"Meeting secretly? No way, we are monitoring his room 24 hours a day, and there are only a few people. It is impossible for someone to meet him secretly."

Peng Caixuan still felt that Ji Yang's rhetorical question was unlikely.

The people I sent to watch were all the elites of the Xuanzu, even if a fly entered Yu Ren's room, it would be discovered...

(End of this chapter)

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