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Chapter 2601 My own reasons and my own aftermath

Chapter 2601 My own reasons and my own aftermath

Peng Caixuan told Ji Yang about Yu Ren's coming to Huaxia from the beginning to the end.

This time, Ji Yang finally heard something useful.

But after knowing these things, it brought more doubts to Ji Yang and Peng Caixuan.

Why on the first night, Yu Ren obviously didn't know the truth, he didn't know the whole thing thoroughly enough, he was only able to know that Zuo Ren had arrived in Huaxia from the notification from the people around Zuo Ren.

Early the next morning, he left in a hurry, and then came back secretly, without saying hello to Huaxia during the whole process.

Especially when they left, they didn't say hello, it was obvious that they deliberately concealed their whereabouts.

He didn't inform, as long as Huaxia didn't find out, he would definitely think that he was still in the embassy of country R.

From night to day, what happened in between is really confusing.

Even though Peng Caixuan was confident that nothing special happened that night, Ji Yang still felt that things were not easy.

"Caixuan, Yu Ren only brought a dozen followers with him on the surface, so he secretly brought someone who you didn't find out."

"The royal family of country R can exist to this day, and they must be guaranteed. They are the descendants of the so-called gods. If they really have some kind of connection with the gods of country R, ​​and they really brought some powerful existence that cannot be discovered into China, It is possible to escape surveillance."

"If it were me, if I met Yu Ren, would your people find out? Could your informant find out?"

Ji Yang's words are not groundless.

The situation in Country R is different from that in China.

The three realms of R country have been connected, gods, shikigami, etc., exist in the mortal world of R country.

Since even the Onmyoji Alliance can communicate with the gods of R country, and join hands with the gods of R country to do things against China.

The royal family of Country R, ​​why not.

It is impossible for all surveillance to achieve true blind spots. As long as the person being monitored is sharp enough and capable enough, he can always avoid surveillance.

Even if, as Peng Caixuan thought, even a fly cannot escape the watchers, there are still places and methods that cannot be watched.

For Ji Yang, it is not difficult to avoid all surveillance and meet Yu Ren.

The easiest way is to create an enchantment.

Stealth or something is also possible.

It's okay to change something.

So, there are actually many ways.

"No way, this, this, this..."

When Ji Yang said this, Peng Caixuan was a little powerless to refute.

He suddenly felt that his so-called surveillance was not really without loopholes to exploit.

If it was really Ji Yang, the surveillance person he arranged would not be able to find it at all.

"Caixuan, you don't have to think so much, you have done your duty, and you have done well."

"It's just that some people and things are beyond your ability. Even I can't complete everything satisfactorily, so you don't have to think so much."

"You can find out that Yu Ren has gone and returned, and know that he went to Linhai, that's enough."

Peng Caixuan's voice became a little lonely.

When he spoke, he stuttered even more, obviously not knowing what to say.

Ji Yang didn't want to hit Peng Caixuan because of this incident.

As he himself said, no one is truly omnipotent and can do everything well.

Peng Caixuan can't do it, Ji Yang can't do it either, even the Jade Emperor in heaven and the king of Hades in the ten halls of the underworld can't do everything.

The law of the three realms has hindered the communication between the three realms of China for so many years, and those gods and ghosts have not been able to crack it.

"Boss, don't think I'm so fragile, okay? I'm also a person who has seen the world."

"Boss, what are you going to do next? Do you want me to go to Linhai now and get rid of that Yu Ren for you?"

I don't know if it's because of Ji Yang's words, or if Peng Caixuan is really nothing.

Anyway, he said it himself, he's not that vulnerable, so that's fine.

Ji Yang is not in China, Peng Caixuan, as Ji Yang's younger brother, must be responsible for the safety of Ji Yang's relatives.

Even if he knew that there were many strong people in Ji Yang's residence, he still had to take care of it.

"No, you stay in Kyoto."

"Yu Ren doesn't want Huaxia to know his whereabouts, so you should pretend that you don't know. It's easier to do things like this."

"I can make Zuoren disappear in this world, and I won't be caught in the end. This Yu Ren, I can do the same. If you come forward, it will be difficult to handle. Maybe he set up a trick and waited for Huaxia to drill him." indefinite."

"Don't worry about the safety of my parents, Xiaoxin and the others. Han Ye and the general are here. Even if Yu Renzhen brings the gods of Country R over, it won't do any good. Just don't show up. I'll take care of this matter." .”

Peng Caixuan wanted to share the pressure for Ji Yang, and wanted to help Ji Yang protect his family, and Ji Yang accepted this love.

But this matter, Ji Yang can't let Peng Caixuan do it.

If Yu Ren really knew the exact information, he could know that Zuo Ren died in Linhai, if he still knew about himself, then Peng Caixuan might also be known.

If Yu Ren set up a trick and waited for the murderer to come to the door, Peng Caixuan went, and if he was really caught, then the problem would be serious.

What was originally a simple problem has become really complicated.

Since the cause of the matter lies with Ji Yang, he has to solve the matter, and he can't cause trouble for the country, right?

"Boss, I just said, don't underestimate me. I'm your younger brother. We're life-and-death friends. You can take my life at any time. Is it that complicated to do something for you?"

"Caixuan, this matter is not just between you and me, it is very easy to involve Huaxia, this matter cannot be sloppy."

"You just listen to me, stay in the capital and pretend you don't know anything. I will hurry back to Linhai as soon as possible. I want to see if that Yu Ren really discovered anything."

Peng Caixuan wanted to fight for it, but Ji Yang still vetoed it.

Ji Yang's attitude was firm, so Peng Caixuan didn't fight for anything.

After Ji Yang arranged for Peng Caixuan to speak a few more words, he ended the call with Peng Caixuan.

"Ji Yang, do we want to go back to Linhai now?"

"Yes, you can't rest here. Although Han Ye and the general are in Linhai, I can't feel at ease when I'm not here, so we're leaving now."

Xiao Longnu heard Ji Yang and Peng Caixuan's conversation.

She asked Ji Yang if he was leaving now, and Ji Yang answered in the affirmative without the slightest hesitation.

No matter how reassuring people are doing things for themselves, it’s better to be reassuring themselves, isn’t it?

Having made up his mind, Ji Yang took Xiaolongnv out of the residence without notifying anyone, and quickly flew towards Huaxia.

He believes that if he doesn't tell, everyone will know that he has returned to China after seeing that he is gone.

On the way back to Huaxia, Ji Yang contacted Dongfang Mei and told her some things.

It is one thing to contact Dongfang Mei to talk about things, and more importantly, to prepare them psychologically and make the generals and others be more vigilant...

(End of this chapter)

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