The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 267 Visit from the Xuan Group

Chapter 267 The Mysterious Team Visits (Fourth Update)
Ji Yang sat on the sofa like a child who made a mistake, the three daughters of Li Zixuan and the rest of the Mu family looked at him with strange faces.

The bed in Ji Yang's bedroom was split in half, and it would be impossible to hide this matter.

Although Ji Yang couldn't say that the bed was the result of his own practice of immortality and sword practice, it was accidentally split into two halves.

But he can say that it was caused by his mistakes in practicing Taoism. Anyway, these people in front of him know that they know how to do Taoism.

Everyone really admired Ji Yang, the bed would be scrapped if he made a mistake in Taoism, if he was more powerful, the house would also have to be scrapped.

"Okay, everyone, don't look at Ji Yang like this anymore, isn't it just a bed, just buy another one."

Mu Qing smiled kindly and said, he is helping Ji Yang out of the siege.

Ji Yang also felt that everyone was making a fuss. Didn't he just mess up a bed, and didn't make any big mistakes, as for that.

Hearing Mu Qing's words, everyone felt that they were making a fuss out of a molehill.

Seeing that everyone was no longer staring at him, Ji Yang also relaxed.

But this bed was ruined by myself, even if I bought a new bed, I should have bought this bed myself.

Thinking of this, Ji Yang asked Mu Hong to take him to the home furnishing market.

"When I return to Wanghai, I will change the bed in my bedroom."

While shopping in the home furnishing market, looking at the various styles of beds in front of him, Ji Yang said softly.

Hearing that Ji Yang wanted to change the bed, Mu Hong looked at Ji Yang curiously.

"Wang Hai's bed was also broken by you using Taoism?"

It turned out that Mu Hong thought that Ji Yang planned to change the bed because the bed at home was broken.

It's just that when Ji Yang heard Mu Hong say this, there was a smirk on his face, and he whispered close to Mu Hong's ear.

"I'm not a destructive freak. How could the bed at home be rotten?"

"That is, I feel that the bed at home is too small and I need to change it to a bigger one."

"This way I can sleep with you, Zixuan and Xiaoxin."

Mu Hong blushed at what Ji Yang said, and in shame, punched Ji Yang hard.

"It's true to say that you are a hooligan. All you think about is a bunch of messy things every day."

"I'm obviously thinking about you three women, how can I say it's a mess, you've wronged me too much."

Bickering with Ji Yang, Mu Hong knew she was no match.

So Mu Hong didn't make fun of herself, and directly urged Ji Yang to buy a bed quickly, and then go back.

After shopping around in the furniture market, the two chose a bed. After paying the bill and letting the merchant deliver the goods, they left the home furnishing market.

After leaving the home furnishing market, Ji Yang and Mu Hong did not go directly back to the compound of the military region, but went to the supermarket first.

The items in Ji Yang's WeChat store are almost sold out, and there are no survivors in the Qiankun Storage Ring. He needs to buy some.

At the same time, the two also need to buy some vegetables to go home, otherwise what will they eat at noon and night.

"Why do you buy so many things, and you're not traveling."

Seeing Ji Yang buying a bunch of big and small bags, Mu Hong asked with surprise in his eyes.

But Ji Yang didn't explain anything on the spot, he just dragged Mu Hong to pay the bill.

When the two of them took the big and small bags to the car, under Mu Hong's astonished eyes, Ji Yang put all the things he bought into the Qiankun storage ring.

Seeing that the things she just bought disappeared in an instant, Mu Hong stared wide-eyed.

"Where did everything go?"

Although Mu Hong didn't know where the things went, she didn't need to guess.

The sudden disappearance of these things must have something to do with Ji Yang.

Ji Yang smiled faintly, stretched out his palm, and a pack of shrimp crackers appeared in his hand.

Then I squeezed my palm, the shrimp crackers disappeared, and a bag of instant noodles appeared again...

Seeing one thing after another appear and then disappear, Mu Hong's expression became more and more exciting.

"Ji Yang, are you doing magic?"

"What kind of magic, get in the car, and I'll tell you slowly."

On the way back to the compound of the military region, Ji Yang told Mu Hong about the Qiankun storage ring.

Mu Hong was naturally surprised that such a thing that only existed in legends existed beside him.

At the same time, she is also very excited, because the person who owns this kind of treasure is her own man.

When Mu Hong and Ji Yang returned to Mu's house, they saw two cars parked outside Mu's house.

"My brother is back."

Seeing the car at the door, Mu Hong immediately recognized that it was Mu An's car.

It has been a few days since Ji Yang came to Wanghai, but he has never seen Mu An.

He and Mu An are also old acquaintances, and the other party is now his uncle, and he is very happy to hear that the other party is back.

It's just that Ji Yang's happy mood fell to the bottom in an instant after entering Mu's house.

It's good that Mu An is back, but he didn't come back alone.

There was also a middle-aged man and a young man and woman accompanying him back and forth.

Ji Yang didn't know this middle-aged man, but he had seen this young man and woman.

It was Lu Xue and Lu Zhanxing.

"Why are they here?"

Seeing the two of them, Ji Yang frowned, thinking secretly.

Ji Yang didn't know the specific identities of these two people.

But thinking about what Lu Xue and Lu Zhanxing said before, and the fact that they came here with Mu An, they should be members of some department in Huaxia.

Similarly, when Ji Yang appeared, everyone looked at him.

The middle-aged man who came to the Lu family with Lu Xue and Lu Zhanxing was Liu Shuyan.

Before coming here, Liu Shuyan already knew that Ji Yang lived here through investigation.

Liu Shuyan had checked Ji Yang's information before, but looking at information and looking at people are completely different feelings.

It's like a blind date. Some people's photos look handsome and beautiful.

But once you see a real person, you will die by seeing the light, the gap is too big.

As soon as he saw Ji Yang, Liu Shuyan's eyes never left him.

What made Liu Shuyan a little strange was that he couldn't feel any real energy in Ji Yang.

"Although there is no true energy in his body, there is a strange breath flowing, which feels stronger than true energy."

This is the answer Liu Shuyan got after observing Ji Yang.

"Ji Yang, Mu Hong and you are back."

"Let me introduce you, this is Team Leader Liu of the Xuan Team, and these two are his capable men."

"Group Leader Liu, this is my granddaughter Mu Hong, and this is her boyfriend Ji Yang."

Mu Qing didn't know that Liu Shuyan had investigated Ji Yang, he just pretended that the two sides didn't know each other at all.

"Old Mu doesn't need to be introduced. I have investigated Ji Yang before, and I have read his information. He is a very good young man."

After Mu Qing's introduction, Liu Shuyan smiled slightly and said softly.

Mu Qing was taken aback when he heard that Liu Shuyan had investigated Ji Yang.

But when he thought about Ji Yang's ability and the special nature of Xuanzu, he also smiled with relief.

Although Mu Qing was relieved, Ji Yang's frown became deeper and deeper.

Ji Yang doesn't know why the Xuan group is not the Xuan group.

However, the other party actually secretly investigated him, which made him a little upset.

 Thanks to everyone, Tie Xuefeng Shao, Decado and others for their rewards, thank you for your monthly pass and recommendation support, thank you for supporting Xieben and this book

(End of this chapter)

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