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Chapter 268 Fighting and Accompanying

Chapter 268
Ji Yang was upset, and the way he looked at Liu Shuyan and the others was not much better.

Liu Shuyan also saw Ji Yang's displeasure from Ji Yang's eyes, but he didn't say anything.

Because of its own particularity, the Xuan Group has a high status in various organizational departments in China.

As one of the group leaders of the Xuan group, others were polite to Liu Shuyan.

Liu Shuyan's self-cultivation is not weak, and he is used to being polite, so he is also used to this superior posture.

Don't look at him when he talked to Mu Qing, he seemed to be very respectful.

In fact, he didn't take Mu Qing seriously at all, even though Mu Qing had a high status in the army.

But Liu Shuyan, who is higher than Mu Qing, has seen a lot, and those people also treat Liu Shuyan politely.

In his opinion, investigating Ji Yang by himself is his job, and the other party has nothing to complain about.

And when Ji Yang was upset, Ji Yang also looked at Lu Zhanxing.

This Lu Zhanxing has been glaring at Ji Yang ever since he appeared.

Looking at Lu Zhanxing's appearance, if it wasn't because Liu Shuyan was here, he would have rushed to Ji Yang a long time ago.

Lu Zhanxing didn't forget the last time, and he still remembered the thing that he threatened Ji Yang to cut off his tongue before he left.

Lu Zhanxing remembers Ji Yang, and Ji Yang also remembers Lu Zhanxing.

Originally, Ji Yang thought it would be difficult to meet the other party, but he didn't want to meet him today.

The other party looked at him like this again, and Ji Yang was just upset that Xuanzu was investigating him.

Ji Yang looked at Lu Zhanxing, raised his eyebrows, and opened his mouth.

"Sister-in-law, what kind of eyes are you looking at, I'm not happy, do you want to fight?"

Ji Yang opened his mouth and called Lu Zhanxing sister control, Lu Zhanxing's eyes turned cold, and Lu Xue's face turned red.

Lu Xue is very innocent, she obviously has nothing to do with her, so what would she do with her.

Isn't this shot while lying down?

The members of the Mu family didn't know about the affairs between Ji Yang and Lu Zhanxing. When they heard Ji Yang's words, they thought Ji Yang was provoking trouble.

Although Liu Shuyan knew about the two of them before, he did not expect Ji Yang to speak like this.

But this time, Liu Shuyan did not stop him.

Instead, he turned his head to look at Lu Zhanxing, and said softly.

"Lu Zhanxing, Ji Yang already said that, don't you want to say something?"

Lu Zhanxing was taken aback by Liu Shuyan's words, and his eyes were somewhat questioning.

Last time Liu Shuyan warned him not to cause trouble.

Now the other party's words, how come it seems to be encouraging myself to fight with the other party.

Seeing Lu Zhanxing looking at him suspiciously, Liu Shuyan nodded.

Seeing Liu Shuyan nod his head, Lu Zhanxing smiled, as long as Liu Shuyan agreed, he would still be afraid of being fooled.

"I said, next time I see you, I will cut your tongue."

"I, Lu Zhanxing, keep my word. Just stick out your tongue obediently today and let me cut it off."

While Lu Zhanxing was speaking, he rushed up directly.

As soon as he jumped out, his palm was like Ji Yang hitting him.

After all, this is the Mu family, so it's not easy for Lu Zhanxing to use a knife directly.

Seeing Lu Zhanxing attacking, the corner of Ji Yang's mouth twitched, he took a step forward, and struck out with a palm.


The two palms collided, and the air trembled. Ji Yang didn't move, and Lu Zhanxing's forward body paused.

"If you want to fight, I can accompany you, but you can't let it go here, how about we go outside?"

Lu Zhanxing worried that the Mu family couldn't let it go, and Ji Yang couldn't let it go either.

If the two of them really started fighting, the Mu family's house would be destroyed.

Ji Yang's words were exactly what Lu Zhanxing wanted, so he naturally nodded in agreement.

In Mu's courtyard, Ji Yang and Lu Zhanxing stood opposite each other.

At this time, Lu Zhanxing had already taken out his two sabers, and looked at Ji Yang with cold eyes.

Ji Yang also held his own black sword in his hand, and looked at Lu Zhanxing with a dignified look.

Although he has already learned the Nether Wind and Thunder Sword Technique, Lu Zhanxing's strength is not weak, so Ji Yang can't be careless.

Seeing the two of them like this, Mu Qing and Mu An's expressions were a little unnatural.

Others don't know what's going on with this mysterious group, but they do.

Although Ji Yang has some skills, but if he really fights with the people of the Xuan group, they really don't like Ji Yang.


This state of staring at each other was broken with a soft drink from Lu Zhanxing.

When Lu Zhanxing moved, his whole body exuded a hot breath.

The surrounding air began to distort with the appearance of this hot air.

"Flame Cross Slash."

People rushed towards Ji Yang, Lu Zhanxing brandished two knives in his hands, and a flame cross hit Ji Yang.

A flaming cross appeared out of thin air, even Mu Qing and Mu An who knew the situation of Xuanzu were shocked.

Not to mention the three daughters of Li Zixuan, this was the first time they had seen such a scene that only appeared in movies.

Seeing the flaming cross that appeared out of nowhere and flew towards Ji Yang, the three girls felt tense.

"Xuan Group, Xuan Group, is it that mysterious and powerful organization?"

When seeing the flame cross, Mu Hong's expression changed.

Although both she and Mu An belonged to the military, they had performed missions together.

But what Mu Hong understands is much worse than Mu An's.

Although she heard the name of Xuan Group for the first time, she knew that there was a powerful and mysterious organization in China.

Knowing that the Xuan Group is that powerful and mysterious organization, Mu Hong became even more worried about Ji Yang.

The first time Ji Yang saw Lu Zhanxing's flame cross cut, he chose to retreat.

But now Ji Yang can't, he is also a person who knows how to use immortality.

Immortal energy circulated in his body, and a silver awn like lightning appeared on the black awn sword in his hand.

A crackling sound resounded on the black awn sword, and Ji Yang slashed out with one sword.


Ji Yang slashed out with a sword, and the flame cross was shattered by him.

Lu Zhanxing knew exactly how powerful his flame cross was.

At this time, seeing Ji Yang break his flame cross with a sword, his expression changed obviously.

At this moment, Lu Zhanxing also felt that Ji Yang was different from the last time they fought.

After breaking Lu Zhanxing's flame cross with one move, Ji Yang's confidence doubled.

Although Ji Yang has only just mastered this ghostly wind and thunder swordsmanship, he is still unable to display his full strength.

But for now, it should be enough to deal with Lu Zhanxing in front of him.

"Feng Shui takes turns, and today is my turn."

"Today I will let you see how good I am."

Ji Yang murmured softly, and he rushed up directly.

Since the word "fenglei" is included in this ghostly wind and thunder swordsmanship, it contains the power of wind and thunder.

When Ji Yang moved, his speed increased to the extreme.

As soon as he rushed over, Lu Zhanxing felt that Ji Yang was in front of him.

"Look at you if I don't hit you today, you don't even know your sister."

Ji Yang arrived in front of Lu Zhanxing, and stabbed directly with the black sword in his hand.

Lu Zhanxing instinctively swung his saber to block, but as soon as his saber touched Ji Yang's sword, his palm felt numb.

The two knives in his hand almost fell to the ground.

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(End of this chapter)

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