Chapter 27

In the past, I always asked the heavens and the underworld, and the other party collected various benefits from me, from recipes to merits, this time it was time for me to collect benefits myself.

Ji Yang also remembered that he had seen it on the Internet before. Mahjong originated from China in ancient times, but poker was a foreign species that was introduced into China from abroad. No wonder Taibai Jinxing knew mahjong but not poker.

"Tell me, how do you play poker?"

Seeing that Ji Yang said it was fun, Taibai Jinxing immediately sent a message to ask.

"I'll talk about poker later, I'll ask you something first."

"I've recently discovered that I'm a little out of sorts."

Since he has become kind, Ji Yang thinks that he is abnormal, so it is normal for you to think that he is a bad person.

"Why is it abnormal? Finish the sentence at once. I'm still waiting for you to introduce poker."

This Taibai Jinxing is anxious enough, but the more anxious you are, the less I will say, so that I can reap more benefits. Ji Yang has the potential to be a profiteer.

"I found that I have become kinder. Today I met someone who wanted to trouble me, but I helped to intercede. Do you think it is abnormal?"

"Heaven has the virtue of being good at life. Although you are not in the stream now, your body and mind are different from before. You are broad-minded, willing to do good, and able to endure what others cannot. This is a virtue. How can you say it is abnormal?"

Ji Yang seemed to understand Taibai Jinxing's words, but he didn't seem to understand.

Ji Yang asked a few more times, and Taibai Jinxing's answer was nothing more than the fact that God has the virtue of being good at life, knowing mistakes can make a big difference, putting down the butcher's knife and becoming a Buddha immediately.

"It's all about what."

The more he talked about Ji Yang, the more confused he became, and luckily he stopped asking.

Ji Yang stopped asking, but Taibai Jinxing's question came instead.

"Xiaobai, please tell me how to play poker?"

After talking to Ji Yang for a long time, Taibai Jinxing was also waiting for Ji Yang to talk about poker.

I haven't solved my own problems, and now I still want to tell him how to play poker. How can there be such a good thing in the world.

What's more, when Ji Yang thinks that when he asks the other party to do business, which one doesn't charge him for compensation, there is no way for him to just tell Taibai Jinxing how to play poker.

"Ahem, poker is a game played with cards. There are 54 cards in a deck of cards, 52 of which are real cards, and the other 2 are secondary cards. The two secondary cards are also called big and small kings."

"The 52 real cards are divided into 13 groups, and the four suits of spades, hearts, clubs, and diamonds form a group..."

If you want to fish, you need bait, and this introduction poker is bait.

Although Ji Yang was introducing poker, he never introduced how to play it. His introduction really had an effect. Just listening to the introduction of Taibai Jinxing made him more and more interested in poker.

"Xiaobai, this poker game is very interesting, let me tell you how to play, Yuelao and I can't wait."

Taibai Jinxing was really in a hurry, Ji Yang had only introduced half of it, and Taibai Jinxing couldn't help asking how to play poker.

"Hey, this Taibaijinxing has taken the bait, now I can reel in."

Seeing Taibai Jinxing so anxious, Ji Yang felt even happier.

"There are many ways to play poker. There are single players, double players, three player players, and multiplayer players. If it's just you and Yuelao, I can teach you a game for two players, but..."

But what, Ji Yang didn't say anything.

Above the heavenly court, Taibai Jinxing and Yuelao huddled together, looking at the phone to reply, but when they saw Ji Yang's words, the two of them were taken aback.

"I've seen before that this kid has the potential to be a profiteer, and now it seems that he is indeed true. He is planning to blackmail us."

Taibai Jinxing has lived for thousands of years. Although he has not been able to contact mortals in recent years, he can see through Ji Yang's little thoughts at a glance.

"Then ask him what kind of reward he wants. Is it possible that the two of us are still short of his salary? Knowing how to play poker is the most important thing now."

Yuelao looks rich and powerful, he is really tired of the things that can be played in Tianting, and now he finally has the opportunity to touch new things, he doesn't want to miss it.

"Okay, then I'll ask."

Taibai Jinxing's expectations were no worse than Yuelao's, he was just a little dazed with excitement.

"I know you kid is not that kind, saying what do you want me to exchange for poker with you."

Seeing Taibai Jinxing take the initiative to ask a question, Ji Yang also smiled lightly, as expected he is a smart god who knows what he means.

"Hey, old man, you also know that I just joined the big family of Tianting Hell, but I happened to meet the Tianlei assessment once in a hundred years. What I lack the most is merit."

Seeing Ji Yang's words, Taibai Jinxing also responded quickly.

"Actually, I just didn't need to ask. I guess you just want merit, so you can make a price."

If you want to say what people in Heaven and Earth have the most right now, that is merit. The higher the position, the higher the merit. Although they can't go to the mortal world, they can still help fulfill the wishes of mortals, but they can't go to the mortal world in person. That's all.

What's more, the Jade Emperor will also distribute monthly salary according to the position level every month. Taibai Jinxing and Yuelao have high status in the heavenly court, and their monthly salary is also quite high.

Yuelao is not short of merit. He is in charge of all marriages in the three realms, and there are countless people who ask him for help. His merit has long been exhausted.

"Hey, I'm not greedy, how about it, three hundred merits are a game, what do you think?"

Ji Yang thought about it a little, and felt that the price was very reasonable. He even thought that he wanted less, but when he thought that there are so many ways to play poker, each game costs [-] merits, and his [-] merits will soon be enough.

"Three hundred merits, Xiaoyi, you agree with him."

Yue Lao doesn't care about this, anyway, he has a lot of merit in his hands.

"No, there must be many interesting things in the world. If I agree to him so easily, he will definitely open his mouth in the future. I have to bargain with him."

Taibai Jinxing didn't agree with Yuelao's words, he didn't feel sorry for the three hundred merits, he was planning for a rainy day and thinking about the future.

"Three hundred is not enough, half price is one hundred and fifty."

"One hundred and fifty won't work, two hundred and eight."

Taibai Jinxing actually bargained with him. Ji Yang didn't expect it just now. He knew that he would pay six hundred, so the half price was exactly three hundred.

"Two hundred and eight won't work, I'll give you one hundred and eight."

"One hundred and eight is not enough, two hundred and seven."

"I'll give you two hundred."

"two hundred and six"

"One price, two fifty."

Seeing Taibai Jinxing give [-], Ji Yang stared and almost vomited blood.

What do you mean, treat yourself as [-], and call yourself stupid.

Although this number doesn't sound good, the price of [-] is still acceptable.

In the end, Ji Yang frowned, and sent a sentence: "Two fifty is not good, two five one, if you want to trade, otherwise I won't teach."

"Okay, then two five one, let's talk about a two-person game first."

Taibai Jinxing didn't know that [-] means being stupid in the mortal world, and he didn't say that Ji Yang meant being stupid. If Ji Yang was stupid, would he still use bargaining with the other party in exchange for poker games?

 The book has been signed, and I am looking for recommendations and rewards. If you are interested, you can join the group: 471908086
(End of this chapter)

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