The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 28 Seven Kings 7

Chapter 28 Seven Kings Five Two Three

It's not that Ji Yang lacks such a little merit, the main reason is that the number of two hundred and five sounds really uncomfortable, and changing it to two hundred and fifty one sounds much more comfortable.

There are many ways to play poker, and there are also many ways to play with two players, such as what is right, PK king, fishing, seven kings, five two three and many other ways.

This is Taibai Jinxing's first business order, and Ji Yang has to satisfy the other party, so that more business will come to him in the future, right?

Even if I haven't opened a micro-store yet, but the reputation service is launched first, and then I open a micro-store, the business is not so good that it explodes.

Although Ji Yang does not have the concept that the customer is God, he will try his best to meet the customer's requirements. When talking about how to play with Taishang Laojun, he also asked the other party a few requirements first, and after thinking about it for the last time, Ji Yang He also chose the seven kings five two three game to teach Taibai Jinxing.

Before talking about how to play, Ji Yang also took a few photos of poker and sent them to Taibai Jinxing. Who would let him not have a micro store? Otherwise, he could directly sell a pair of poker to the other party. Make a pair.

Simply because Taibai Jinxing and Yuelao are very smart, after seeing the sample pictures and listening to Ji Yang's introduction, they quickly made a pair of poker, not to mention that the poker made by Taibai Jinxing is quite good.

After finishing the playing cards, Taibai Jinxing also distributed 250 one merits to Ji Yang, and Ji Yang officially began to introduce the seven kings five two three playing method.

"The game I taught you is called Seven Kings Five Two Three. First, each person is dealt five cards. Whoever wins can continue to draw until they have enough cards..."

Ji Yang also told Taibai Jinxing and Yuelao of the Heavenly Court about the rule of seven kings, five, two, and three.

These two heavenly court gods who are not low in status also fought after learning.

"Hey, let me ask if you know how to fight. Mine is two and yours is three. I am older than you. How can you use three to control my two?"

"It's clear that three is bigger than two, okay? You see, seven is the biggest and five is smaller than seven. Isn't three bigger than two? You misremembered the game."

"Who remembers the wrong way to play, it's you, an old guy who is cheating."

"Hey, who are you talking about, old guy? You're just like me."

"What's the matter, I want to fight, I'm not afraid of you when I fight."

"What do you mean, I'm afraid of you, if you don't accept it, fight."

"Okay, I won't talk nonsense with you, let's watch the play of Seven Kings Five Two Three again."

If Ji Yang was in the heavenly court now, seeing Taibai Jinxing and Yuelao blushing and almost fighting because of the Seven Kings Five Two Three, he would definitely burst out laughing.

In the next few days, Ji Yang went to and from get off work normally every day, after a few days of familiarization, Ji Yang is also very familiar with the situation of Linhai Hospital.

"I don't have time to ask Taibai Jinxing and Yuelao these few days. How are they playing Seven Kings Wuersan? I have to ask."

After work, Ji Yang thought that he hadn't seen the dynamics of Taibai Jinxing and Yuelao these days, and he also wanted to ask them how their poker game was, but just as he took out his phone, someone called him.

"Ji Yang, are you off work?"

The person who called him was Li Zixuan, who was holding a fruit basket in her hand and smiled slightly at Ji Yang.

"Yes, you came to see Huang Xiaoxin, right?"

Huang Xiaoxin has recovered well recently. Hua Tuo's medical skills are really not covered. Later, she taught Hua Tuo some recovery methods to the other party. Huang Xiaoxin's injuries are basically fine, even if no one supports her. Down to walk.

"Yeah, that's right, I also passed the interview, and next week I will be doing an internship at Laihai Hospital, and then we can see each other every day."

Speaking of meeting Ji Yang every day in the future, Li Zixuan couldn't help but blush.

Looking at Li Zixuan's slightly red face, Ji Yang also smiled faintly: "Then congratulations."

When Ji Yang wanted to come, Li Zixuan's father was Li Xinghai, and she wanted to do an internship at Laihai Hospital, it was not a matter of a word, the interview was simply superfluous.

"Is it over with a word of congratulations? Aren't you going to express it?"

Li Zixuan pouted and asked playfully.

Uh, I have to express it myself, but when I think that Li Zixuan is a rich lady, and I am just an intern with no money in my hand, how should he express it.

Seeing Ji Yang's thoughtful and embarrassed look, Li Zixuan also found it funny.

"Okay, seeing how troubled you are, how about this, in order to celebrate my passing the internship interview at Linhai Hospital, how about I treat you to dinner?"

Hearing this, Ji Yang just wanted to speak, but just as he opened his mouth, Li Zixuan continued.

"You agree if you don't say anything, then you wait for me here, I'll go and see Xiaoxin, and we'll have dinner together later."

After speaking, Li Zixuan left directly, as if she was afraid that Ji Yang would refuse.

Looking at Li Zixuan's back in a hurry to leave, Ji Yang didn't know whether to cry or laugh, did he look like such a confused person, could he really refuse to have dinner with a beautiful woman?

"This girl won't fall in love with me, probably not. She has a figure and face, and her family background is so good. There are many people who pursue her. How could she fall in love with me? I must be thinking too much."

Ji Yang was taken aback by the sudden thought in his mind, and finally rejected it with a bitter smile.

But after thinking about it, it's not impossible. Apart from being a little poorer, I'm no better than those second-generation rich and second-generation officials.

He is also considered a handsome guy, with superb medical skills, good skills, and the unknown ability to connect with heaven and hell. Ji Yang asked himself that he is definitely the best potential stock.

"Hoohoo, I'm so sorry, I had a little more chat with Xiaoxin to keep you waiting for so long."

Just when Ji Yang was still thinking about Li Zixuan, Li Zixuan, who was the person involved, had already come to Ji Yang. Seeing that the other party was blushing and panting, she seemed to be jogging over.

"It's my honor to wait for a beautiful woman. Why would I be angry? Why are you in such a hurry? Are you afraid that I won't be able to escape?"

At this time, Ji Yang's ruffian anger was brought out again, and he said with a casual joke.

Li Zixuan's already slightly red face turned even redder. Seeing Ji Yang's smirk, she also snorted softly: "Hmph, who is afraid of you running away? As you said, wait until this lady is yours." It's an honor, it's your loss if you run away."

"That's right, that's right, Miss Li is right."

"Since it's an honor, you can't let me invite you to this meal. I'll invite you, but let me state in advance that I don't have much money in my pocket. If you choose the expensive one, you can only bet me to the boss in the end." .”

Ji Yang was somewhat machismo, the first time he had dinner with Li Zixuan, and it was to celebrate her successful interview, how could Li Zixuan spend money on this meal.

"Hey, that's what you said, so I'll choose an expensive one, and then I'll hand you over to the boss, so you won't have a place to cry."

Although Li Zixuan spoke harshly, she was still thinking about Ji Yang. She didn't really choose any expensive place, but found a roadside barbecue stall. The location was exactly where Ji Yang saved the beauty last time. I don't know her Was it intentional.

(End of this chapter)

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