Chapter 29
Ji Yang is very familiar with the owner of this barbecue stall. On weekdays, Ji Yang and Hou Senpang come here to eat barbecue. Today, the boss saw Ji Yang brought Li Zixuan over. Li Zixuan is a beautiful woman. He looked at Ji Yang with the same It was somewhat ambiguous.

"You're a good kid. This beauty is the best. How did you get it?"

When Ji Yang was ordering, the owner of the barbecue stall asked Li Zixuan in a low voice, taking advantage of Li Zixuan's inattention.

"Tch, you don't even look at who I am, there are too many beauties under my jeans."

Ji Yang said proudly.

"You kid, just pretend, the fresh big kidney just arrived tonight, do you want two skewers, after eating, I promise you tonight hehe..."

In the end, the owner of the barbecue stand also looked at Li Zixuan with a smirk.

"Damn, what do you say if you have this good stuff, since it's fresh, two skewers are enough, give me five skewers..."

Naturally, Ji Yang didn't really want to do anything to Li Zixuan, he just liked to eat roasted kidneys.

"Zixuan, what would you like to eat?"

Looking at Li Zixuan who was looking around, Ji Yang asked in a low voice.

Hearing Ji Yang's question, Li Zixuan's face turned red. At this time, the owner of the barbecue stall also went to roast the kidneys. She also said a little embarrassedly: "I have never eaten in this kind of place before, and I don't know what it is. It's delicious, you should order it."

This is the first time for Li Zixuan.

"Oh, so you gave me the first time."

Ji Yang blurted it out without thinking, but as soon as he said the words, he found something was wrong. Looking at Li Zixuan's face that was blushing, and the expression that wanted to get angry but held back, he also smiled embarrassingly.

"Hey, I'm sorry, I said something wrong, the roast beef and fish here are good, and the crayfish are very delicious, so try a few, you can eat spicy ones, you won't feel good if you don't eat them spicy .?"

Changing the subject, immediately changing the subject, Ji Yang made the most sensible choice.

"Hmph, you're a hooligan, and you'll take advantage of me. If you say these are delicious, then order this. I'm not very good at spicy food, so just ask the boss to put less."

Sniffing coldly, Li Zixuan also nodded.

There were not many people at the barbecue stall tonight, and the food ordered by the two came out quickly.

It was indeed Li Zixuan's first time to eat at this kind of place, but when she saw the boss's baked food, it was delicious in color, flavor and taste, and she also whetted her appetite.

"I have said several times that I want to come to this kind of place to eat with Xiaoxin. She always thinks it is unclean and says it is not delicious. She always finds various reasons to refuse. When I eat today, it is worse than those in five-star restaurants. tasty."

Li Zixuan grabbed a crayfish and ate it. Although the crayfish didn't contain much pepper, her face was still flushed by the hot pepper, she looked really cute.

"Hey, what is this? Is it delicious? I see you eat it all the time, so I want to eat it too."

Li Zixuan discovered that Ji Yang had been eating roasted kidneys, and she also wanted to try a bunch of them after seeing Ji Yang eating them with relish.

"Are you sure you want to eat, are you sure you don't regret it?"

Ji Yang said with a smirk.

Hearing Ji Yang's words, Li Zixuan, who had already held a bunch of roasted kidneys, hesitated, but finally couldn't help but took a bite.

She found that this food was delicious, a bit like eating an animal heart, chewy, and had an indescribable taste.

"Hmph, you really think I haven't eaten anything, right? This is roasted heart, but the taste of this heart is a bit strange. Is it pig heart, sheep heart or beef heart?"


"Hahaha, you said this is, this is roasted heart, hahaha."

Hearing Li Zixuan's words, Ji Yang also burst out laughing. Seeing him laughing, Li Zixuan frowned, and said a little unhappy: "What's the matter, am I wrong? Isn't this roasted heart or something?"

"I advise you not to know, or I'm afraid you will regret it."

Ji Yang held back a laugh and said softly.

"Tell me, I don't believe I'll regret it."

Li Zixuan looked like a sister who never regretted it.

"This is a lamb kidney, or a lamb kidney."

Ji Yang said word by word.

"What, you said this is a sheep kidney, you, vomit..."

Li Zixuan's complexion changed, she felt nauseated in her stomach, and she also wanted to vomit.

She can eat sheep heart and liver, but she really can't accept this sheep kidney. Although she also knows that sheep kidney is good for the body, for a girl, she still can't accept it.

"Mom, look what's wrong with that beautiful sister, she looks like she wants to vomit but can't."

There was a little girl and her parents sitting next door. When she saw Li Zixuan retching but unable to vomit, she asked curiously.

The girl's mother blushed when she was asked, and then said softly: "This sister may be pregnant. Women will retch when they are pregnant with babies. You are still young, so you don't understand these things when you grow up. Then you will know."

"Who says I don't understand? Mom means that this sister is pregnant with a baby. Daddy, do you think I'm smart?"

The little girl pursed her lips in displeasure, looking like a grown-up.

"Yes, my baby is the smartest."

The little girl's father rubbed the little girl's head, and the little girl giggled.

Then the father said earnestly to Ji Yangyu: "Young man, the so-called barbecue is precious, and the price of the baby is higher. It is better not to eat this barbecue during pregnancy, which is not conducive to the development of the fetus."

What is it all about? I obviously feel a little uncomfortable in my stomach because I heard that I ate lamb kidneys. How could this be pregnancy.

"Brother, you misunderstood, I didn't..."

Li Zixuan still wanted to refute, but before she finished speaking, the words of the little girl's mother instantly turned Li Zixuan into petrification.

"I understand your thoughts. Have you not told your husband that you are pregnant? You want to surprise him, but you don't want to eat a barbecue. I understand that everyone is a woman."

"Hahaha, it's too bad, I can't stand it, the boss will bring me two bottles of beer and let me relax."

Ji Yang couldn't bear it anymore, he felt like he was about to laugh.

Li Zixuan was ashamed and angry, but she didn't know how to say it. She was afraid that she would become darker, so she could only give Ji Yang a hard look.

Anger turned into appetite, and Li Zixuan also started to eat in big mouthfuls, but what she didn't know was that her defense would become darker and darker in the eyes of others.

But when Li Zixuan vented her anger on the food, several unexpected guests suddenly appeared.

"Zixuan, why are you here, Ji Yang, why are you with Zixuan, have you forgotten what I told you?"

The person who appeared suddenly was Tian Tao, and behind him were several young men of the same age with arrogance.

Seeing Tian Tao appear, Ji Yang narrowed his eyes, and put the beer in his hand on the table.

In his eyes before, Tian Tao was just a second-generation ancestor with a good family background who was arrogant and liked to pester Li Zixuan, but since he learned through Wang Hu's mouth that he was going to kidnap Li Zixuan, in Ji Yang's eyes, Tian Tao was even an animal. Not as good.

The beast also knows to compete fairly in order to grab the other half, but this guy chooses to kidnap him. Comparing him with the beast is insulting the beast.

(End of this chapter)

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