The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 30 Tragic Tian Tao

Chapter 30 Tragic Tian Tao

Ji Yang looked at Tian Tao in front of him coldly, and he was about to say something, but before he could speak, Li Zixuan, who was already ashamed and angry, did so.

"Tian Tao, who do you think you are, who I go with and where to eat is up to you."

Li Zixuan didn't care that there were other people behind Tian Tao, and said loudly in a very unfriendly tone.

"Zixuan, how can you say that about me, don't you know how much I love you!"

Tian Tao was originally dating a friend at a nearby bar today, but a friend said that he saw Li Zixuan eating barbecue at a barbecue stall on the way here, and he didn't believe it at first when he heard that Li Zixuan was eating barbecue at such a place.

In his opinion, the barbecue stalls in the night market are not edible at all, but the matter concerns Li Zixuan, so he couldn't help but come over with a few companions.

When he saw that Li Zixuan was actually eating barbecue here and was with Ji Yang, the jealousy in his heart burned instantly.

Usually when he invites Li Zixuan out to eat and play, the other party refuses without hesitation, but today she came here to eat with Ji Yang.

Coming to the barbecue stand with jealousy, he also asked angrily, but he didn't expect that Li Zixuan would not give her face in front of so many people, and said that about herself, this is a slap in the face of him.

"Tian Tao, how many times have I told you that I don't like you, so don't pester me in the future."

"Also, let me tell you, Ji Yang is my boyfriend, and my boyfriend and I can go wherever we like, no one cares."

When Li Zixuan said this, Ji Yang was stunned.

When did I become her boyfriend? Although it is said that a girlfriend like Li Zixuan is very handsome, but this happened so suddenly, how could he have the feeling of being chased into a sedan chair to get married.

"What are you talking about? You said this kid is your boyfriend. How is he better than me? You didn't choose me, but you chose this guy."

Tian Tao was really angry. This was no longer a flame of jealousy, but real anger.

He has fallen in love with Li Zixuan ever since he saw her, and he pursued her regardless of face. No matter how the other party rejected him, he never gave up. He even thought of letting Wang Hu and others kidnap her in order to get Li Zixuan.

Although the result failed, he did not regret it. He even thought about when he would kidnap the other party once.

But just today, right now, Li Zixuan actually said that she was with Ji Yang, which made him unbearable.


As soon as Li Zixuan heard that Tian Tao insulted Ji Yang, she immediately stood up from her seat and pointed at Tian Tao to get angry, but when she stood up, a hand was placed on her shoulder.

"Zixuan, sit down, let the man handle the man's affairs by himself."

Li Zixuan couldn't compete with Ji Yang's strength, and Li Zixuan sat down again when he pressed down.

Tian Tao dared to scold him, Ji Yang would never bear it.

"You really think that I, Ji Yang, are made of mud, and whoever wants to pinch can pinch."

Ji Yang thought in his heart that he also planned to give Tian Tao some flair tonight.

"Did you eat something tonight? Your mouth smells so bad when you talk."

Ji Yang looked at Tian Tao coldly and shouted loudly.

"You dare to say that about me, Ji Yang, are you tired of living?"

Tian Tao has grown up so much, and no one has ever said that about himself before. Today, in front of so many people, Ji Yang dared to say that about himself, and his expression changed instantly.

What's more, the current Ji Yang is his rival in love, and he will not bear him.

"I have a long life expectancy, and a great time is waiting for me. I still want to share the prosperity of the world with Zixuan until I grow old. Why should I get tired of living?"

"Is your head pinched by the car door, so it's broken, otherwise how can you say that you don't have teeth?"

To bicker with Ji Yang, even if you, Tian Tao, have ten mouths, it is not enough.

"you you you……"

Tian Tao was so angry by Ji Yang that he couldn't complete a sentence for a long time. He said a few words of you again and again, but couldn't say the rest.

Seeing that Tian Tao was at a disadvantage, the companions behind him couldn't stand it any longer.

"Young Master Tian, ​​why are you talking nonsense with him, the brothers are all here, just mess with him."

A young man with a gloomy face spoke, and kicked Ji Yang directly at the same time.

This guy is very hypocritical at first sight, and now he still wants to fight with Ji Yang, just like his kick, Ji Yang doesn't even bother to look at it.

"Don't say I look down on you guys, you guys are not enough for me to play with one hand. Look at this kick, an 80-year-old lady is better than you."

Smiling coldly with disdain, Ji Yang didn't move his feet, turned his body slightly to avoid the opponent's kick, and then punched out.

The gloomy-faced young man let out a scream and flew upside down. He hit the table behind him and fell to the ground. This punch made him unable to stand up.

"Sure enough, it's so weak that I can't catch a single punch."

Seeing the young man lying on the ground, holding his stomach and screaming in pain, Ji Yang also said mockingly.

"If you still dare to fight, everyone will mess with him. I will give 100 yuan to anyone who loses an arm, [-] yuan to a leg, and [-] million yuan if he is killed."

Tian Tao yelled angrily. Hearing what he said, the companions behind him also yelled and rushed towards Ji Yang. Although they were not short of money, no one was afraid that if they had too much money, they would bite their hands.

Although there are seven or eight of these guys, at first glance, they are all guys who only know how to enjoy themselves on weekdays, and it is impossible to watch them when they really fight.

"Oh, don't slap your face, don't slap your face, I live by my face."

"Hey, why did you kick that way?"

"Don't kick that, don't... oh..."

Sure enough, it was a group of useless guys. As soon as seven or eight people rushed in front of Ji Yang, they were knocked down by Ji Yang's three punches and two feet.

"Master Tian, ​​where are you going?"

Seven or eight people were knocked to the ground by Ji Yang, and Tian Tao also realized that it was not good, everyone was just fooling around, and he would not have any idea of ​​stabbing his brothers.

Even though these people were beaten by Ji Yang for helping him, he turned around and ran away when he saw that the momentum was not good.

Ji Yang looked at Tian Tao who was running away, his eyes were even more disdainful, he was even worthless for the few people lying on the ground, for a person like Tian Tao, it would be embarrassing to be a cronies with him.

Although Tian Tao heard Ji Yang's question, he didn't have the slightest intention to stop, instead he ran even faster.

"Ji Yang, just wait for me, I won't let you go."

Tian Tao dared to threaten Ji Yang at this time, Ji Yang narrowed his eyes, grabbed a chopstick and threw it out.

"Ah... you actually bullied me..."

Ji Yang just threw the chopsticks casually, but he didn't expect that the chopsticks were too accurate and hit the vital point directly.

Coincidentally, a passing young man's cell phone rang: "Chrysanthemum... flowers... broken, frost all over the ground, your smile has turned yellow..."

Hearing this music, Tian Tao couldn't even cry. As for cooperating with him so much...

(End of this chapter)

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