The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 31 I'll pinch my finger

Chapter 31
The tragic Tian Tao was not only stuck in his ass by Ji Yang's casually thrown chopsticks, but also hit the red heart impartially. Hearing Tian Tao's sour cry, Ji Yang almost burst out laughing.

"Hahaha, I'm so talented, I didn't want to stick my chopsticks into him, it was pure accident, pure accident."

While laughing, Ji Yang said softly to Li Zixuan who looked a little unnatural.

I really don't know if after tonight, there will be a shadow in Tian Tao's heart, and if he will feel the chrysanthemum tighten when he sees the chopsticks.

"Ji Yang, you are too..."

Li Zixuan's expression was a little embarrassed, thinking that Tian Tao was blown away by a chopstick, she felt embarrassed to laugh, but couldn't help it if she didn't, her whole expression looked weird.

"Don't worry, it's alright."

"Because they made such a fuss, I don't think you have any intention of continuing to eat, so let's pay the bill and leave."

Ignoring the few people lying on the ground, Ji Yang took a last look at Tian Tao who was squatting on the ground with his hands on his buttocks, and asked with a twitching smile at the corners of his mouth.

"Well, let's go then."

How could Li Zixuan still have the mood to continue eating now? Seeing that there was still half of the crayfish left, she was really reluctant to part with it, but in the end she chose to leave.

Anyway, if you want to eat in the future, you can come to eat again.

"What's the matter with you, why are you looking sullen?"

After sending Li Zixuan to the car, Ji Yang noticed that Li Zixuan had been very unhappy since leaving the barbecue stall.

"Could it be that you are unhappy because I hit Tian Tao and the others?"

Ji Yang continued to ask again.

"No, Tian Tao looks as if he should be beaten, he deserves to be beaten."

"The two of us could have a good meal alone tonight, but this bastard Tian Tao ruined it. I hate him now."

Li Zixuan said without thinking, but she blushed as soon as the words came out.

Ji Yang looked at Li Zixuan who was blushing and just smiled. It turned out that this girl was upset because the date was broken. It seems that this girl is really interested in him.

"Brother's charm value rises faster than the Rockets. Even Li Zixuan, the school belle of Linhai Medical University, the standard Bai Fumei Li Zixuan, bows down under his jeans. My brother is too good."

At this moment, Ji Yang couldn't help but start to feel complacent. If there is a gust of wind blowing now, this guy will probably have to fly.

"Ji Yang, are you okay?"

Li Zixuan noticed that Ji Yang closed his eyes and looked enjoying but didn't speak, so he asked.

"Ah, ahem, it's okay, it's okay."

"You don't have to be angry with Tian Tao. It's not worth it to be angry with someone like him. Next time we have a chance, we'll eat crayfish together, just roast the kidneys."

I was a little carried away just now, Li Zixuan woke Ji Yang up, and Ji Yang also coughed softly twice to make himself look not embarrassed.

"Stinky rascal, whoever is eating roasted kidneys with you, you can eat it yourself, hum!"

Li Zixuan felt uncomfortable in her stomach when she mentioned roasted kidneys, she rolled her eyes at Ji Yang, snorted coldly, got into the car and kicked the accelerator, and drove away by herself.

"Damn it, big sister, don't go, I haven't got in the car yet!"

Looking at the car that quickly disappeared from sight, Ji Yang had a bitter expression on his face.

"Women's faces are like flipping through a book. They change as soon as they say they want to. Before, they looked like they were going to die if they couldn't date themselves, but now they leave me alone. I'm provoking someone else."

Fortunately, it's not too late, Ji Yang still has the last bus to take.

"I'm already a good person who can communicate with the heaven and the underworld, but now I can only squeeze the bus every day. It's enough."

Ji Yang was very depressed when he thought that he missed the opportunity to become a millionaire time and time again in order to accumulate merit.

When I read novels before, the protagonists in those novels would be invincible after having a golden finger, and there are many rich, beautiful and powerful.

But now I also have cheats like the protagonists in those novels, even better than their cheats, but I am so miserable.

"I once had 500 million in front of me, but I didn't cherish it. I regretted it when I lost it. Is there anything more painful than this in the world!"

Ji Yang stomped his foot very depressed, the sole of his foot fell to the ground, and a scream was heard.

"Oh... If you dare to ask what is the most painful thing in the world, it is that you stepped on my foot."

A distraction, Ji Yang didn't notice when someone was sitting next to him, and his foot just happened to step on the other person's foot.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I didn't see it."

Ji Yang apologized in embarrassment.

"Okay, don't apologize anymore, Wang Banxian, let me calculate, you must be broken in love, kid."

At first glance, this man was about fifty years old, wearing a black coat, black glasses, and a mustache.

In his hand was a piece of off-white canvas, on which was written Wang Banxian's fortune-telling, no money is not allowed.

I rub it, I stepped on it so accurately that I even stepped on a fortune teller. This outfit is quite in place, but whether there are real materials or not, I have to let Ji Yang try it.

Anyway, it will take some time before arriving at the station, and if you are idle, you are idle. Ji Yang also intends to chat with this self-proclaimed half-immortal for a while.

"How do you know I'm broken in love? Are you a fortune teller?"

Ji Yang acted like I was a naive person who didn't understand anything, and he also acted stupidly when he spoke.

Seeing Ji Yang's appearance, Wang Banxian couldn't help squinting his eyes under the glasses, and smiled complacently in his heart. He really didn't expect that when he closed the stall and went home, he would meet a money-giver in the car.

"Boy, I am called Wang Banxian by others. Just you, I can tell that your relationship is not going well recently, your peach blossoms are declining, and your fortune is not good."

Wang Banxian said while shaking his head.

"Looking at your face, you should be a very rich and powerful person, and your love luck is also very strong, but judging by your current appearance, Yintang has turned black, and your luck is not good recently. If it’s strong, it’s good if you can save your life.”

This Wang Banxian spoke clearly and logically, and sighed as he spoke, as if he was very sorry.

"Let me go to your uncle's house. What worries me recently is that my love life is too prosperous. You still say that my love luck is not good. You are definitely a liar."

"I'm unlucky, Yintang has turned black, and my eyes have been healed. My face is flushed, and this white forehead can be used as a mirror for you. Millions of dollars are sent to your door. That's it. Brother, don’t, why don’t someone squeeze the bus with you.”

Ji Yang secretly scolded Wang Banxian for being a liar in his heart, but he still pretended that what you said made sense on his face.

"Wang Banxian, I've been really unlucky lately, and my teeth are stuck in cold water, so please tell me how to break it."

Ji Yang urged anxiously, seeing his expression, Wang Banxian was even happier.

It didn't open all day today, and now it's hard to meet a fool, he has to make a good fortune.

"How to break it, I have to figure it out for you."

Wang Banxian nodded, and then began to pinch the finger formulas. While pinching the finger formulas, he muttered some words that ordinary people could not understand.

(End of this chapter)

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