Chapter 32

Wang Banxian closed his eyes and muttered, his lips moved quickly, his voice was very low, and the words he said were a bit strange. Ji Yang listened seriously, but as he listened, Ji Yang found something was wrong.

Ji Yang's hearing ability is different from that of ordinary people. Even if the other party's voice is soft and the words are not clear, he can still understand after listening carefully.

"I'll go, if you are a liar, you should be more professional. If you just recite mantras, you should also search the Internet. You can search and click on everything. At least say something that others don't understand."

"Why do you eat grapes without spitting out grape skins? If you don't eat grapes, you will spit out grape skins. The shoulder pole is long and the bench is wide. ..."

After all this, Wang Banxian was actually saying a tongue twister, but his voice was a little weird, and the voice was so small that ordinary people couldn't hear it.

Ji Yang was a little annoyed by what he heard, but Wang Banxian was still chanting. This meeting has already reached 44, ten is ten, fourteen is fourteen, forty is forty, and I don’t know what else he will read. .

"Nimma, if you read it again, I will beat you."

Ji Yang was upset, he already had the urge to slap the other party, and just when he couldn't take it anymore, Wang Banxian stopped.

"Hey, calamity, this is calamity."

Wang Banxian sighed and looked at Ji Yang helplessly.

"Doom? Wang Banxian, is my situation serious? What's wrong with me?"

Ji Yang looked at Wang Banxian with an idiot face, as if he was very concerned.

He really shouldn't be admitted to a medical university. He should go to a film school or an art school. Maybe the next statuette will be his. He himself admires how good he is at pretending to be crazy.

"The so-called secrets cannot be revealed."

Wang Banxian pretended to be mysterious and said.

"Your sister, Tianji, you didn't figure it out at all. You like to act, so I will always act with you."

Ji Yang sneered in his heart, but on the surface he still had a frightened expression on his face.

"Wang Banxian, don't scare me, I'm timid."

"The heavenly secret must not be leaked, so is there any solution to my doom?"

"Boy, are you insulting me? Who am I? I'm Wang Banxian. There is no calamity in this world that I can't solve."

Through the sunglasses, Wang Banxian's eyes sparkled. The more anxious Ji Yang was, the happier he was, because such people are the easiest to deceive.

"Then help me quickly."

Ji Yang said with a bit of pleading.

"Hey, of course it's okay to help you, but if I want to help you break the catastrophe, I will lose my lifespan. In order to save my life, I have to deal with the gods and ghosts in heaven and hell, and I have to do something."

"I can do it for you, but you have to pay for the money."

"Your money is not for me, but for them."

At the end of Wang Banxian's speech, he also pointed to the sky and then to the ground.

"I understand, I understand, I will definitely pay the money, how much will it cost?"

"As you can see, I'm just a poor boy, and I don't have much money on me. Don't have too much money, or I won't be able to afford it."

Ji Yang said with a somewhat pitiful look.

"What are you talking about? It seems that I am asking you for money."

Wang Banxian's complexion changed slightly, and he shouted softly with some displeasure.

"Wang Banxian, don't get me wrong, I didn't mean that, then tell me how much they want."

Obviously he asked for money, and he pushed this matter to Tianting Hell, but thinking about it, every time Ji Yang traded with people in Tianting Hell, the other party was very dark.


Wang Banxian stretched out his right hand and waved his five fingers apart in front of Ji Yang.

"Five yuan, then I have it."

While speaking, Ji Yang actually took out five yuan from his pocket and handed it to Wang Banxian.

Seeing Ji Yang take out five yuan, the corners of Wang Banxian's mouth twitched.

"Damn, this kid is so stupid, he's ashamed to take out five yuan, he really thinks that Wang Banxian is a beggar."

Wang Banxian thought in his heart and shook his head.


"Is that fifty? I have to look for fifty."

Ji Yang has a hairy fifty, and he doesn't have much money, and he spent more than 100 on sex with Li Zixuan.

Seeing Ji Yang start to turn over money on his body, Wang Banxian almost vomited blood, why should he waste so much talk with him for 50 yuan?

"You don't need to look for it, it's not fifty, it's five hundred."

Wang Banxian said loudly.

"What, five hundred, is this too dark?"

Ji Yang stared and blurted out.

Could it be that being a liar really makes so much money? It costs 500 yuan per mouth, and 500 yuan is enough for one month's food expenses.

"What are you talking about? Are you calling me black, or are you calling them black?"

Wang Banxian was also unhappy at this time, pointing his hand first to himself, then to the world.

This time Ji Yang didn't open his mouth, but looked out of the window, he was one stop away, and he was not in the mood to continue acting with the other party.

"You're as dark as they are."

I went to Hua Tuo to learn my experience, and the other party asked me for [-] merits. Wang Banxian in front of me said that two tongue twisters would cost [-]. Even if I bought a ticket to go to the theater, I would not need that much.

"Boy, I think you don't want to break the catastrophe, right? Your Yintang is black now, with a faint red light. You will have a bloody disaster recently. If you talk nonsense again, I will ignore you."

Hearing Ji Yang say this about himself, Wang Banxian was furious, and even made Ji Yang's situation even more serious.

"That Wang Banxian, may I ask you something?"

Ji Yang said with a faint smile.


Wang Banxian leaned back as if asking casually.

"You are so godly, you can tell other people's bloody disasters just by looking at their face, you tell fortunes to people every day, have you ever done it for yourself?"

Ji Yang asked with his face close to Wang Banxian's.

Seeing Ji Yang's face approaching him, Wang Banxian unconsciously leaned back, but the seat is so big, where can he hide.

"What do you mean?"

Wang Banxian frowned and asked in a cold voice.

"It means, I see that your seal is black, and there is a faint red light, I think you have a bloody disaster!"

Ji Yang Scholar Wang Banxian's tone, at the same time squeezed the hands and said that there is something serious about it.

"Nonsense, how could I have a bloody disaster."

Wang Banxian shouted softly with some dissatisfaction.

"You don't believe me? If you don't believe me, get out of the car with me. If I make a mistake, how about I give you five thousand?"

Ji Yang had already arrived at the station, and while speaking, Ji Yang also walked towards the rear door to get off.

Wang Banxian must not be reconciled to fooling the other party all night but didn't get a penny. At this time, he heard Ji Yang say this again. Although he was suspicious, he still got out of the car when he thought of the 5000 yuan.

"I want to see what the hell this kid is doing."

When Ji Yang saw that Wang Banxian really got out of the car with him, this guy was definitely fascinated by money.

"Didn't you say that I have a bloody disaster? Where? If not, give me 5000 yuan."

Wang Banxian really deserves a beating now, so he asked Ji Yang for 5000 yuan.

Ji Yang smiled coldly and did not speak, he punched Wang Banxian on the nose, and two streams of red flowed out of Wang Banxian's nose in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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