Chapter 33


His nose was bleeding, his eyes were sore, and two lines of tears flowed from the corners of his eyes. Wang Banxian squatted on the ground in pain.

"I said you had a bloody disaster, but you still don't believe it, it will come true."

Ji Yang withdrew his fist, looked at Wang Banxian who was squatting on the bed with a proud face and said proudly.

"How do you hit someone, why do you hit me."

Wang Banxian stood up slowly from the ground, covered his nose with one hand, and pointed at Ji Yang with the other and asked loudly.

"It's a light punch to you, and it's not bad if you haven't been killed."

"A tongue twister charged me five hundred, are you stupid or am I stupid?"

As soon as Ji Yang's words came out, Wang Banxian understood that he had fooled the other party for a fool for a long time, but in fact the other party had played him for an idiot for a long time.

The more he thought about it, the more angry he became. Under the anger, Wang Banxian's chest heaved and heaved, and then he shouted loudly: "Boy, you have been playing tricks on me, right?"

"Congratulations, you got the answer right, but unfortunately there is no prize."

Ji Yang looked at Wang Banxian as if you were very smart, the corners of his mouth slightly upturned looked contemptuous, looking at Ji Yang in front of him, Wang Banxian also yelled.

"Boy, I will fight with you."

Wang Banxian yelled and rushed towards Ji Yang, but just as he approached Ji Yang, he was kicked to the ground by Ji Yang.

"I hate you gods the most. Today, I will eliminate harm for the people."

Don't blame Ji Yang for treating Wang Banxian so cruelly, who made Ji Yang suffer from fortune-telling before.

It was when he was in junior high school, and Ji Yang had to go out to work in order to make a living. Once the weather was extremely hot, Ji Yang felt dizzy and staggered almost to the ground.

Just when he was about to fall down, a magic operator in Taoist robes who claimed to be the descendant of Guiguzi helped him up. Ji Yang was still very innocent at that time, and he was also grateful for this magic operator.

At that time, the god operator helped Ji Yang under a big tree and bought him a bottle of water to drink. Ji Yang was even more moved at that time. How could he understand that this was actually a trick set by the god operator for Let Ji Yang have a good impression of him and a sense of trust.

Later, when Ji Yang was chatting with Shen Suanzi, the other party said that Ji Yang Yintang was black and he was unlucky. He said that with his body, he would not faint even in such a hot day. The reason why he fainted , That was the yang energy sucked by a ghost last night.

Ji Yang was still a junior high school student at that time, he knew very little, and he believed that the fortune teller was good to him, so he believed the other party's words. It was scary, and he was getting more and more scared.

Finally, when he saw that Ji Yang was almost scared, the magic operator took out a piece of talisman paper from his arms, saying that it was a Taoist talisman refined by him by drawing the spiritual energy from heaven and earth. As long as Ji Yang had this Taoist talisman, Ji Yang would Bad luck can be avoided, and the journey has been smooth since then.

It is conceivable that the other party would not give him the Dao Talisman in vain, and after the magic fortune teller flickered again, Ji Yang also bought the magic fortune teller with the 100 yuan he saved after working for three days. The Dao talisman in his hand, when the fortune teller left, he still took a mouthful of a predestined person named Ji Yang.

"For those who are destined, burn the Taoist talisman and drink it with water. I will guarantee that everything will go smoothly for you in the future, and there will be no disasters or difficulties."

This was the last word that Shen Suanzi said, and Ji Yang really did it when he went back. As a result, he lay on the bed for three days and had diarrhea for three days.

At that time, he hadn't realized it yet, and he thought it was a normal reaction after drinking the Dao Talisman, and that he had eliminated the bad luck.

But as he grows older, Ji Yang understands more and more things. He also understands that he was cheated back then. Not only did he cheat himself of 100 yuan, but he couldn’t eat normally for a few days, and a bag of instant noodles scored four points. After eating, he suffered from diarrhea for three days.

It was also from that time that he made up his mind that if he encounters a magic stick to fool him in the future, he must let him know why the flowers are so popular.

This Wang Banxian was also considered unlucky, but he met Ji Yang, a guy who hated god sticks to the bone, and he also knew why flowers are so popular today.

"Old god stick, death stick, I let you fool me, I will kick you to death."

Ji Yang scolded and kicked at the same time, of course he still controlled his strength, otherwise Wang Banxian would have been kicked to death by him.

But Wang Banxian was over 50 years old after all, so he couldn't stand being kicked like this by Ji Yang.

"Stop kicking, I'll call you big brother, isn't it okay if I call you uncle, if you kick me again, I'll fall apart."

"I'm also here to make a living, and it's not easy for me, so stop kicking."

Wang Banxian begged for mercy, feeling extremely depressed in his heart. He went out today to look at the calendar, and said it was an auspicious day, and there was an encounter with a nobleman. Why did the nobleman become a evil star.

"You can deceive people by eating a meal, so why don't you consider whether the person you deceived has food or not?"

Ji Yang is the one who has nothing to eat after being cheated. The point is that he still thanks the other party every day after being cheated.

Wang Banxian really wanted to cry, didn't he just fool him, I didn't steal or rob, not to mention you haven't given me money yet, why are you so angry.

"I was wrong, I know I was wrong, I don't dare to do it in the future, can't I?"

Ji Yang saw that it was almost the same, if he continued to kick, something would happen, so he stopped just now.

At this time, Wang Banxian also had footprints all over his body, his glasses flew to nowhere, and there was a big shoe print on his face, and he looked at Ji Yang with a little fear in his eyes.

"Don't look at me like that, or I'll beat you up."

Cool, Ji Yang felt unspeakably comfortable, and the resentment that had been suppressed in his heart for many years was vented today. Although Wang Banxian was not the fortune teller back then, they were colleagues, and he was the only one to blame for his bad luck.

Hearing Ji Yang's words, Wang Banxian really didn't dare to look at Ji Yang anymore, and sat up with his head bowed like a wronged little daughter-in-law.

Looking at his expression, Ji Yang also found it very funny, and chatted with the other party out of boredom.

It doesn't matter if we chat, I didn't expect that Wang Banxian had some status before, and he was tricked later, so he became a magic stick to fool people everywhere.

"You said you used to be in the antique business, is it true?"

Ji Yang still asked in disbelief.

"Why should I lie to you? I think I, Wang Ji, was also a famous person in the Linhai antique circle before. If that bastard hadn't lied to me, how could I be in this business."

Wang Banxian's real name is Wang Ji. He was originally in the antique business, but later he was cheated by a partner and ruined his fortune. Whenever he mentioned the person who lied to him, Wang Ji wanted to eat his flesh and drink his blood to vent his heart. hatred.

Looking at Wang Ji's resentful look and the way he looked in his eyes, it seemed that he did not seem to be lying.

"If you are deceived, you should be a liar yourself. It is right to hit you today."

Ji Yang said with a cold snort.

Hearing this sentence, Wang Ji did not refute, because Ji Yang's words were not wrong.

"Okay, don't be like your big girl. I just beat you up. I'm in a good mood today. Let me ask you, is your partner still in the antique business?"

Ji Yang asked the aggrieved Wang Ji.

(End of this chapter)

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