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Chapter 2714 Lion Camel King and Yu Tamarin King Sober

Chapter 2714 Lion Camel King and Yu Tamarin King Sober

"Fourth... Sixth..."

"Fourth brother, you are finally sober, I am exhausted!"

"Sixth brother, get up quickly, you are very heavy now..."

Ji Yang killed Gao Shansi and Xiaotian City, and the bond between the two of them and the Lion Camel King and Yu Tamarin King was broken.

Without this fetter, Lion Camel King and Yu Tamarin King regained their sanity.

Looking at the sober Lion Camel King and Yu Tamarin King, the three Jiao Demon Kings breathed a sigh of relief.

Everyone is safe at last. Although there are some injuries on their bodies, none of them are fatal. This result is already considered good.

"Third brother, why are you here?"

"Fifth brother, why did we fight?"

"Second brother is here too? What's going on?"

Lion Camel King and Yu Tamarin King woke up, and the two of them were completely in a state of confusion.

Together with the Flood Demon King and the others, they all returned to their human form, this time in a completely human state.

Before, the Lion Camel King had a lion's head on his head, but now he has become a middle-aged man with long golden hair who looks like an Omi.

King Yu Tamarin has also completely turned into a human being, looking like a thin Asian youth.

They didn't know what happened to their bodies, and looked at the Peng Demon King, the Macaque King, and the Jiao Demon King approaching them in astonishment.

"Don't you all remember?"

Looking at the bewildered Lion Camel King and Yu Tamarin King, Jiao Demon King frowned.

In some puppet arts, although the controlled can't do things according to their own wishes, they still know what happened deep in their consciousness. They can only seem to have no self-awareness and can't do things according to their own ideas.

But looking at the appearances of Lion Camel King and Yu Tamarin King, it is obvious that they don't know anything.

They have completely turned into puppets. The people who turned them into this look are not so strong.

The hearts of the Peng Demon King and the Macaque King also lifted instantly, feeling a little scared in their hearts.

This kind of spell that completely becomes a puppet, forced to break open, is very dangerous.

It is possible for a puppet to die with its master.

Fortunately, Lion Camel King and Yu Tamarin King did not die with Xiaotian City and Gao Shansi, otherwise it would be too late to regret.

"We really don't remember."

Lion Camel King and Yu Tamarin King shook their heads at the same time, their eyes full of doubts.

This matter always needs to be explained, and some things have to be clarified. After taking a deep breath, the Demon King told them what happened just now.

"It was an accident to meet you today, and the thing is like this..."

Jiao Demon King told the whole story. During the process of telling, the expressions of Lion Camel King and Yu Tamarin King were always very cold, and their eyes were full of annoyance.

"Damn it, damn it, how could I do anything to you, second brother."

"It's all caused by that guy. Damn it. If I meet him again, I will definitely eat him. It actually caused me to attack my brother. It's hateful."

After Jiao Demon King finished telling everything, Lion Camel King and Yu Tamarin King repented again, and muttered a few words angrily.

The Jiao Demon King and the others looked at the Lion Camel King and the Yu Tamarin King, and patted their shoulders in understanding.

They didn't blame Lion Camel King and Yu Tamarin King, after all, they had no self-awareness at that time and were completely controlled by others.

Involuntary, how can I blame them.

"Okay, fourth brother, sixth child, I can't blame you for this matter."

"Yeah, fourth and sixth, you are right about this matter, and you can't help yourself."

"Fourth, the person you mentioned is the one who controlled you, right? Who is he? With your strength, even if it is the god of R country, it is not easy to control you, right?"

Peng Demon King and Macaque King understand to appease Lion Camel King and Yu Tamarin King.

The Jiao Demon King asked directly, who was the person that the Lion Camel King was talking about.

How much does the Lion Camel King and Yu Tamarin King know about the gods of country R, ​​but the Jiao Demon King doesn't know.

He wasn't sure either, the Lion Camel King and Yu Tamarin King knew the gods of Country R who controlled them, but this matter had to be clarified.

It is best to know, so that there is a target for revenge.

If you don't know it, just look for it. If you don't know what it's called, you must remember its appearance.

As long as this person is found, he will not even think about living, and this revenge must be avenged.

"It makes me angry when this matter is brought up, it's all because of me, otherwise it wouldn't hurt Lao Liu."

"Fourth brother, what are you talking about, we are brothers, what do you say?"

"Don't worry, sixth brother, we must settle the debt with that guy, and the fourth brother will definitely avenge you when the time comes."

When it comes to people who control themselves, Lion Camel King and Yu Tamarin King have something to say.

But before speaking, the Lion Camel King blamed himself for talking about himself.

It seems that something happened to them at that time, and the important factor that led to the final control was because of the Lion Camel King.

When Lion Camel King and Yu Tamarin King talked, Jiao Demon King, Peng Demon King and Macaque King didn't bother.

They were waiting for the Lion Camel King to reveal the identity of the man.

At this time, Ji Yang also came over.

"Who is he?"

Both Lion Camel King and Yu Tamarin King are very polite to their brothers.

Ji Yang was a stranger, and as soon as he came over, King Lion Camel and King Yu Tamarin immediately became vigilant.

Once bitten by a snake, he was afraid of the rope for ten years.

They suffered a lot back then, and they were extraordinarily wary of outsiders.

"Fourth, sixth, don't be nervous, you two, he is one of his own, called Ji Yang..."

Seeing Lion Camel King and Yu Tamarin King vigilant, looking as if they were going to attack Ji Yang, Peng Demon King hurriedly opened his mouth.

It would be too ridiculous if it was a fight.

They are all on their own. When they are not clear-headed, it is fine to beat them. Now that everything is normal, they still beat them, but it is unreasonable.

Introduce Ji Yang to Lion Camel King and Yu Tamarin King, and also talk about the relationship between Xia Ji Yang and Jiao Demon King and several great sages by the way.

After learning about Ji Yang's situation, Lion Camel King and Yu Tamarin King relaxed and looked at Ji Yang with some embarrassment.

"If you suffer a loss, you will be more sensitive. Don't mind."

"You and the second brother are friends, that is our friend, hehe, if you need us in the future, just say it, don't be polite to us."

The characters of Lion Camel King and Yu Tamarin King are also relatively straightforward.

Hearing what the two said, what else could Ji Yang say, besides, he didn't mean to blame them.

"Fourth Brother Lion, Sixth Brother Yu, since they are all brothers, then don't talk about these things, I won't be polite to you in the future."


Who has Ji Yang been polite to?

When he was in trouble, whether it was the three Jiao Demon Kings in front of him, or the Bull Demon King and Sun Wukong in the Heavenly Court, as long as he needed something, he would look for it.

"Okay, don't talk about those useless things, just see you later."

"Fourth brother, hurry up and tell me, which bastard performed the puppet technique on you."

It is enough to know each other, and it is enough to say something.

No matter how much you say, it is better to do it directly.

The macaque king got impatient and didn't want to listen to nonsense, so he continued to ask who was the one who controlled the lion camel king and Yu tamarin king by using puppet techniques...

(End of this chapter)

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