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Chapter 2715 No wonder it's him

Chapter 2715 No wonder it's him
The macaque king urged to inquire, and the lion camel king and the tamarin king looked at Ji Yang and the others with expressions of unbearable memories of the past.

Some things make me angry when I think about them.

Talking about those things will make people more angry, more depressed and irritable.

But seeing Ji Yang, Peng Mowang and others with expressions that made him have to say something, the lion camel king and Yu Tamarin looked at each other, and finally the lion camel king spoke.

"When this matter is brought up, it makes people angry and makes me feel ashamed. It has to start from the battle of Huaguo Mountain. I don't need to say how tragic that battle was. You all know that after the war... "

After calming down, the lion and camel king fell into the memory and began to talk about the events of the year.

The battle between Huaguoshan and Tianting was known to everyone in the Three Realms.

So it doesn't make sense to say nothing.

After the first battle that day, Huaguoshan suffered heavy casualties, Sun Wukong was also arrested in the Heavenly Court, and sworn brothers such as the Bull Demon King and the Lion and Camel King were also seriously injured and dispersed.

These were all mentioned before, and Ji Yang knew about them.

At that time, the Lion Camel King and the Yu Tamarin King were also seriously injured in the battle, and each fled Huaguo Mountain to find a place to recuperate.

It took nearly a thousand years for the two of them to recuperate from their injuries, but they didn't know that during the process of recuperating, they were actually very close to each other, on two adjacent mountains.

After they recovered from their injuries, the two saw each other. At that time, both of them couldn't laugh or cry.

Therefore, Lion Camel King and Yu Tamarin King are much luckier than the others, at least they met their sworn brothers after leaving the customs.

Later, Lion Camel King and Yu Tamarin King searched for Bull Demon King and Peng Demon King in Huaxia.

In the process of searching, they learned more about what happened after the great war that year. The tragic result made them feel like a knife was twisted in their hearts, and they hated Heaven very much.

Later, I heard about Monkey King going to the heaven to learn scriptures from the west.

Although it was rumored that Sun Wukong had already attained the true fruit of his cultivation and became the God of War and Buddha, they still felt in their bones that Monkey King was forced to do so.

But at that time, the law of the Three Realms had already restricted the Three Realms, so they could not go to Monkey King, nor could they verify whether they thought they were right or wrong.

Except for Sun Wukong, Lion Camel King and Yu Tamarin King have never heard of other people.

Still can't find out the news of Bull Demon King and Peng Demon King, and they have bad thoughts in their hearts.

They felt that no one knew whether the Bull Demon King and the others were seriously injured and died, or were secretly captured by the Heavenly Court.

It's a bad idea, and they don't want to accept it.

Later, the two thought that if they couldn't find it in Huaxia, the Demon King and others would go to a place outside China to recuperate, so the two left Huaxia and came to Country R.

On the one hand, they came to Country R to find Jiao Demon King and others, and on the other hand, they also wanted to form their own forces.

In the first battle that year, the monster clan suffered heavy casualties, and the Lion Camel King and others were also seriously injured. This is revenge and must be avenged.

So they want to form their own forces, hoping that one day they can fight against the heaven again and avenge their past.

With the cultivation of Lion Camel King and Yu Tamarin King, wherever they go, they are arrogant existences.

When they first arrived in country R, ​​King Lion Camel and King Yu Tamarin taught the local demons and ghosts of country R a lesson, and conquered many of their subordinates, enjoying a comfortable life for a period of time.

"At that time, Lao Liu and I were here, and we ruled most of the monster races. It is no exaggeration to say that we are the king of all monsters in country R."

"But although the life here is comfortable, the two of us have not forgotten our original intention of coming here. We still need to find a few brothers. This is also the most important reason for us to come here."

"When we gained a certain amount of power and planned to let our monsters go further afield to find you, that guy appeared..."

Country R is Country R after all, this is not Huaxia.

Although Lion Camel King and Yu Tamarin King are powerful, country R is not all soft persimmons.

Therefore, although they defeated many monsters, occupied many territories, and commanded many monsters, they still could not achieve complete unity.

People who are not of our race will be punished even if they are far away. This is not only applicable to China, but it is the same for all countries.

The Lion Camel King and the Yu Tamarin King are outsiders, but they have a powerful force, which cannot be tolerated by the local demons and ghosts of country R.

But if you want to kill the lion camel king and the tamarin king, the best result is to hurt the enemy by one thousand and yourself by eight hundred.

People are selfish, and these demons are even more so.

After killing the Lion Camel King and Yu Tamarin King, he might be able to become a hero of country R's demon world.

But heroes may not have good results, other demons and ghosts will attack them.

Later, these demons and ghosts turned to the gods of country R for help.

The relationship between the demons and ghosts of country R and the gods of country R is very complicated, and the most obvious example is Shikigami.

The demons and goblins cannot tolerate the arrogance of the Lion Camel King and the Yu Tamarin King in Country R, ​​and the gods of Country R still won't allow it.

Therefore, after asking for help from the demons and ghosts of country R, ​​Gao Tianyuan sent many high-level gods and magical soldiers.

Just like those traitors in China, although they are very arrogant on weekdays, when something really happens, these guys will be scared.

After all, the subordinates subdued by country R are not as good as the little demons under the lion camel king and Yu tamarin king in China back then.

As soon as Gao Tianyuan came forward, these subordinates were immediately frightened.

The battle that I thought would happen was over before it even started, because 80.00% of the men of Lion Camel King and Yu Tamarin King fled directly, and the rest of the men, how could they resist.

"Although Lao Liu and I are strong, we are outnumbered with two fists and four hands. Both of us were injured."

"But they want us to be captured without a fight. That's impossible. Lao Liu and I fought desperately and killed many of them, but after that guy appeared, Lao Liu and I were finally captured."

The Lion Camel King gave a bitter smile, and when the matter is mentioned here, everyone has figured out the whole matter.

They came to country R, ​​although there were several reasons, but the ultimate goal was to cultivate influence here, and then find a few sworn brothers of their own.

Flood Demon King and the others had red eye circles when they heard this.

"Fourth brother, you and Lao Liu teamed up, can't you beat that guy?"

"That guy is really strong, and we are no match for him together. After we were captured, he thought he would kill us, but he actually used the puppet technique on us, making us puppets."

The lion camel king and the tamarin king could not deal with one person together, which made the macaque king a little unbelievable.

But the Lion Camel King didn't need to lie to him. Seeing the Lion Camel King's helpless expression, Ji Yang frowned and asked softly.

"Brother Lion, do you know who that person is?"

"I heard others call him Susanoo!"

Lion Camel King and Yu Tamarin King have been in Country R for so long, and they have learned R Mandarin.

Hearing the name given by the Lion Camel King, Ji Yang was startled at first, then smiled strangely, and murmured softly: "It turned out to be him, so it's no wonder..."

(End of this chapter)

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