The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 275 Killing me means preparing to be killed

Chapter 275 If you kill me, you must be prepared to be killed (fourth update)

Kun was always staring at Ji Yang, and when he saw Ji Yang swinging his sword towards him, he also swung the iron rod in his hand to create wind, and smashed it towards Ji Yang's head.

Kun's stick seemed to be powerful.

A stick came, but the stick hadn't hit Ji Yang, but the strong wind carried by the stick made Ji Yang's hair flutter, and his scalp felt numb for a while.

The Cyclops last time was also one of the so-called Four King Kongs of the Golden Triangle, but compared with Kun in front of him, he was not at the same level at all.

Could it be that the Four King Kongs also brought parallel imports?

Although Kun's blow looked fierce, Ji Yang didn't have any fear or timidity.

There was a thunderous roar and crackle in the air, and Ji Yang's sword collided with Kun's iron rod.

This Kun is also unlucky enough, the iron rod is indeed much more destructive than the wooden rod.

On weekdays, with an iron rod in his hand, he did not know how many people's heads were smashed.

But hitting Ji Yang with an iron rod is obviously courting death. The wooden rod does not conduct electricity, but the iron rod conducts electricity.

Ji Yang's Nether Wind and Thunder Sword Art is used, and the sword carries the power of thunder and lightning.

As soon as the black light sword and the iron rod came into contact, the power of lightning flowed along the iron rod to Kun's whole body.


The power of thunder and lightning struck, and Kun's whole body trembled wildly.

Don't look at this Kun's skill is good, but he is just an ordinary person.

Kun wanted to let go of the iron rod in his hand at this time, but the iron rod full of lightning power seemed to stick to his hand, and he could let go as much as he wanted.


His body trembled wildly, and Kun also fell to the ground.

Kun's eyes turned white, and he was foaming at the mouth. A burning smell emanated from him, and he died of breath.

Kun is dead.

Just one collision, and this Kun died.

Although Kun was not breathing, his body still trembled occasionally due to the lightning.


Looking at Kun, Ye Da's eyes froze, his heart tightened, and he wanted to touch Kun.

It's just that as soon as his hand touched Kun, he felt a surge of electricity, and Ye Da quickly withdrew his hand.

Although it was only a light touch, Ye Da knew that Kun was dead.

Looking at Ji Yang in astonishment, Ye Da was shocked.

Although this Kun is not an ancient warrior, his strength is not weak.

Even if Ye Da fought Kun, it would not be easy for him to defeat Kun.

But Ji Yang just touched the opponent's iron rod with his sword, and the opponent died.


The black monkey had jumped out of Ji Yang's car at this time, and he also saw the scene just now.

This Kun came with him. At this time, seeing his own person die like this, the black monkey's eyes turned red.

With a loud cry, the man rushed towards Ji Yang.

The black monkey wore a pair of iron claws on its hands. When the iron claws attacked, there was a tearing sound like silk in the air.

This black monkey is just like his name, its body is very flexible, when it attacks, it jumps up and down, just like a monkey.

Ji Yang looked at the monkey-like black monkey and found it very funny.

But even though it felt funny, Ji Yang couldn't be careless, because his several attacks failed unexpectedly.


The black monkey let out a scream like a monkey, and the man rushed towards Ji Yang again.

Kun died strangely just now, as soon as the iron rod and the sword touched him, he died. This made the black monkey realize that there was something wrong with the sword in Ji Yang's hand.

Therefore, every time the black monkey attacks, it will deftly avoid Ji Yang's sword and never collide with the opponent.

But such a choice has advantages and disadvantages.

Without touching the Heimang Sword, the Black Monkey can indeed avoid being hurt by the Heimang Sword, but in the same way, he can't hurt Ji Yang if he wants to.

At this time, the black monkey rushed over, and as soon as his body approached Ji Yang, his iron claws waved wildly, making Ji Yang feel dazzled.

And just when Ji Yang was dazzled, something jumped out of the black monkey's arms.

It was a little monkey. The little monkey jumped out of the black monkey's arms and grabbed Ji Yang's face.

It turned out that the black monkey's waving of iron claws just now was a way of blinding the eyes.

The purpose is to let the little monkey in his arms take the opportunity to attack Ji Yang. This little monkey is the black monkey's pet.

The paws of the little monkey are green and purple, and there is poison on their paws.

As long as the little monkey catches Ji Yang with its poisonous claws, Ji Yang will be poisoned. At that time, if the black monkey wants to kill Ji Yang, it will be like turning the palm of his hand.

But just when the little monkey was about to catch Ji Yang, a white light shot out from Ji Yang's sleeve.

This white light is the little dragon girl. As soon as the little dragon girl appeared, her tail directly wrapped around the little monkey's hands.

Opening his mouth, he bit the little monkey's neck.

"Squeak squeak!"

The little monkey whose neck was bitten by the little dragon girl let out a miserable cry, and a layer of hoarfrost appeared on the hair of the little monkey.

With the appearance of Bai Shuang, the screams from the little monkey's mouth stopped, and the body did not move.


Letting go of her mouth, Xiao Longnu spat out a mouthful of blood on the ground.

Ji Yang and Xiaolongnu can communicate through souls, and Xiaolongnu tells Ji Yang through soul communication that the blood of this little monkey really stinks.

This little monkey was used by the black monkey as a dark hand.

It was not easy to train this little monkey. It took him several years, but now he is dead.

There was a pain in the black monkey's heart, and the man seemed very angry.

He babbled a lot of words that Ji Yang couldn't understand, and then rushed towards Xiao Longnv.

Xiaolongnv's sense is so sensitive, how could it be possible for the black monkey to catch it.

As soon as the black monkey moved, Xiao Longnu also moved, and her body landed on Ji Yang's wrist in a flash.

The body is wrapped around Ji Yang's wrist, but the small head is standing upright, and the eyes are looking at the black monkey with a little mockery.

After failing to catch Xiaolongnv all at once, the black monkey jumped there angrily like an angry monkey, and scratched its own head with both hands.

I really don't know if he stayed with the little monkey for a long time and was influenced by the little monkey.

Jumping twice angrily, the black monkey turned around and rushed towards Ji Yang.

Watching the black monkey rushing towards him, Ji Yang stayed still, pointing the black sword obliquely at the ground, but with the other hand behind his back.

While putting his hands behind his back, Ji Yang chanted a mantra lightly.

Ji Yang couldn't understand what the black monkey said, and even less could the black monkey understand the spells that Ji Yang chanted.

When the black monkey rushed in front of Ji Yang, Ji Yang swung his sword out.

As before, the black monkey dodged it, but when he dodged the sword, a sneer appeared on Ji Yang's face.

Seeing Ji Yang's body swaying, the black monkey felt a blur in front of his eyes, and Ji Yang was in front of him.

A chill hit him, and Ji Yang cast the Xuanbing Curse on his body.

As soon as the black monkey's body froze, Ji Yang's black light sword slashed across his neck, and the black monkey let out a light sigh, and the man fell to the ground.

The black monkey's neck artery was broken and he died too.

Ye Da, who never made a move, watched Kun and Hei Hou die one after another, and his entire face was replaced by fear.

When Ji Yang looked at Ye Da, Ye Da's heart trembled, and he turned around and ran away.

"If you want to kill me, you must be prepared to be killed!"

After saying something to Ye Da who was running away, Ji Yang stretched his arms forward, and a white light shot out from Ji Yang's wrist.

 Thank you for the hard-won Wen R-ouⅡ|, Xixiyou and others for the rewards, thank you for your monthly pass, recommend and support
(End of this chapter)

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