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Chapter 276 I Promised She Didn't

Chapter 276 I Promised She Didn't (Part [-])
Although Ye Da was an ancient warrior, his cultivation was only at the early stage of the Huang rank, the lowest level among ancient warriors.

With his cultivation base, even if he fights against Kun and Black Monkey, he can only draw a tie.

Now that both of them died in Ji Yang's hands, going up to fight Ji Yang by himself is courting death.

Let yourself go to die, even a fool would not do it.

Ye Da turned around and ran, his speed increased to the fastest. Ye Da didn't know whether Ji Yang chased him or not.

Because he didn't dare to look back at all, he was afraid that he would never be able to turn around again, so he could only run desperately.

But Ye Da ran fast, and the white light emitted by Ji Yang's arm was even faster.

This white light was Xiaolongnu, and Xiaolongnu came behind Ye Da in the blink of an eye.

The body, which was more than ten centimeters long, instantly became more than one meter long.

The body became bigger, and the little dragon girl was wrapped around Ye Da's legs like a rope.


Both legs were entangled by the little dragon girl, and Ye Da fell to the ground choking on shit.

Ye Da wanted to stand up, but the little dragon girl had already climbed onto his body, her snake head held high, and she stared at Ye Da hesitantly.

Looking at the little dragon girl in front of him, Ye Da swallowed and dared not move.

"Let me go, I am also following orders."

Ji Yang also came over at this time, seeing Ji Yang coming, Ye Da said pleadingly.

Hearing Ye Da's begging, Ji Yang smiled faintly, and then spoke.

"It's okay for me to let you go, but I have a few questions for you?"

Hearing that Ji Yang was willing to let him go, Ye Da was very excited.

Don't say that Ji Yang wants to ask a few questions, as long as Ji Yang can let him go, he is willing to do whatever Ji Yang asks him at this time.

"You ask, as long as you let me go, I will say anything."

Ye Da nodded and looked at Ji Yang like pounding garlic, and said loudly.

Seeing Ye Da nodding, Ji Yang also asked his own question.

In fact, Ji Yang's question is very simple, that is, how many people are sent by the Golden Triangle, and who are the people in the Golden Triangle now, and where are they.

In addition, Ji Yang was a little curious, how could there be ancient warriors in this Ye family.

Regarding Ji Yang's question, Ye Da also said everything he knew.

It turned out that the people from the Golden Triangle did not come today, but arrived last night.

Now the people in the Golden Triangle are in the residence that Ye Zurong arranged for them, and there are dozens of them.

To Ji Yang's surprise, the leader of the Golden Triangle this time turned out to be the general Ruan Wenzhong said, and Ye Da called him General Kun.

General Kun personally led the team to come to the sea. It seems that the matter to be discussed with Ye Zurong is not simple.

What surprised Ji Yang even more was that the reason why there were ancient martial artists in the Ye family was because the Ye family had the support of a low-level ancient martial sect behind them.

Although this ancient martial arts sect is not popular, it is an ancient martial artist after all.

Without the support of this low-level ancient martial arts sect, the Ye family's drug business would not have grown so big, and it would not have become one of the big families in Wanghai.

Ji Yang still knows how big the gap is between ordinary people and ancient warriors.

"I've told you everything I know, can I go now?"

Ye Da told Ji Yang what he wanted to ask, and now he just wants to get out of here quickly.

"Of course, I mean what I say."

Ji Yang smiled and said softly.

As soon as he heard that he could go, Ye Da wanted to get up.

But before he could move, Xiao Longnu opened her mouth and bit his neck.

"Didn't you say let me go?"

As soon as Xiao Longnv bit Ye Da's neck, a chill spread from his neck to his whole body.

Feeling the chill, Ye Da's expression changed, and he looked at Ji Yang with despair.

The smile on Ji Yang's face widened, and he said with some regret.

"I promised to let you go, but she didn't agree."

When Ji Yang's words fell, Ye Da's body was completely stiff and he lost his breath.

In order to avoid trouble, Ji Yang put the bodies of Ye Da and the others into the Qiankun storage ring.

This universe storage ring was originally used to store items, but now it has become a corpse shelter.

Fortunately, the corpses put into the Qiankun storage ring will not rot and become smelly, otherwise there will be no need to put other things in the Qiankun storage ring in the future.

But even if these corpses don't rot and stink, Ji Yang feels weird when he thinks that there are dozens of corpses in his Qiankun storage ring.

He had to find a time and place to dispose of these corpses. He didn't want to carry dozens of corpses with him everywhere.

The roof of Ji Yang's Dongfeng warrior was smashed by the black monkey, and now it is completely a convertible.

But fortunately, the other parts of the car are fine, and it can still be driven as usual. I can just find a time to send the car to be repaired later.

"What do the state keep you policemen for? It asked you to find a few people, but you haven't been able to find them for so long."

In Ji Yang's villa, Liu Shuyan was yelling into the phone.

If there is something to do with the police, Liu Shuyan also contacted the police before and asked the police to help find Ye Zurong and the people from the Golden Triangle.

Whether it is Ye Zurong or the people in the Golden Triangle, they are all very dangerous. If they are found a second later, they will be more dangerous.

But a few hours passed, and the police had nothing to gain.

Liu Shuyan was anxious and cursed at the chief of the Linhai Police Station.

The chief of the Linhai Police Station, who is usually so coquettish, was scolded by Liu Shuyan, so he could only listen obediently.

Who let the other party not be able to offend themselves.

When Ji Yang returned to the villa, he happened to see Liu Shuyan losing his temper.

"I already know the location of Ye Zurong and the people from the Golden Triangle, so I don't need them to check."

Ji Yang also heard Liu Shuyan's words. It turns out that the other party still doesn't know the location of Ye Zurong and the people from the Golden Triangle.

Ji Yang didn't have a good impression of Xuanzu, and now he is even more disappointed.

Originally thought that Xuanzu was capable, but now it seems that's the case.

Except that the members of the mysterious group are special, they are also the same as those organized by other departments in Huaxia.

"Do you know the location?"

Liu Shuyan was taken aback, and looked at Ji Yang in surprise.

Neither his own people nor the police could find out the location of the other party, but Ji Yang said he knew, which made Liu Shuyan very strange.

Seeing Liu Shuyan's appearance, Ji Yang thought he had fought against Ye Da and others just now.

And through Ye Da's mouth, I know the location of Ye Zurong and the Golden Triangle.

"I didn't expect them to attack you so quickly."

Liu Shuyan didn't expect Ji Yang to be found by the other party so quickly.

But now that we know the opponent's location, it's time to eradicate him.

"I'll notify the Linhai police right away and ask them to cooperate with us."

Something went wrong before, and it must not happen again now.

After Liu Shuyan finished speaking, he called the chief of the Linhai Police Station again.

Tell the other party the location Ji Yang just mentioned, and let the other party deploy the police force.

Liu Shuyan and Ji Yang left the villa and rushed to the Linhai Police Station.

On the way to the police station, Liu Shuyan also notified Lu Xue and Lu Zhanxing.

Let the two go to the location of Ye Zurong and the Golden Triangle to monitor immediately to prevent them from running away halfway.

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(End of this chapter)

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